
zhōnɡ zhuān shēnɡ
  • Technical secondary school students;secondary specialized school student;secondary technical school student
  1. 中专生心理健康影响因素的SEM研究&情绪稳定性、自我效能、成就目标与心理健康之间的关系研究

    SEM-Based Research on Factors Influencing Mental Health of Students in Technical Secondary School

  2. 结果理工中专生SCL-90各因子评分均显著高于全国常模(P<0.001或P<0.05)。

    Results All factor marks of SCL-90 in junior college students of science and technology were higher significantly than that of ordinary youth ( P < 0.001 or P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 应用SCL90调查了社会力量办学医学中专生和国家正规医学中专生共260名,发现医学中专生的SCL90各因子均分、阳性均分和阳性项目数均高于国内正常人青年组。

    260 secondary medical students in private and public schools were investigated with SCL-90 . The results showed that each factor average scores , positive average scores and positive items were all higher than the normal youth group in our country .

  4. 中专生网络道德教育初探

    Research on Technical Secondary School Students ' Moral Education of Network

  5. 生活事件对于中专生心理健康状况的影响。

    The influential effects of life event on stuents'mental health .

  6. 中专生数学阅读能力培养的实验研究

    An Experimental Research on Vocational Students Mathematical Reading Ability Development

  7. 不同类型中专生关键技能的比较研究

    An Investigation on Key Skills of the Students in Secondary Vocational Schools

  8. 中专生过度训练的预防和恢复治疗

    The Precautions and Recovery Curing of Overtraining for Technical Secondary School Students

  9. 中专生语文学习策略的改进

    Improvement in Chinese learning strategy of secondary specialized school students

  10. 中专生心理健康的现状。

    The present situation of mental health in vocational technical secondary schools .

  11. 中专生英语学习策略培训

    A Study on English Learning Strategy Training among Secondary Vocational School Students

  12. 绝大多数中专生希望进一步获得艾滋病相关知识。

    Most of them hoped to acquire a relative knowledge of AIDS .

  13. 中专生思想教育工作浅谈

    On the Ideological Education of the Students in Polytechnic Schools

  14. 中专生思想工作热点问题与对策分析

    Hot Issues in Ideological Work among Secondary Specialized School Students : Solutions

  15. 确保中专生思想政治工作的有效性

    Ensuring Effectiveness of Ideological and Political Work at Polytechnic Schools

  16. 方法通过系统的就业指导,增强中专生的就业竞争力;

    Methods : Enhancing the students ' employment competitiveness through systemic instructions ;

  17. 浅析我国失业现象的成因与对策中专生吸烟状况及其影响因素研究

    On Contributing Factors and Countermeasures of Unemployment Phenomena in China

  18. 中专生对自杀行为性质的认识和对安乐死的态度影响自杀行为的发生。

    The acknowledgement to the suicide nature and euthanasia influence the suicide action .

  19. 方法利用半结构问卷法对中专生目前心理健康的特点进行了调查研究。

    Methods We make use of the semi-structure questionnaires .

  20. 组织社会实践,锻炼服务社会的能力等建议,以养成教育提高中专生的职业道德素质。

    Organizing social practice and training the ability of serving the society , etc.

  21. 中专生抑郁和焦虑状况及相关因素研究

    Depression , anxiety and relevant factors of students in a technical secondary school

  22. 医学中专生成就动机与自我价值感的相关研究

    The relationship between the achievement-motivation and self-worth of students in Secondary Medical School

  23. 在校中专生社会支持与人际态度的关系研究

    Correlation between social support and interpersonal attitudes in students of middle specialty school

  24. 从中专生运动参与态度的调查看中专体育教学改革

    The change of PE . Teaching Way From Examine the Joining Manner in Teachers'School

  25. 职业中专生成就归因特点的研究

    A Study of the Characteristics of Achievement Attribution of the Students at Polytechnic School

  26. 中专生征服沃顿

    The technical secondary school student conquer Wharton School

  27. 结果中专生艾滋病知识水平低;

    Results : The knowledge level about AIDS from the surveyed students was low .

  28. 浅谈中专生的心理特点与发现式教学

    A Brief Talk on the Psychological Characteristics of Secondary Specialized School Students and Discovery Teaching

  29. 职业教育探析在职职业中专生168例心理需要调查分析

    The investigation of psychic needs in 168 students of secondary vocational at their posts school

  30. 中专生专业课的学习指导

    Major Learning Guide of Secondary Vocational School