
fēi fǎ suǒ dé
  • illegal income;ill-gotten gains
  1. 由著作权行政管理部门给予没收非法所得、罚款等行政处分。

    The copyright administrative authorities may confiscate their illegal income or impose a fine on them .

  2. 但很多领导者已把他们的非法所得投资到了几个不同的国家。

    But many leaders have invested their ill-gotten gains in several different countries .

  3. 罪犯非法所得的一切财物,应当予以追缴。

    All property illegally obtained by the criminal shall be recovered .

  4. 上月,中国农业银行(agriculturalbankofchina)某副行长因涉嫌动用非法所得赴澳门赌博而被逮捕。

    Last month , a vice-president of Agricultural Bank of China was arrested for allegedly using illegal proceeds to gamble in Macau .

  5. 这基本上会让他们无法自由出行,也能防止他们在俄罗斯以外的地方用这些非法所得进行消费,之前为FBI纽约网络犯罪分部首席特工、现在担任Cryptzone首席安全官的利奥•塔代奥(LeoTaddeo)说。

    It 's about denying them the ability to travel freely and preventing them from spending their ill-gotten gains anywhere but Russia , said Leo Taddeo , the chief security officer at Cryptzone and the former top agent in the F.B.I. " s New York computer operations division .

  6. 非法所得比这些数额高得多,她表示。

    The illegal gains are much more than these , she said .

  7. 此类报酬属于非法所得。

    Such payments are illegal .

  8. 有些国家缺少良好的港口控制,海盗可以轻易登陆并销售非法所得。

    Some countries lack good port controls . Pirates can easily land and sell their illegal catch .

  9. 过去,华尔街追回交易员非法所得的现象极为罕见,就跟体育界的情况一样,但现在一切都在改变。

    Clawbacks on Wall Street were once as rare as they were in sports but all of that is changing .

  10. 一些行业人士认为,监管机构同样担心,券商高管会在政府注意力转移时,携带非法所得潜逃。

    Some in the industry suggested regulators were also concerned about securities executives absconding with ill-gotten gains while attention was diverted .

  11. 我国刑法所设置的巨额财产来源不明罪在逻辑上存在着两个悖论:一是把来源不明的巨额财产视为非法所得,但又无证据证明之,这不等于是有罪推定吗?

    There are two contradictions in the judgment of Crimes of Huge Property with Ambiguous Source in the penal code of China .

  12. 洗钱是将非法所得的大额资金通过银行账户的转换,变成看来是合法正常的银行存款的行为。

    Washing money is the behavior that a great deal of money gained illegally is changed into legal bank savings through bank accounts .

  13. 本周,辉瑞公司为了了结腐败指控同意支付罚款,并愿意向美国证券交易委员会上缴相关非法所得利润。

    This week Pfizer agreed to pay a fine to settle corruption charges and to disgorge related illegally earned profits to the Securities and Exchange Commission .

  14. 在内幕交易民事责任的形式上只能采用损害赔偿形式,并且根据内幕交易行为的非法所得来确定赔偿数额。

    The form of civil liability is only the compensation for damage whose amount is equal to the amount of the profit gained by the illegal transaction .

  15. 这些被告从未出现在联邦法庭,但法官判定他们应为欺诈行为负法律责任,勒令他们交出非法所得并缴纳罚金共计3400万美元。

    The defendants never appeared in federal court but a judge found them liable for fraud and ordered them to pay $ 34m in disgorgement and penalties .

  16. 那不违法,但却是把非法所得同合法所得混在一起的常用方法之一。

    That 's not illegal , but it 's often a way to launder illegally caught fish , to mix it with a legal catch , for example .

  17. 尽管执法官员非常担心空壳公司为非法所得提供了掩护,要求更大公开性的努力都未获成功。

    Yet for all the concerns of law enforcement officials that shell companies can hide illicit gains , regulatory efforts to require more openness from these companies have failed .

  18. 红十字会的工作人员对此心怀感激。但是警方希望捐赠人可以出面证明善款不是非法所得。

    Staff at the shop are very grateful , but the police have asked the donor to come forward so they can make sure the money was not made illegally .

  19. 笔者认为,金钱的诱惑、利益的追求、逃避法律制裁、将非法所得合法化是洗钱者的主观内在原动力。

    The author thinks that enticement of money , pursuit of benefits , evasion of legal punishment and legalization of illegal gains form a subjective internal impetus of those criminals .

  20. 如果美国证交会最终决定提起起诉,则可能会对标准普尔处以民事罚款、非法所得费用赔偿或寻求其他适当的衡平法救济。

    If the SEC decides to act , the agency can slap S & P with a civil fine , force disgorgement of fees and or seek other appropriate equitable relief .

  21. 被处罚的单位和个体工商户,其退还或者被收缴的非法所得,应当抵减其结案年度的销售收入或者营业收入。

    The illicit gains of a penalized unit or individual which are returned or confiscated shall be deducted from the annual sales income or operating revenue for the year in which the case is settled .

  22. 《著作权法》规定,版权行政主管机关可以对实施侵权行为的任何人处以没收非法所得或罚款的行政处罚。

    The copyright law provided that the copyright administration department could subject anyone who committed acts of infringement to such administrative penalties as confiscation of unlawful income from the act or imposition of a fine .

  23. 正如你所说,他们不被允许接纳天课的原因是把合法说得和非法所得混在一起,因此这是可疑的。

    The reason why they are not allowed to accept zakah is , as you said , that it is a mix of lawfully and unlawfully earned money and therefore there is a doubt regarding it .

  24. 作者在界定奢侈品的消费人群时发现,奢侈品有很大一部分是被位高权重的政府官员以及所谓的问题富豪们用他们非法所得的灰色收入所购买。

    The author on defining the luxury consumer groups found that , a big part of luxury goods is a powerful government officials and the so-called " problems " are rich with their illegal earnings gray income purchased .

  25. 当前我国证券监管层对内幕交易的查处和监管所面临的主要技术问题是:如何更加公平合理测量内幕交易人的超常收益(非法所得)以及如何判别内幕交易人所利用的信息是否重大。

    Currently , the main technical problems of discovering and supervising insider trading are how to measure the traders ` excessive profit ( illegal profit ) and how to distinguish the significance of the information used by those traders .

  26. 社会精英阶层财富迅速膨胀的另一面,自然是穷人和无产者不满情绪日益加剧。这种情绪恰恰源于以下认识:在中国大地上奔流、涌入亚太地区、越过太平洋的那些钱,大部分是非法所得。

    The other side of the coin of the burgeoning fortunes of the elite of course is the rising discontent from the have-less and have-nots that arises precisely because of the sense that the money washing across China and into the region and across the pacific is mostly ill-gotten .

  27. 随后,分析了监听所得资料的证据能力问题:通过合法监听所得的资料可以作为证据在法庭上使用,但非法监听所得的资料不能用来指控犯罪嫌疑人。

    Subsequently , the paper analyzed the competency of evidence of collected information in monitor : the information obtained through lawful monitor can be used as evidence in court , but the information obtained by illegal monitor can not accuse criminal suspects .

  28. 继而出现国有企业高管在被依法追究刑事责任或行政责任后,仍能合法享有非法侵占国有资产所得的民事权益的滑稽现象。

    Then , after they being held the criminal liability or administrative liability , there appears a ridiculous phenomenon that they legally enjoy the civil rights and interests through illegally infringing the state-owned assets .

  29. 人民法院审理民事案件,除适用上述规定外,还可以予以训诫、责令具结悔过、收缴进行非法活动的财物和非法所得,并可以依照法律规定处以罚款、拘留。

    When hearing civil cases , a people 's court , in addition to applying the above stipulations , may serve admonitions , order the offender by law .

  30. 但是,当前安全生产行政处罚领域对非法生产、非法经营行为违法所得的认定标准存在不合理性。

    However , in the current safety administrative punishment field , the standard of the determination of illegal income is unreasonable .