
  • 网络Umbria;Umbrian
  1. 人们还不适应博洛尼亚(Bologna)附近的艾米利亚(Emilia)等地的多肉饮食,或者翁布里亚区(Umbria)和托斯卡纳区等地同样多肉、多野味的食物。

    People are not prepared for the meat-heavy diet that you get in places like Emilia , around Bologna . Or the equally meat - and game-heavy diet that you get in places like Umbria and Tuscany .

  2. 这第二位伊莉莎白,在罗马有间公寓,在翁布里亚(Umbria)有栋房子,先生是意大利人,还有一份让她周游意大利品尝美食并加以报道的工作,看来其前世肯定救了许多溺水孤儿。

    With an apartment in Rome , a house in Umbria , an Italian husband and a job that requires her to travel around Italy eating food and writing about it for Gourmet , it appears that the second Elizabeth must have saved a lot of orphans from drowning during a previous lifetime .

  3. 很多翁布里亚小镇举办自己的夏季音乐、戏剧和舞蹈节。

    Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music , theatre , and dance

  4. 斯佩洛是翁布里亚地区一个美丽的山顶村庄。

    Spello is a beautiful hilltop village in umbria .

  5. 翁布里亚亚平宁半岛意大利中部的一个寺区。

    A region of central Italy in the Apennines .

  6. 彼得罗佩鲁吉诺,他是翁布里亚学校的领先画家。

    Pietro Perugino ( 1446 – 1524 ) was the leading painter of the Umbrian school .

  7. 这项混合柏油及砂石赛道的赛事途径托斯卡纳及翁布里亚。

    The route used to extend into regions such as Tuscany and Umbria and featured a mixture of asphalt and gravel stages .

  8. 在翁布里亚中部的贝瓦尼纳古城,沿着一条狭窄而曲折的街道向前走,就会看到一家气派的肉店,名叫塔利亚文托肉店(MacelleriaTagliavento)。

    In the ancient town of Bevagna in central Umbria , down a narrow and winding street , is a magnificent butcher shop called Macelleria Tagliavento .

  9. 虽然餐厅的菜谱上没有这种煎蛋,但如果你点这个食物的话,来自托斯卡纳区和翁布里亚的厨师们肯定知道你点的是什么。

    It can 't be found on restaurant menus , but chefs from Tuscany and Umbria will know exactly what you mean if you ask for it .

  10. 特级轻榨优质橄榄油是通过致冷在翁布里亚山麓找到的橄榄而获得的,这些橄榄是年年完全靠手工采摘的。

    Extra virgin olive oil is obtained by chilling the olives that are found in the foothills of Umbria and these are picked annually and entirely by hand .