
jǐng wù
  • scenery;photographic field
景物 [jǐng wù]
  • [scenery] 可供观赏的景色和事物

  • 景物清幽

  • 有何景物。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

景物[jǐng wù]
  1. 这儿的景物多么优美啊!

    What a lovely scenery you have here !

  2. 应用一种动态参照技术,得到模糊参数值C,从而得到景物距离的估计值。

    The fuzzy parameter C is calculated using the dynamic referencing technique , so that the depth of scenery is estimated .

  3. 一座难看的大楼把窗外的景物遮住了。

    An ugly new building blocked the view from the window .

  4. 他们不停地站起来拍照,还互相指点景物给对方看。

    They kept standing up to take pictures and point things out to each other

  5. 天黑了,一轮巨大的月亮把道路照得通明,周围的景物可以看得一清二楚。

    It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscape clearly

  6. 那个花园里一切尽有,景物丰富多彩、自然、美丽,令人激动。

    It was a garden that had everything . It was rich and wild and beautiful , and exciting .

  7. 景物依然。

    The view is just as before .

  8. 一片乌云遮住山顶,使山前的景物黯然失色。

    The top of the mountain was covered with a dark cloud , which took shine off the front view of the mountain .

  9. 我们乘风航行,岛上的景物迅速向后退去。

    We sailed ahead of the wind , the island moving past quickly .

  10. 为了快速实时地进行由平面组成的结构景物的3D建模问题,文中介绍了一种在进行图像3D重构时纹理映射中的平面校正方法。

    Introduces an effective method of planar rectification in texture mapping .

  11. 猫头鹰夜间捕食小鸟。B门适应于夜景拍摄或其它需较长曝光时间景物的拍摄。

    Bulb photography is used for shooting night scenes , or other images with long exposure times .

  12. 基于SVM与颜色/纹理组合特征的景物识别算法

    Natural Object Recognition Algorithm Based on SVM and Color / Texture Combination Features

  13. 研究分形图的三种算法并在包装CAD中运用分形理论模拟自然景物及不规则图形。

    Research on three fractal arithmetics and the applications of fractal theory for simulating of natural scenery and abnormal graphics in Packaging CAD .

  14. 基于IFS的自然景物动态模拟方法

    Natural Dynamic Simulation Method of Scenery Based on IFS

  15. IFS理论在自然景物模拟中的应用

    Application of IFS Theory in Simulation of Nature Scenery

  16. NATO图象序列处理和动态景物分析高级科学报告会介绍成组技术在石油机械制造业中的应用研究石油钻采设备零件分类编码系统SYBM1介绍


  17. 本文详细介绍了Gabor滤波器的定义与构造方法,针对不同的遥感景物类别构造了对纹理有较强分类能力的Gabor滤波器。

    After the definition of Gabor filter and construction method , this thesis constructs series of Gabor filters with strong ability for classification .

  18. 原始的视点Morphing算法没有考虑参考图像中的景物遮挡关系,所以对于复杂图像进行变形时,常常不能获得满意的变形效果。

    The in-between images can 't maintain the same depth information as the reference image while morphing the complicated images through view morphing algorithm .

  19. 立体视频蕴含了景物的深度信息,在自然场景的表征上更具有真实感,在3D电视、具有临场感的可视会议及虚拟现实等领域展现了广阔的应用前景。

    Stereoscopic video includes the depth information of scenes , which is more realistic in the characterization of natural scenes , and has unfolded the broad application prospect in the 3D television , 3D video conference with sound-surround ambiance and virtual reality .

  20. 提出了一个基于Delaunay三角网格的角点匹配算法。该算法主要利用Delaunay三角网格的唯一性,以及相同景物角点对应网格的相似性建立角点匹配。

    A corner matching algorithm is presented based on the uniqueness of Delaunay triangulated grid and the similarity of the grids for two matching corner sets in the same scene .

  21. 提取图像像素的r、g、b值,找出与之相对应的波长,通过解码得出光平面的投影角,再经过深度与投影角间数学模型获得景物的深度图像。

    Extracting the value of r , g , b from each pixel , we will find the corresponding wavelength and eventually get the projecting angle by decoding . According to the mathematical model between depth and projecting angle , depth image will be attained .

  22. 在虚拟现实等技术领域中,都涉及到由现实世界中的实际景物建立对应的计算机描述的虚拟景物的问题,为此提出了利用计算机视觉与CAD几何建模技术相结合的三维物体建模途径。

    In areas such as virtual reality , it is often needed to establish virtual scene in computer from actual scene in real world . In this paper , a technical approach for realizing geometric modeling of 3D object is proposed , which combines computer vision and CAD geometric modeling .

  23. 一方面,从交互式获取自然景物IFS码的角度对任意自然景物的建模问题进行了全面的探讨,对传统的IFS拼贴建模方法进行了讨论和算法上的简化。

    On the one hand , from the point of interactive acquisition of IFS code , we discuss the modeling of any natural scenery and modeling method of traditional IFS Collage Theorem and simplify its algorithm .

  24. 线阵CCD遥感相机在推扫过程中地面景物不断变化,而一般的图像清晰度评价函数只能在相同的图像内容下作比较来判断系统是否合焦。

    In the process of remote sensing camera pushbroom , the contents of arbitrary random scenes are different , the ordinary definition evaluation functions are effective with the same scene to estimate an camera system focused or not , but the image power spectra have invariance from scene to scene .

  25. 在有相机平移及景物有深度变化时,该方法的运动补偿效果明显好于单纯BMA方法;

    A motion estimation method based on Trifocal tensor and BMA is also proposed , which gives much better motion compensation results compared with BMA when there are camera translation and scene depth variation .

  26. 该方法在图象预处理阶段先检测物体可视表面的闭合边界,再依据闭合边界对物体进行表面分割,并用一个景物特征图对景物进行表达(SAGR)。

    In the preprocessing stage , the enclosed edges of visible object surfaces are detected first and a scene attribute graph to represent the scene ( SAGR ) is used .

  27. 用单色激光器和4f光学滤波系统分离出编码片上记录的三基色图像信息,并用散射参考光记录下景物的彩色景物全息图。

    A 4f filtering optical system is used to decode the film to obtain the information of each primary colour image of the scene respectively . From the decoded images a true colour hologram is made by a special method of diffusion reference light with a monochromatic laser .

  28. 从光电器件对光源的响应率出发,引伸出光电阴极与景物之间的光谱匹配系数表达式,计算了S25光电阴极与暗绿色涂层和绿色草木的光谱匹配系数。

    According to the responsivity of photoelectric device for a light source , the formula of spectral matching factor of photocathode for object is deduced . The spectral matching factors of S 25 photocathodes for dark green paint and green vegetation are calculated and compared .

  29. 分形几何学在自然景物计算机模拟中的应用初探

    Computer Simulation of Nature Scene with the Method of Fractal Geometry

  30. 视域内景物密度分析在山地城市景观控制中的应用

    The Using of Scenery Density Analysis in Mountainous City Sight Control