
  1. 为了适应药学事业发展的需要,对药物分析实验课进行了改革,加入了设计实验。

    In order to adapt the needs of development of pharmaceutical cause , pharmaceutical analysis practical teaching is reformed and added in design experiment .

  2. 为了改革《药物分析》教学模式,适应国际交流和药学事业发展的要求。

    In order to reform the teaching mode of Pharmacological Analysis course and meet the demands of international communication and pharmaceutical development , we introduced new means and methods of teaching according to the characteristics of pharmaceutical specialty .

  3. 新中国成立60年以来我国高等药学教育事业的发展

    The Sixty-year 's Development of Higher Pharmacy Education in China

  4. 通过研究现代药学史发现,新中国药学事业的发展和科学研究的进步并不是一帆风顺的,而是经历了巨大的挫折,遭到了严重的破坏。

    Through research modern history of pharmacy , we have discovered that the development of new China pharmacy enterprise and the progress of pharmacy research certainly is not problem-free , but has experienced the huge setback and has encountered serious destruction .

  5. 结论改革高职高专药学教育课程设置,培养实用型初级临床药师以适应基层临床药学事业的发展。

    Conclusion Pharmacy courses in higher vocational academy should acclimatize itself to the development of primary-levelclinical-pharmacy .

  6. 结论:医院药学行业文化管理理念的确立可激励药学人员的工作热情和积极性,推进药学事业发展。

    CONCLUSION : The establishment of hospital pharmacy profession culture management principle can inspire pharmacists'passion and enthusiasm for work ; thereby the development of pharmaceutical enterprises can be promoted .