
jī huì zhǔ yì zhě
  • opportunist
  1. 中国在非洲:伙伴还是机会主义者?

    China in Africa : Partnership or Opportunist ?

  2. 他已经做够了实用主义者、机会主义者,不想再吹毛求疵。

    He was enough of a pragmatist , and opportunist , not to quibble .

  3. 正在研究与英美资源集团(angloamerican)进行对等合并的瑞士矿业公司斯特拉塔(xstrata),是一个十足的机会主义者。

    Xstrata , the Swiss miner now exploring a merger of equals with Anglo American , is nothing if not opportunistic .

  4. 正如所有的重大机遇一样,这也会吸引有实力的机会主义者。

    Like all big opportunities , it will attract big opportunists .

  5. 但两者都是政治及经济机会主义者的权宜之计。

    But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists .

  6. 机会主义者多,坚持原则的人绝无仅有.最根本的原则是“绝不欺骗本地人”。

    There were many opportunists and few men of principle .

  7. 决不是英雄,而只是些苟且求生的机会主义者。

    No heroes , only opportunists committed to survival .

  8. 如果他们是胆小的趋炎附势者,机会主义者;

    If they be timid time-servers , place-seekers ;

  9. 军队觉得台上的政客们仅仅是追求私利的机会主义者。

    The army felt that the politicians of the day were just self-seeking opportunists .

  10. 他的这个苏联朋友不是一个机会主义者。

    His Russian friend was not an opportunist .

  11. 这也正是改良派和革命队伍内机会主义者的理论。

    It is a convenient doctrine for reformists and opportunists in the revolutionary ranks .

  12. 你要给对方留下一个深刻印象,但不要让其认为你是机会主义者。

    Your goal is to create a lasting impression , but not as an opportunist .

  13. 而在视频中,窃贼更像是机会主义者,而不像是经验丰富的冷血罪犯。

    On the videos , the thieves often seem more like opportunists than hardened criminals .

  14. 机会主义者:意外落水遂趁机洗浴的人。

    Opportunist : A person who starts taking bath if he accidentally falls into a river .

  15. 马克思列宁主义者要权,不能让权被机会主义者拿到手上。

    Marxist-Leninists want power and they see to it that it is not seized by opportunists .

  16. 每个人都陷入了恐慌之中,他们的雇佣军也变成了机会主义者,造成多方面出错。

    With everyone in panic , and their mercenaries becoming opportunists , there is plenty to go wrong .

  17. 若防范成本过大,则机会主义者将主宰系统。

    If and only if the defense cost is much too high , the opportunist will dominate the system .

  18. 他说如果你想做生意成功的话,就必须是个机会主义者。

    He said that if you want to be successful in business , you have to be an opportunist .

  19. 修正主义者,右倾机会主义者,口头上也挂着马克思主义,他们也在那里攻击“教条主义”。

    The revisionists , the right opportunists , pay lip-service to marxism ; they too attack " dogmatism " .

  20. 若防范成本足够小,则即使只有部分个体采取防范措施,机会主义者也不能主宰系统。

    If defense cost is small enough , reciprocators and opportunists will coexist even if part reciprocators take defense measure .

  21. 第一个被外部人所利用,这些人不是机会主义者就是笨头笨脑。他们希望复兴托洛茨基主义(主张通过革命在全球实现社会主义)或打垮美国。

    One is capture by outsiders , either opportunistic or batty , who wish to revive Trotskyism or bash America .

  22. 在踢球的时候,塞斯克?法布雷加斯是一个出色的传球手和机会主义者。

    Cesc Fabregas is a brilliant passer of the ball with an eye for goal when he is playing football .

  23. 可惜“左”倾机会主义者不这样做,中了蒋介石的计。

    Unfortunately , the " Left " opportunists didn 't do it that way and fell into Chiang Kai-shek 's trap .

  24. 专家说,他们不是绝望的土匪,而是精明的机会主义者,在最无法无天的角落。

    They are not desperate bandits , experts say , rather savvy opportunists in the most lawless corner of the planet .

  25. 我们都是那种机会主义者,但他可比我年轻10岁,速度更快。

    We 're both that type of predatory player but he 's got legs that are10 years younger so he can do it faster .

  26. 合作研发的企业分为两种类型:互惠主义者和机会主义者,并运用演化博弈理论对企业间合作研发过程中的机会主义行为进行演化分析。

    This paper studies the evolution of opportunistic behavior in a cooperative R & D market consisting of two types of enterprises : opportunists and reciprocators .

  27. 但是随着时间的推移,无法无天的机会主义者和国家指导间的矛盾对中国的崛起关系重大,同时肯定会导致更大的摩擦。

    But over time , the contradictions between anarchic opportunism and state direction , both vital to China 's rise , will surely result in greater friction .

  28. 由于在义务教育资源配置过程中缺乏必要的规则或制度约束,为政府官员中的机会主义者提供了追求自身效用最大化的空间。

    The opportunist in government officials maybe pursue their own utility to maximize because lack of rules or system constraints in the process of compulsory education allocation .

  29. 现在,竞标过程必须重新开始,永远是机会主义者的理查德爵士抓住机会辩称,这次维珍应该获胜。

    The tender process must now start again , and Sir Richard , ever the opportunist , seizes his chance to argue that Virgin should win this time .

  30. 他不专注于任何一个领域,而是一个机会主义者,因此愿意投身任何能让他赚钱的领域或想法。

    He wasn 't focused on any one sector but was an opportunist and therefore willing to dive into any field or idea that would make him money .