
ɡuān shuì pèi é
  • tariff quota
  1. 尽管关税配额不失为一种较好的保护手段,但统计结果显示,关税配额并没有起到有效的保护作用。

    Anyhow , the statistic shows that the tariff quota has not made effects .

  2. 关税配额减让将按照“实施”栏中列明的日期实施。

    Tariff quota concessions will be implemented according to the date specified in the " implementation " column .

  3. 中国将完全依照wto规则和原则及中国货物贸易减让和承诺表中所列规定实施关税配额。

    China would apply TRQs fully in accordance with WTO rules and principles and with the provisions set out in China 's Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods .

  4. NAFTA将墨西哥的玉米进口许可证制度转化为关税配额制度,并在15年内逐步取消。

    NAFTA converted Mexico 's import license system for corn into a 15-year tariff rate quota ( TQR ) .

  5. (ⅳ)配额或关税配额的足额使用率;

    ( iv ) fill rates for the quota or TRQ ;

  6. 国家对部分进口货物可以实行关税配额管理。

    Certain imported goods may be subject to tariff rate quota control .

  7. 以及任何歧视性数量限制或关税配额等。

    And any discriminatory quantitative restrictions or tariff quotas .

  8. 第四节关税配额管理的货物

    Section IV Goods under the Administration of Tariff Quotas

  9. 关税配额的经济理论与政策分析

    The Economic Theory and Policy Study on Tariff Quotas

  10. (ⅵ)发放配额或关税配额分配所需的时间。

    ( vi ) time taken to grant a quota or TRQ allocation .

  11. 不能确定和公布每年的关税配额数量;

    Failure to establish and publish annual TRQ quantities ;

  12. 这些关注包括:目前缺乏透明的关税配额管理规定;

    These concerns included the current lack of transparent regulations for administering TRQs ;

  13. 关税配额(向市场准入委员会作出通知)

    Tariff Rate Quotas ( to be notified to the Committee on Market Access )

  14. 由于入世后,中国取消玉米出口补贴,实行关税配额制度,粮食进口量将增大。

    After joining WTO , China cancel the subsidy of corn export and practise tariff-quota system .

  15. 申请:所有关税配额分配的申请将提交有关机构。

    Application : All applications for an allocation of the tariff-quota will be submitted to the relevant organization .

  16. (ⅴ)对于关税配额而言,以配额外税率进口的任何货物的数量;

    ( v ) for TRQs , the amount of any goods entered at the over quota rate ;

  17. 一些成员担心对这一做法在关税配额管理创造准入机会后将更加普遍。

    Some members expressed concern that this practice could become more widespread when access opportunities were created under TRQs .

  18. 反映消费者喜好和最终用户需求:且不抑制每一种关税配额的足额使用。

    That would reflect consumer preferences and end-user demand ; and that would not inhibit the filling of each TRQ .

  19. 公告事项:本次(61次)蕉输入关税配额,无厂商提出申请。

    Contents of Announcement : There is no company submitting application for Importation Tariff Rate Quota of banana Lot No.961 .

  20. 这些成员针对中国对实行指定经营管理产品的关税配额制度表示了相似的关注。

    Those members expressed similar concerns about the operation of China 's TRQ system for products subject to designated trading .

  21. 美国对食糖保护程度也比较高,其食糖保护政策主要是通过食糖贷款政策和关税配额进口体制来实现的。

    Sugar protection degree in US is also high . Sugar protection system works through sugar loan policy and import-quota policy .

  22. 待中央主管机关就向最终用户进行配额分配作出决定后,地方各级机关将按此发放关税配额证明。

    After the central authority decided on allocations of quota to end-users , the sub-national bodies would issue TRQ certificates accordingly .

  23. 运用江苏省农业政策分析模型,对大宗农产品的关税配额进口可能带来的后果进行了模拟。

    A Jiangsu Agricultural Policy Analysis ( JAPA ) model was used to simulate the possible consequence of large agricultural TRQ import .

  24. 在关税配额方面,取消所有配额内关税,增加关税配额进口量,改善关税配额的管理的规范,提高有效使用率。

    In terms tariff quotas , cancel all in-quota tariff , increase tariff quota , improve administration and fill rates of tariff quotas .

  25. 中国正在努力简化关税配额管理制度和程序,以便利使用、提高效率和深化改革。

    China was trying to simplify the TRQ administration regime and procedures in a bid to facilitate use , enhance efficiency and implement further reform .

  26. 投资许可、进口许可证、酪额和关税配额的给予应不考虑是否存在与之竞争的中国国内供应商。

    Permission to invest , import licences , quotas and tariff rate quotas would be granted without regard to the existence of competing Chinese domestic suppliers .

  27. 此外,中国将以关税配额取代对食糖、棉花和3种化肥(磷酸氢二铵、三元复合肥和尿素)实行的进口数量限制。

    In addition , China would replace quantitative import restrictions on sugar , cotton and three types of fertilizers ( DAP , NPK and urea ) by TRQs .

  28. 第二十七条进口配额管理部门应当在每年9月15日至10月14日公布下一年度的关税配额总量。

    Article 27 The administrative departments of import quotas shall publicize the total amount of quotas for the next year between September 15 and October 14 of each year .

  29. 实施关税配额管理农产品相应的进口税目、税则号列及适用税率另行公布。

    The corresponding import tax items , tariff serial numbers and applicable tax rates for agricultural goods subject to the administration of import tariff quotas shall be promulgated separately .

  30. 这些工作组成员还对中国关税配额体制的管理和国营贸易企业与进口此类产品有关的做法表示关注。

    Those members of the Working Party also raised concerns regarding the administration of China 's TRQ system and the practices of state trading enterprises in relation to importing such products .