
zhònɡ dú liànɡ
  • Poisoning amount;toxic dose;poisoning dose
  1. 本文就铜的生物学效应和生理功能,奶牛对铜的需要量、耐受量和中毒量等进行阐述。

    The biological effect and physiological function , requirements , tolerance , toxic dose of copper in dairy cattle were reviewed .

  2. 【结论】使用氟化泡沫后,氟的摄入量小于每日总氟适宜摄入量及每日慢性中毒量,氟化泡沫使用是安全的。

    [ Conclusion ] It was safe to use fluoride foam when fluorid foam concentration was lower than total dose in need and chronic toxic dose .

  3. 作为一种抗癌药物,5-氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)对多种肿瘤有抑制作用,但它的缺点是服药有效剂量与中毒量相近,在杀死癌细胞的同时正常细胞损伤也较严重。

    As a kind of antitumor drug , 5-Fluorouracil has inhibition effect on many kinds of cancer , but its defect is that it also seriously hurts the normal cells while it kills the cancer cells .

  4. 奶牛微量元素需要量及中毒量

    Requirement and Toxics Dosage of Micro-mineral Element in Dairy Cattle

  5. 中毒量与有效量之比低于2。

    The ratio between toxic and effective dose was less than 2 .

  6. 镉的需要量、中毒量及饲料中镉的最大允许量。

    Requirement and tolerances of cadmium to animals and allowance in feed .

  7. 绵羊羔不同组织对中毒量硒的亲合性研究

    The Affinity of Various Tissuses to the Toxic Doses of Selenium in Lambs

  8. 肌肉注射的中毒量为:猪50、羊65mg/kg。

    50mg / kg for pigs and 65mg / kg for sheep by intramuscular injection .

  9. 钼的含量正常并低于中毒量6mg/kg。

    The molybdenum contents in all samples were normal and below the toxic level of 6 ppm .

  10. 呼吸中枢和其他皮层中枢同样表现为小量时兴奋,大量或中毒量抑制。

    The respiratory and other subcortical centers likewise show stimulation after low doses and depression with higher or toxic doses .

  11. 各种家畜口服敌百虫的中毒量为:猪65、羊200、牛100、马50mg/kg;

    The toxic doses of dipterex by oral administration for pigs , sheep , cattle and horses are 65,200,100 and 50mg / kg respectively ;

  12. 本文采用免疫组化法对治疗量及中毒量吗啡注射大鼠死后体内吗啡的定位及分布变化分别进行研究。

    The postmortem disposition and distribution changes of morphine after intramuscular injection of therapeutic and toxic doses morphine treated rats were studied by immunohistochemistry .

  13. 但是,也别过分关注,因为导致水中毒的量非常大。

    However , it is important not to get too concerned because the amount of water that causes water intoxication is huge .

  14. 二巯基丙磺酸钠对杀虫单急性中毒解毒的量效关系

    Dose-effect relationship of DMPS on acute poisoning caused by SCD

  15. 新型搅拌棒式微萃取器萃取气相色谱法分析蔬菜中毒死蜱残留量

    Analyzing chlorpyrifos residue levels in vegetables using a new stirring bar micro-extractor and gas chromatography

  16. 钙、镁和蛋白质摄入量对氟中毒及氟耐受量影响的研究

    Study on the effect of total intakes of calcium , magnesium and protein on fluorosis and fluoride tolerance

  17. 西红柿中毒死蜱残留量为空白对照的71.33%,乐果的残留量为67.79%。

    After the same treatment on tomatoes , the residuals of chlorpyrifos and dimethoate were 71.33 % and 67.79 % of those of the control , respectively .

  18. 喷施配合物次日采摘黄瓜和西红柿样品,并测定其毒死蜱与乐果的残留量,黄瓜中毒死蜱残留量为空白对照的70.75%,乐果完全降解;

    After insufflating the compound , the residual of chlorpyrifos in cucumbers was only 70.75 % of that of the control , and dimethoate had been completely degradated .

  19. 当代谢性碱中毒的病人体液量减少时,给予氯化钠溶液(生理盐水),大量HCO3-随尿排出,代谢性碱中毒迅速逆转。

    When a volume-depleted patient with a metabolic alkalosis is given NaCl solution ( nomal saline ), the metabolic alkalosis rapidly reverses as large amounts of HCO3-are excreted in the urine .