
  • 网络Encyclopedia of China;Chinese Encyclopaedia
  1. 《中国大百科全书》人物传记知识提取加工规范

    The Specification for Biographic Knowledge Acquisition from Electronic Encyclopedia of China

  2. 《中国大百科全书》中行政地理知识的人工提取规范

    The Specification for Administrative Area Knowledge Acquisition from Electronic Encyclopedia of China

  3. 该方法由两部分组成:一是高度类自然的教育知识描述语言(PKDL),由知识工程师用于形式化《中国大百科全书》中的教育知识文本;

    The method consists of two major parts : a Pedagogical Knowledge Description Language ( PKDL ) for formalizing the texts , and a PKDL compiler for parsing and analyzing the formalized text and representing it with IO-model of knowledge representation .

  4. 中国大百科全书出版社

    Encyclopedia of China Publishing House

  5. 本文从信息提取的角度出发研究知识获取任务,实现了基于《中国大百科全书》的、限定范围内的试验性百科词典知识获取系统。

    In this paper , the task of acquiring knowledge from text was dealt in view of Information Extraction .

  6. 关于世界交往与世界历史关系,吴于廑先生在《中国大百科全书·外国历史卷》的世界历史辞条中作了较为详尽的总体上的表述。

    Mr. Wu yu-jin discussed the connections between the world communication and the world history in the volume of Foreign History of the Encyclopedia of China .

  7. 《中国大百科全书·戏曲·曲艺》卷概论把地方戏特征看作全部戏曲的特征,混淆了戏曲发展的文学阶段与非文学阶段的区别。

    Encyclopedia Sinica : Operas and Quyi Forms , Introductory Volume takes the features of local operas for those of all types of opera , thus misrepresenting the differences between the literary stage and non-literary stage of the development of opera .

  8. 它涉及了整个社会的政治、经济、文化和艺术的每个层面,体现了大唐的历史与文化,可谓是一部中国唐朝社会的大百科全书。

    It involved the whole social politics , economy , culture and art of every level , reflected the Tang history and culture .