
  • 网络Showrooming
  1. 如今一项调查确认,书商所说的这种“展厅现象”并不是他们臆想出来的。

    Now a survey has confirmed that the practice , known among booksellers as showrooming , is not a figment of their imaginations .

  2. 在中国城市中,年轻的消费者告诉我们,他们偏爱一种名为展厅现象(showrooming)的消费模式。

    Urban , young Chinese consumers told us that they have a penchant for showrooming .

  3. 在中国城市中,年轻的消费者告诉我们,他们偏爱一种名为“展厅现象”(showrooming)的消费模式。换句话说,他们在实体商店试穿衣服,然后到网上购买更便宜的同款商品,还包括便宜的次日到达配送服务。

    Urban , young Chinese consumers told us that they have a penchant for " showrooming . " In other words , they try on clothing in stores and then buy the item online for a better price , including inexpensive next-day delivery .

  4. 这种现象非常普遍,以致于有了一个专门的说法&展厅现象。

    The phenomenon became so common that it earned a name & showrooming .