
jīnɡ yínɡ ɡuǎn lǐ
  • operations and management;management and administration
  1. 经海关验证稽查,符合海关管理、企业经营管理和贸易安全的要求;

    Customs validation and audit-based control shows requirements have been met in terms of Customs management , the enterprise 's operations and management , and trade security ;

  2. 我国企业在跨国商务谈判、跨文化经营管理等实践中,应当据此设计适当的沟通方法,降低投资风险。

    The Chinese firms need to study and design the proper communication skills to reduce risks in their transnational business negotiations , cross - cultural operations and management .

  3. 股东们想要在公司的经营管理上拥有更多的发言权。

    The shareholders want more say in how the company is run .

  4. 当地的医院是首批申请独立经营管理的单位之一。

    The local hospital was one of the first to apply to become self-governing .

  5. 企业兴衰主要在经营管理。

    The uprising or downfalling of an enterprise lies in its management or administration .

  6. 无能的经营管理断送了公司。

    Incapable management ruined the company .

  7. 他们收买了一家建筑公司和玻璃制品厂的经营管理权。

    They bought control of a building company and a glass factory .

  8. 在工厂的经营管理方面,她显示出非凡的才能。

    She demonstrates great ability in managing the factory .

  9. 作为计算机的补充的技能,从经营管理技巧到创新能力,都不会随着年龄的增长而衰退。

    The skills that complement computers , from management knowhow to creativity , do not necessarily decline with age .

  10. CIMS模式下生产经营管理系统的研究与开发

    Research and developing of production management system on CIMS

  11. AB公司的经营管理研究与探索

    AB Company 's Operation Management Study and Explore

  12. SWOT与军队房地产经营管理的策略规划

    SWOT and military real estate management

  13. 要加快第三方物流企业经营管理与服务创新,适应政府发展政策调整和WTO的宏观环境。

    The Third-Party Logistics enterprises should quicken business administration and services innovation , thus acclimatize themselves to the government policy regulation and the macro-circumstance of WTO .

  14. 本文结合本人的工作实践,试就加入WTO后,基层商业银行的经营管理进行系统、深入的分析。

    Fm now combining with my working experiences and try to make a systemic and deep analysis on the operation and management of the basic-level commercial banks after joining WTO .

  15. 综合账务系统作为BOSS系统的重要组成部分,是电信运营商提高服务质量、减少话费纠纷、提高经营管理效率的重要工具,是整个BOSS系统业务的核心。

    The account system , which is the tool of developing the service , reducing the dissension and developing the management of telecom , is the core of BOSS .

  16. 在环境分析中,运用了PEST和SWOT分析工具,分析了提升经营管理水平的背景和基础;

    Analyzing the background and base of upgrading the level of management using the analyzing tools : PEST and SWOT in the analyzing environment .

  17. 运用GIS技术在森林资源二类调查中,可以节省经费5倍,可以提高劳动生产率6倍,同时使林业经营管理更趋科学化。

    The utilization of GIS technology in forest resource inventory planning and design can save 5 times of expense and can improve 6 times of productivity , and can achieve the scientific management .

  18. 我国企业的信息化是以ERP为主展开的,利用ERP系统,能把先进的管理思想落实到具体的生产经营管理过程中,能带来一个企业的流程优化和管理变革。

    In China , enterprises take advantage of ERP to put the advanced idea of management into effect and achieve the optimization of the operation flow and innovation of management .

  19. BOM是集成制造系统中联系经营管理分系统与工程设计分系统的重要文件之一。

    BOM is one of the most important files that connect the management subsystem and the engineering design subsystem in an integrated manufacturing system .

  20. 为了弥补传统管理信息系统的缺陷,将GIS技术应用到油藏经营管理中的图形信息管理系统中来,发挥GIS的优势,扩展了数据库信息的表现方式和手法。

    In order to remedy the defect of the traditional management information system , I applies GIS technology to the figure information management system , which gives play to the advantage of GIS and expands database information behavior way and tactics .

  21. 本文首先阐明了研究企业经营管理者报酬激励的必要性和意义,提出在当前国有企业分配制度改革的背景下,将代表股东价值最大化的指标EVA引入报酬激励进行研究。

    This thesis points first out the significance of research the compensation incentive for managers . On the background of the reforming of allocation system of Stated-owned Enterprises , EVA , the index of representation of .

  22. 流程工业生产调度是CIPS的关键环节,是连接生产经营管理和生产过程控制的纽带。

    The production scheduling is one of the most essential steps in the process industry CIPS , which is the joint of the production management and the industrial control .

  23. 经营管理上要适时早播,其标准是早春扣膜后,当土壤5cm深处地温稳定在10℃时播种;

    Following measures were applied in the management : Beginning sowing at an opportune time early , which should be after film cover in early spring and while ground temperature achieve 10 ℃ in 5 cm ;

  24. ISO9000族标准对体育场馆的管理具有重要的作用和意义,体育场馆经营管理现状、市场地位等急需ISO9000族标准规范,ISO9000族标准适合于体育场馆。

    The ISO9000 Series Standards are significant and produce an important effect on the management of gymnasium . It is necessary for the operation , management and marketing of the gymnasium at present to be regulated by the ISO9000 Series Standards , which is suitable for them .

  25. 强化经营管理,提高经济效益;

    Management should be reinforced ; economic efficiency should be raised ;

  26. 关于重庆林业经营管理现状的调查与思考

    Investigation and Thinking on the Current Situation of Chongqing Forestry Management

  27. 新《办法》对财务公司经营管理的影响

    Influence of New " Way " on Financial Company 's Management

  28. 企业经营管理的道德环境不良,会给企业发展带来多重危机。

    A bad moral environment can bring the enterprise excessive crisis .

  29. 强化国有煤矿经营管理之我见

    Opinions on How to Strengthen National Mines ' Management and Administration

  30. 山杏丰产经营管理技术及效益分析

    High Yield and Management Techniques of Apricot and Its Benefit Analysis