
  • 网络Ephedra intermedia;E.intermedia;Ephedra intermedia Schrenk et C.A.Mey.;Ephedra intermedia Schrenk
  1. 河西地区天然中麻黄实生苗当年地上部分生长缓慢,地下根系生长显著;

    For the natural Ephedra intermedia seedlings in Hexi region , the above-ground part grows slowly while the underground root-system grows fast in the first year ;

  2. GC-MS法测定尿液中麻黄汤代谢产物麻黄类生物碱的浓度

    Simultaneous Determination of Ephedrine Alkaloids by GC-MS in Human Urine after Oral Administration of Mahuang Decoction

  3. 关于《中国药典》中麻黄生物碱含量测定指标的探讨

    Discussion on the Detective Markers for Herba Ephedrae in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia

  4. 中麻黄幼苗具有一定的耐盐性,成苗后耐盐能力显著增强,当土壤含盐量在0.82%时,出苗率降为41%,盐害死亡率48.8%;

    Its saline tolerance is relatively high in seedling stage and gradually become higher with growth . When the soil salt content reaches 0.82 % , the seedling ratio is reduced to 41 % and the death rate gets 48.8 % .

  5. 方法:采用转篮法测定两者的体外溶出度,用酸性染料比色法测定制剂中麻黄总生物碱的含量并以此作为溶出指标。

    Methods : Their dissolution rates in vitro were determined by the rotary basket method , the contents of total alkaloid in ephedra alkaloid in the two preparations were determined by acidic dye colorimetry , and they were used as markers of dissolution .

  6. 无论是天然苗、人工苗,还是天然苗刈割再生草、人工苗刈割再生草,3年内萌蘖枝数随生长年限的增加而增加,而人工中麻黄的萌蘖枝数显著大于天然的。

    Although the numbers of tillers of natural seedlings , artificial seedlings , natural re-growing grass , or artificial re-growing grass , increased rapidly year by year for three years , the numbers of tillers of artificial sown plants were much greater than those of naturally sown ones .

  7. 二维高效液相色谱技术用于分析中药制剂中的麻黄类生物碱

    Analysis of Ephedrine Alkaloids in Chinese Medicine by 2D HPLC

  8. 一植物科花小单性果实肉质;在一些分类中包括麻黄属植物和千岁兰属以及买麻藤属。

    Plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit : in some classifications includes the genera Ephedra and Welwitschia as well as Gnetum .

  9. 在东海岛沙质海岸防护林营造中,选用木麻黄8个优良无性系和1个本地实生苗进行造林对比试验。

    Clones and 1 seedling of Casuarina equisetifolia were chosen for afforestation and comparative experiment at Donghai island , Guangdong province .