
  • 网络Achilles;Achiles;Achille
  1. 阿喀琉斯是一位威猛的希腊勇士。

    Achilles is a mighty Greek warrior .

  2. 这就是赫克托耳,以为自己杀死了阿喀琉斯的傻瓜。

    This is hector , the fool who thought he killed achilles .

  3. 最著名的一个就是“阿喀琉斯之踵。”

    A famous one is " Achilles ' heel . "

  4. 阿喀琉斯长大后成为了一位伟大的战士。

    Achilles grew up . He became a great warrior .

  5. 根据另一个传说,阿喀琉斯是一场阴谋的受害者。

    According to another tradition , Achilles was the victim of a plot .

  6. 最后的服务产业,便是中国经济的阿喀琉斯之踵。

    Finally , the service sector is the Achilles'heels of the Chinese economy .

  7. 这将会超越阿喀琉斯的光荣。

    Such would be beyond the glory of archilles .

  8. 他又补充道:毒性往往是药物的‘阿喀琉斯之踵’(译注:指致命弱点)。

    He added , Toxicity is often the Achilles ' heel of drugs .

  9. 但是太阳神阿波罗知道阿喀琉斯的致命弱点。

    The god Apollo , however , knew of Achilles ' weak spot .

  10. 而在英语口语中,阿喀琉斯之踵意思就是你的弱点。

    In spoken English , your Achilles ' heel is your weak spot .

  11. 第二节介绍了荷马史诗中关于阿喀琉斯和帕特洛克洛斯之间同性关系的研究和分析。

    Section two introduces the same-sex relationships between Homer Achilles and Patroclus in Homer .

  12. 哦我可怜的孩子,就像阿喀琉斯一样。

    AAW my poor child , like achilles .

  13. 赫克托耳:特洛伊王子,普里阿摩斯的长子,被阿喀琉斯杀死。

    A Trojan prince , the eldest son of Priam , killed by Achilles .

  14. 当阿喀琉斯还是个婴儿时,他的母亲在冥河中给他沐浴。

    When Achilles was a baby his mother bathed him in the river Styx .

  15. 阿喀琉斯在希腊文化中的隐喻意义

    Achilles ' Metaphorical Meaning in Greek Culture

  16. 我们是高贵的阿喀琉斯的后裔。

    We are of Achilles Royal blood .

  17. 小乌龟如能跑赢希腊传奇英雄阿喀琉斯?

    How could a humble tortoise beat the legendary Greek hero Achilles in a race ?

  18. 因此脚后跟成为阿喀琉斯可能受伤的一处弱点。

    His heel , therefore , was the one spot where Achilles could be hurt .

  19. 寻找阿喀琉斯脚踵&突发环境事件应急预案如何成实案

    Seek for Achilles ' Heel

  20. 本周,丹麦政治的阿喀琉斯之踵&移民政策重登舞台,又一次成为各派角逐的焦点。

    But this week , the bane of Danish politics immigration returned to shake up the race .

  21. 阿喀琉斯宁可牺牲自己也要保护他的朋友普特罗克勒斯。

    Achilles surely would have risked his life or given his life to save his friend Patroclus .

  22. 原子化、碎片化的生存状态,也因此成为了农民利益表达的阿喀琉斯之踵。

    So the living conditions of atomization and fragmentation become Achilles heel of peasants ' interest expression .

  23. 阿喀琉斯和乌龟

    Achilles and the Tortoise

  24. 对身体而言,阿喀琉斯之踵就是你脚后跟后面的肌腱。

    On your body , your Achilles ' heel is the tendon on the back of your ankle .

  25. 阿喀琉斯,我的导师认为我是一个天资过人的战士。

    Achilles , my master , thinks of me as a warrior whose skills on the battlefield are unequalled .

  26. 韩国认为其银行业的阿喀琉斯之踵在于难以满足短期外汇债务的偿债需求。

    South Korea views its banks ' difficulties with meeting short-term foreign currency debt payments as its Achilles heel .

  27. 她认为在冥河的水中给她的儿子沐浴能够让阿喀琉斯像神一样永生。

    Bathing her son in its waters , she thought , would make Achilles immortal , deathless , like a god .

  28. 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。

    A Greek warrior , the attendant and friend of Achilles , who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War .

  29. 房地产市场是经济复苏的‘阿喀琉斯之踵’,伯南克不会让借贷成本违背他的意愿增长太高。

    Housing is the Achilles heel of the recovery and Bernanke is not about to let borrowing costs move too far against him .

  30. 虽然没有真正写在《伊利亚特》中,但是传说认为,帕里斯一箭射中了阿喀琉斯的脚后跟并射死了他。

    While not actually written in " The Iliad , " legend says Paris shot an arrow at Achilles ' heel and killed him .