
  • 网络Common units;PF&NF;Frequently used units
  1. 气体温、压补偿基本公式及常用单位换算

    Basic Equations for Gas Temperature and Pressure Compensation and Unit Conversion

  2. 证券投资基金业绩评价指标,国内常用单位净资产和投资收益率两种指标方法,国外一般用夏普指数、特雷诺指数和詹森指数作为评价标准。

    As far as the evaluation index of investment fund earning is concerned , two methods are usually practiced at home : the net-asset-per-unit method and the investment-income-ratio method . In the mean time , Sharp Index , Treynor Index and Jensen Index are widely used abroad as evaluation standards .

  3. ADF检验是实际中最常用的单位根检验之一。

    ADF test is the most common method of unit root test .

  4. 测量杜瓦瓶的容积最常用的单位是升。

    The most common unit of measure for the capacity of a dewar is the liter .

  5. 电磁兼容测量常用电平单位解析

    Level Unit Used During EMC Measurement

  6. 《热处理常用计量单位、化工原料知识、工艺规程》培训记录;

    《 Heat treatment commonly used measuring unit , industrial chemicals knowledge , technological process 》 training records ;

  7. 这种容器是不加压的。测量杜瓦瓶的容积最常用的单位是升。5到200升的杜瓦瓶都有。

    This type of container is non-pressurized . The most common unit of measure for the capacity of a dewar is the liter . Five - to 200-liter dewars are available .

  8. 我们最常用的热量单位是千卡。

    The unit of heat we shall use most frequently is the kilocalorie .

  9. 在线数据快速地增长,TB(terabyte)、PB(petabyte)和EB(exabyte)以成为常用的数据单位。

    Online data is growing rapidly , and terms like terabyte , petabyte , and exabyte are commonly used .

  10. 通过药物剂量-抑制率的三次项曲线拟合方程可望得到比常用的概率单位回归法更准确的IC50。

    A more accurate IC 50 would be obtained by the cubic curve equation than by probit regression that is in common use .

  11. 随机模拟结果显示,若数据生成模型设定为AR-GARCH-GED过程,常用的ADF单位根检验统计量存在不同的统计性质,并对出现这种现象的原因进行了探索。

    Simulation results show that the empirical unit-root testing statistics have different statistical characteristics if the data generating processes are AR-GARCH-GED types processes . The reasons for those have been explored .

  12. 常用量和单位使用错误解析

    An Interpretation of Misuse of Common Quantities and Units

  13. 在欧元引入德国之前,马克是最常用的货币单位。

    Before the Euro was introduced in Germany , the Mark was the common monetary unit .

  14. 冶金类期刊中几个常用物理量及其单位的用法商榷

    Discussion on usage of some quantities and units in metallurgical periodicals

  15. 空气质量-常用部分(测量单位)

    Air quality-general aspects ( units of measurement )

  16. 我所钢铁研究中常用的法定计量单位及其换算运用法定计量单位须符合我国国家标准的规定

    SI Unit of Measuring and Matrixing Used in Our Institute 's Material Research Work Combining SI Unit with the National Standards of China

  17. 本文基于线性波理论,首次证明在工程常用条件下,单位长度上开孔沉箱结构所受的总水平波峰波浪力与波浪入射角不相关;

    Based on linear wave theory , the paper illustrates that in the range of engineering practice , the wave force on unit length of perforated caissons has less impacts with incident angles .