
  • 网络Credit Card Loans;Credit Card Payment;Credit Card Receivables
  1. 例如,根据dealogic的统计,10月份美国和欧洲没有一家机构发行信用卡贷款支持债券。

    For example , in October there has been no issuance of bonds backed by credit card loans in the US or Europe , according to data from Dealogic .

  2. 回到账上的主要资产是信用卡贷款。

    The primary assets that will come back on to balance sheets are credit card loans .

  3. 果真如此的话,那么CapitalOne等公司的收益预计将大幅上升,因为较低的违约率可以减轻信用卡贷款发放公司在提取贷款损失准备金方面的压力。

    If so , firms like Capital One could look forward to sharply higher earnings as lower defaults would allow lenders to ease off on the expense of building their loan-loss reserves .

  4. 起初以10万美元信用卡贷款白手起家创立这家公司的林麦克最近完成了新一轮融资,吸引到了法国电信公司Orange和能源管理公司施耐德电气(SchneiderElectric)这样的大型企业投资者。

    Lin , who initially shoe-stringed the company with $ 100,000 in credit card debt , recently concluded a new fundraising round , enticing major corporate investors like orange , the French Telecom , and Schneider Electric , an energy management firm .

  5. 信用卡贷款增长了不到0.5个百分点。

    Credit card lending is up less than half a percent .

  6. 下降最多的是信用卡贷款和住房贷款。

    The biggest drops were in credit card lending and home loans .

  7. 另一有趣现象是非信用卡贷款市场出现的变化。

    Another interesting phenomenon is the changes in the non-card credit market .

  8. 在美国,许多人都有信用卡贷款。

    In America , so many people are in credit card debt .

  9. 缴税后,你的下一笔最大支出该是偿还抵押贷款和信用卡贷款了。

    After taxes , your next largest expense is usually your mortgage and credit card debt .

  10. 房贷、车贷、信用卡贷款等提前消费模式深入人心。

    Mortgage , car loans , credit card loans is very popular among the people in nowadays .

  11. 大多数资产担保证券,都是通过抵押贷款、信用卡贷款和汽车贷款产生的收入获利的。

    Most asset-backed securities are secured by income generated from mortgages , credit card loans and auto loans .

  12. 这一结论也与近几年银行信用卡贷款的损失率数据一致。

    This conclusion is also consistent with the loss rate data of credit card loan in recent years .

  13. 增速减缓是因为汽车贷款疲软,这抵消了信用卡贷款增长的部分。

    The slowdown occurred because of weakness in auto loans , which offset the jump in credit card borrowing .

  14. 鉴于银行致力推广个人贷款方面的部分环节,年内信用卡贷款大幅增加。

    Credit card advances increased significantly during the year as a result of banks ' promotion efforts on some personal segments .

  15. 他表示,有关银行贷款的报告显示出消费者贷款出现大幅度下降,其中包括信用卡贷款;商业和工业贷款也有所减少。

    He said reports on bank lending show significant declines in consumer loans , including credit card loans , and commercial and industrial loans .

  16. 穆迪的数据更加令人担心:借款人一旦开始拖欠信用卡贷款,他们就无法补上还款进度。

    Also worrisome are data from Moody 's suggesting that borrowers are finding it harder to become current on credit-card loans once they fall behind .

  17. 下降幅度最大的是消费贷款,其中信用卡贷款下降了近6%,住房净值贷款下降了2%多一点。

    The biggest drops were in consumer lending , where credit card loans fell nearly 6 % and home equity lines of credit dropped just over 2 % .

  18. 已发放零售贷款总额下降3%;按揭贷款总额和未清偿信用卡贷款也有所下滑消费者在减少信用卡消费。

    Total retail loans outstanding fell 3 per cent . Mortgage lending is down as are outstandings on credit cards customers are spending less on their plastic too .

  19. 中国银行发放的高风险企业贷款比例很高,信用卡贷款也在不断增加。根据新资本协议,此类贷款在资本充足率方面的要求更高。

    Chinese banks have significant exposure to risky corporate loans and a growing exposure to credit card loans , which have a higher capital adequacy requirement under Basle II .

  20. 你为银行工作。缴税后,你的下一笔最大支出该是偿还抵押贷款和信用卡贷款了。计算普通(无担保)贷款的偿还利息

    " You work for the bank . After taxes , your next largest expense is usually your mortgage and credit card debt . " Returns the Straight-loan Payment Interest

  21. 人们失业,房贷及各种信用卡贷款都成了呆账和坏账,之前信贷业务越发达的公司企业,其危害则就越严重。

    People unemployed , mortgages and all kinds of credit card loaned have become doubtful and bad debts , The more developed credit , the harm is more serious .

  22. 美国次贷危机揭示了一个令人深思的事实:次级抵押贷款市场问题为什么会导致信用卡贷款、汽车贷款、商业抵押贷款等信贷市场也跟随出问题。

    An invoking fact of subprime mortgage crisis is that : it necessarily leads to credit market crisis such as credit card loan , auto loan and commercial mortgage loan .

  23. 无论有没有这项经济刺激计划,当前的信贷危机预计都会重创美国经济,因为信用卡贷款、汽车贷款和住房按揭贷款的放贷标准收紧会打击美国消费者。

    With or without stimulus , the credit crisis is expected to take a deepening toll on the economy as consumers are hit by tightening terms for credit cards , auto loans and home mortgages .

  24. 如果消费者的财产还没有贷款的金额高,那么消费者一直支付抵押贷款的动机就会削弱,最后信用卡贷款就会成为偿还款项的最首位。

    The incentives for consumers to keep paying the mortgage decrease if properties are worth less than the value of the loan ; card debt rises higher up the list of repayment priorities as a result .

  25. 证券业和金融市场协会的资料显示,资产担保证券去年的发行量下滑16.6%,至1840亿美元,信用卡贷款担保交易量出现暴跌。

    Issuance of asset-backed securities dropped 16.6 percent last year , to $ 184 billion , with a steep drop off in deals backed by credit card loans , according to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association .

  26. 像花旗、摩根大通和美国银行之类的银行不得不拯救资产负债表外的那些帮助信用卡贷款融资的金融衍生品,因为这些衍生品受到了消费者违约的影响而变得衰弱。

    Banks such as Citigroup , JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America have had to come to the rescue of the off-balance-sheet vehicles that help them to fund credit card loans , as these vehicles have been weakened by consumer defaults .

  27. 在介绍信用卡贷款的理论基础及自身特点的基础上,本文根据宏观经济学的总需求分析模式,研究了信用卡消费与经济增长的辩证关系,论证了信贷消费对于经济增长的重要性。

    After introducing the theoretical bases and the characteristics of credit card consumption , this paper studies the relationship between credit card consumption and economic growth based on the aggregate demand analysis model , which justifies the importance of credit card consumption on economic growth .

  28. 廉价按揭和信用卡贷款推动的消费繁荣导致2000-2007年意大利、西班牙、爱尔兰、希腊和葡萄牙的通货膨胀率(3.2%)几乎达到了德国(1.7%)的两倍。

    A consumption boom , financed by cheap mortgages and credit card loans , powered inflation at almost twice the rate in Italy , Spain , Ireland , Greece and Portugal from 2000 to 2007 as in Germany , 3.2 % compared to 1.7 % .

  29. 新月会影响到合作资源、税收、信用卡和贷款。

    The new moon may affect joint resources , taxes , credit or loans .

  30. 目前,银行通过积极的电话营销及其它促销方式,提供信用卡和贷款服务。

    Banks now offer credit cards and loans through aggressive telemarketing and other promotions .