
zhì shāng
  • intelligence quotient
智商 [zhì shāng]
  • [intelligence quotient] 智力商数的简称

智商[zhì shāng]
  1. Bootstrap方法在测定学生智商中的应用

    The Application of Bootstrap to Determination of Students ′ Scientific Intelligence Quotient

  2. 重型颅脑损伤患者P300与智商的相关性

    Relationship between P300 and Intelligence Quotient in Severe Head Injury Patients

  3. 凯利在3项不同的智商测试中平均得分147。

    Kelly had scored an average of 147 on three separate IQ tests

  4. 书面智商测试仅供参考。

    A written IQ test is merely a guideline .

  5. 他的智商属于中等以上。

    His IQ is above average .

  6. “我可是个货真价实的高智商小伙儿,特雷西。”詹姆斯开玩笑地说道。“哦,别烦我了,”特雷西抱怨道。

    ' I 'm a real intellectual-type guy , Tracy , ' James joked . ' Oh , give me a break , ' Tracy moaned .

  7. 这男孩的智商为126分。

    The boy had an IQ score of 126 .

  8. 这是在剔除了智商、社会经济地位和入学时的学业技能等受控因素的影响之后的结果。

    This was after controlling for IQ , socio-economic status and academic skills at school entry .

  9. 研究人员还发现,智商、家庭社会和经济阶层对男孩们的表现没有实质性的影响。

    The researchers also found that IQ and family social and economic class made no real difference in how the boys turned out .

  10. 我们非常喜欢我们的高智商,以至于我们认为脑力一定是越高越好。

    We are so fond of our high intelligence that we assume that when it comes to brain power , more must be better .

  11. 从小到大都有人说我迟钝,但我17岁的时候智商就达到了150,我一点儿也不傻。

    Growing up , I had people telling me I was too slow , though , with an IQ of 150 + at 17 , I 'm anything but stupid .

  12. 你知道,米奇的脑部患了严重的疾病,这使他的智商比同龄的正常孩子要低。

    You see , Mickey has a serious illness in his head , which makes his IQ lower that of normal children of the same age .

  13. 一项研究发现,先出生的婴儿的平均智商比后出生的婴儿高出3%,这也许是因为他们经常帮助弟弟妹妹,从而提高了自己的能力。

    A study found that first-borns have an average IQ that is three points higher than people who fall into a different place in the birth order , perhaps because first-borns often help younger brothers and sisters , which improves their own skills .

  14. Bimbo这个词是二十世纪初期出现的一个用法,用来描述身材诱人但是智商不高的女人,带有贬义。

    Bimbo is a derogatory term that emerged in popular English language usage in the early 20th century to describe an often physically attractive , unintelligent woman .

  15. 高智商的人往往都有很强的幽默感。

    Highly intelligent people tend to have a great sense of humor .

  16. 高智商的人会对别人认为理所当然的事物着迷。

    Intelligent people let themselves become fascinated by things others take for granted .

  17. Teletrash指面向低智商、头脑简单的观众播放的电视节目,即“脑残节目”。

    Teletrash refers to television programs which target the least intelligent and the least sophisticated viewers .

  18. 来看看这位小神童有什么过人之处吧!加州的一名幼童成为加入门萨俱乐部年纪最小的美国人。门萨俱乐部是世界上最古老的高智商协会。

    A California toddler is the youngest American to join Mensa -- the oldest IQ society in the world .

  19. 门萨俱乐部向《早安美国》证实,现年3岁的卡什·奎斯特于2021年3月29日加入门萨俱乐部美国分会,当时年仅两岁的她智商高达146,这使她成为门萨俱乐部最年轻的美国会员。

    Kashe Quest , now 3 , joined the American branch of the organization on March 29 , 2021 , at age 2 with an IQ of 146 , making her the youngest American member , Mensa confirmed to " Good Morning America . "

  20. 一项关于经济学毕业生在毕业6年内发表刊物的调查显示智商比学校其他99%的学生高的顶尖学生——美国大学前五的毕业生发表的刊物数量惊人。

    A study looking at publications produced by economists5 in their first six years after graduation showed that top students in the 99th percentile ie smarter than almost every other person at the school from the top 5 schools in America were producing an impressive amount of publications .

  21. 他们的分析发表在《智商》(intelligence)杂志上。

    Their analysis appears in the journal intelligence .

  22. 多范式ERP智商推断方法及法医学应用

    Evaluation of Intelligence Quotient Using Multi-Paradigm ERP and Its Application in Forensic Identification

  23. 缺铁补铁组智商的变化主要表现在视觉记忆(P<0.01)、有意义记忆、语言推理及数量推理(P<0.05)等四方面有明显改善;

    Obvious improvement in IQ of iron-treatment group mainly performed at four ways : visual memory ( P0.001 ), conscious memory , language deduction and amount deduction ( P0.05 ) .

  24. 脑血管性痴呆智商和P300测试分析

    Intelligence quotient and P300 test in patients with vascular dementia

  25. 结论铅暴露、镁缺乏及智商相对降低均与ADHD的发病有关。

    ConclusionLead exposure and magnesium deficit and low IQ contributed to pathogenesis of ADHD .

  26. IDD病区不同智商水平儿童精神运动功能状况

    State analysis for psychomotor about different intelligence level children in iodine deficiency disorder regions

  27. 目的研究家庭因素与学龄儿童智商(IQ)的关系。

    Objective To explore the correlation of city school-aged children ′ s intelligence quotients ( IQ ) with family factors .

  28. 重型颅脑损伤视觉听觉P300特征及与智商的相关性

    The features of visual and auditory P300 and correlations of intelligence quotient in severe traumatic brain injury

  29. 传统的智商(IQ)理论认为,智能是以语言和数理逻辑能力为核心,以整合方式存在的一种能力。

    The traditional intelligences theory regards language and mathematical logic as the core of intelligence which exist in an integrated way .

  30. 结果表明城区儿童各年龄组瑞文测验智商(IQ)均值高于农村儿童;

    The results show that in all age groups , The average IQ ( Raven test ) of urban children is high-er .