
  • 网络legal risk;Law Risk
  1. 公路BOT项目中的法律风险与防范

    Precautionary Measures and Legal Risk in Highway BOT Project

  2. 论文也分析了实施MBO的法律风险、财务风险、道德风险与公司治理结构风险,并针对以上风险提出了防范举措。

    After analyzing the legal risk , financial risk , moral risk and corporate governance risk of executing MBO , the author provides several approaches to avoid such risks .

  3. 委托理财业务面对风险大都与自营业务相似,主要是市场风险和法律风险。因此,上文所述的VaR模型分析法同样适用于这部分的风险分析。

    The risk of entrustment business is similar with self-settlement business .

  4. CPA职业(注册会计师)风险主要有道德风险、行为风险和法律风险。

    CPA professional risks comprise ethical risks , action risks and legal risks , the first two of which are closely related .

  5. 因此,笔者从加强企业的法制建设,转变经营理念,规范基础管理等方面入手,分析企业的WTO事务法律风险控制。

    Thus the author will proceed from strengthening the building of enterprises laws and regulations , changing operation concepts , and standardizing the fundamental management , etc , and analyze how the enterprises control the law risks in WTO affairs .

  6. 多伊尔表示,旨在对监管资本要求的法律风险进行量化的巴塞尔新资本协议(BasleII),将法律问题提上了整个银行的议事日程。

    Mr Doyle says Basle II , the international accord that seeks to quantify legal risk in regulatory capital requirements , has put legal issues on the agenda across the whole bank .

  7. 这并不只护卫了「作者可能会消失」的计画,FSF欧洲同时也承受了法律风险的一个重要部份。

    This not only secures projects against the disappearance of authors , the FSF Europe also takes a significant part of the legal risks .

  8. 本文研究的内容是规避高等学校后勤管理中的法律风险。

    The thesis is evading institutions logistics management of legal risks .

  9. 结论:1.社区护士的特殊角色存在法律风险。

    The special role of community nurses there are legal risks .

  10. 个人住房信贷业务房屋抵押法律风险及控制

    On Legal Risks and Control of Mortgage in Personal Housing Loan

  11. 法律风险由下面介绍的法规遵循实践处理。

    Legal risk is addressed by the compliance practice described below .

  12. 论商业银行电子化业务法律风险的防范和化解

    Legal risk control and solutions regarding computerized business of commercial banks

  13. 农村资金互助社实践中的法律风险分析

    Risk Analysis on the Practice of Rural Credit Union Funds

  14. 美国资产证券化的法律风险及其防范

    On the Legal Risk of Asset Securitization and Prevention of the Risk

  15. 体育产业法律风险防范机制构建研究

    Construction of Legal Risk Prevention Mechanism on the Sports Industry

  16. 本文围绕企业法律风险评估,绪论部分介绍了选题背景、研究意义以及国内外的研究现状。

    Introduction part describes the background , significance and status of research .

  17. 主要包括:一是假按揭的法律风险。

    Mainly includes : First , false mortgage legal risk .

  18. 最高额保证期间设定与法律风险考评

    Setting Maturity for Maximum Amount Guarantee and Evaluating Legal Risks

  19. 第二,实务中法律风险巨大。

    Secondly , the legal risk of private placement institution of practice .

  20. 金融衍生工具的风险主要有市场风险、信用风险、流通性风险营运风险、结算风险和法律风险。

    The main risks of Financial Derivatives involve market risk , credit risk ;

  21. 商业银行中间业务面临的法律风险及其防范措施

    Legal risks faced by commercial banks in doing intermediate business and preventive measures

  22. 企业法律风险防控体系的构建

    On Construction of System of Enterprise Legal Risk Control

  23. 公路运输合同法律风险防范探析

    Analysis on Law Risk Precautions in Road Freight Contract

  24. 在这一操作过程中,存在着一系列的法律风险。

    During the practice process , a serial of risks are in existence .

  25. 论商业特许经营的法律风险及其防范

    On the Legal Risk of Franchising and Its Prevention

  26. 论法律风险与畜产品生产者的质量安全选择

    View about law risk and safety of animal products

  27. 炼化工程施工企业法律风险防范与对策

    Legal Risks Prevention and Countermeasures in Petrochemical Engineering Enterprises

  28. 风险导向型审计·法律风险·审计质量&兼论五大在我国审计市场的行为

    Risk based auditing , litigation risk and auditing quality

  29. 实现一个法律风险服务门户系统。

    Achieve a legal risk service portal system .

  30. 合同债权转让中的法律风险与防范

    Legal Risks and Relevant Precautions in the Transfer of Creditor 's Rights of Contract