
  • 网络pan-entertainment
  1. 包括泛娱乐化大潮弱化了对艺术价值追求;题材扎堆,少有心意;改编前后风格水准的失衡等。

    Including Pan-Entertainment tide weakened the pursuit of artistic value ; theme get together , a rare mind ; adapted around the style standards imbalance .

  2. 穿越剧的流行是当下影视艺术自身发展和社会泛娱乐化思潮合流的结果,其积极意义显而易见,而消极意义也不容小视。

    The prevalence of time-travel drama is the confluence of contemporary film and television arts development and social pan-entertainment trend of thought , its positive significance is obvious that the negative sense can not be overlooked .

  3. 中国电视节目泛娱乐化的表现

    Revelation of Abused Amusement of TV Program in China

  4. 电视节目泛娱乐化的成因和对策研究

    Research on the Origin and Countermeasure to " Pan-entertainment " of Television Program

  5. 但是,对戏曲传播中泛娱乐化现象的讨论却不多见。

    But few have discussed the phenomenon of abused entertainment in Traditional Opera communication nowadays .

  6. 随着传媒行业的快速发展,泛娱乐化得到了电视媒体的广泛认同。

    With the rapid development of media industry , the more entertaining got TV media widely recognized .

  7. 新闻节目的泛娱乐化与娱乐新闻节目的式微&解读台湾电视新闻的后娱乐现象

    The Extensive Amusement in News Program and the Decline of Entertainment News Program & On the post-entertainment phenomena of the TV news program in Taiwan

  8. 媒介娱乐幻象既是媒介泛娱乐化的典型类型,也是消费社会的产物。

    The entertaining illusion of media is not only a typical representation of general entertaining tendency of media , but also a product of consuming society .

  9. 第二部分:通过查阅相关文献资料,结合当前的传媒热点,在对已有材料进行分析和整理的基础上,总结出了当前我国大众传媒泛娱乐化现象出现的原因。

    Chapter two summed up the reason for the current flood of mass media entertainment phenomena , through the relevant literature material and the current media focus .

  10. 在一个大众化和泛娱乐化的社会中,图像是最具有传播价值的,因为它简洁、直观、生动,具有视觉上的优先性和强大的冲击力。

    Pictures have the greatest transmission value in a popularized and vast entertained society : they are simple , direct-viewing and lively , have visual priority and powerful shocking effect .

  11. 这里波兹曼所说的热爱的东西就是继印刷媒介之后出现的电报、摄影、广播、电视、电脑等电子媒介技术以及它们为我们营造的一种泛娱乐化的环境。

    Postman called " loved things " is an entertainment environment that telegram , photography , radio , television , computers and other electronic media technology followed the print media to create for us .

  12. 论文的第一部分主要是对现象的描述,展示当今戏曲传播中泛娱乐化现象的表现。第二部分,通过对现象进行归纳、整理,阐述该现象的内涵,归纳其普通性规律。

    In Part I , it shows some patterns of this phenomenon ; in Part II through induction and collation of phenomena , this paper explains its connotation and finds common rules in it .

  13. 进入新世纪,伴随着传播媒介的更新发展,戏曲也在和传播媒介交融的过程中不断发展变化,出现许多特殊的现象,这就包括戏曲传播中的泛娱乐化现象。

    In the 21st century , with the development of mass media , the communication of Traditional Opera has also changed a lot . And a lot of special phenomena appear during the process of integration with media , including the abused entertainment in Traditional Opera communication .

  14. 图像消费具有使一切图像信息泛审美化、泛娱乐化的特性,其市场潜力自不待言。

    Picture consumption makes all images pan-aesthetics and pan-entertaining , therefore its market potential is undoubted .