
  • 网络Logistics Automation
  1. 自动导引车(AGV)控制技术是物流自动化研究领域的一项重要内容,是一门高度综合性的学科,它蕴含着极其丰富的教学资源。

    The automatic guided vehicle ( AGV ) control technology is an important branch of the logistics automation researching and a study of highly integration , which is rich in education resource .

  2. 搬运机器人属于一种常见的工业机器人,主要应用于物流自动化领域,用于代替人工进行自动码垛。

    As a common industrial robot , the transport robot is used to replace the human to automatic palletizing in the field of logistics automation .

  3. 开发了基于PLC的辅料、成品物流自动化控制系统。

    Developed materials , finished product logistics automatic control system based on PLC .

  4. NET技术实现了基于电子标签技术的物流自动化管理系统后台数据库方面的开发任务。

    NET technology which are betoken to realize the automatic backstage database based on electronic label technology .

  5. 中国在加入WTO三年后取消了特种烟的零售许可证,使烟草市场竞争更加的激烈,这就需要继续加强烟草业物流自动化技术发展,降低物流成本,提高总体竞争力。

    China removes the special tobacco retail license after Participating in WTO three years , witch makes competition in the tobacco market becoming more fiercer , so the tobacco industry needs to improve the logistics automation technology , reducing logistics cost , improve competitiveness .

  6. 物流自动化无线仓储信息系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of the Logistics Wireless Storage Information Integrated System

  7. 浅析物流自动化立体仓储系统设计新技术

    Analysis on the New Design Technology of AS / RS

  8. 卷包生产废料回收物流自动化的实现

    Automation of Waste Recovery in Cigarette Making & Packing

  9. 物流自动化存取过程中的交互控制

    Interactive Control of Storage and Retrieval in Logistics Automatization

  10. 物流自动化管理系统的数据库设计

    Design of the database for logistics automatic management system

  11. 手机短信业务在物流自动化报警系统中的应用

    Application of Mobile Phone Short Message Service in Alarm System of Automatic Logistic System

  12. 论文研究的内容是物流自动化存取过程中的交互控制,目标是实现仓库存取的自动化,提高设备的可靠性。

    Investigative content of the paper is interactive control of storage and retrieval in logistics automatization .

  13. 物流自动化系统故障诊断的贝叶斯决策判据

    Study On the Application of Bayes Decision Methods in the Breakdown Diagnosis of the Automatic System of Materials Circulation

  14. 配送线路的合理规划是物流自动化的重要基础之一,它对于配送系统的服务效益和效率的提高均具有重要作用。

    Being the base of Automatization , the planning of vehicle routing takes great effect on the improvement of benefit and efficiency in distribution .

  15. 经过多年的发展,虽然大部分国内制药企业已经实现了生产系统的自动化,但实现仓储物流自动化的却不多。

    In recent years , most domestic pharmaceutical enterprises have achieved modernization and automatization in production . But only a few of them have achieved that in warehouse .

  16. 因此企业铁路物流自动化管理技术的研究工作以及在此基础上开发一套企业铁路物流的自动化管理系统是非常必要的。

    So the research of automatization management of enterprise trail logistics , and based on which , development a suit of software system of automatization management logistic is significant .

  17. 可以为用户提供代表国际先进水平的汽车生产车间物流自动化解决方案及制造、安装调试和售后维保服务。

    It is specialized in providing the solutions for automatic distribution in automobile workshop of world advanced level and also the production , installation , commissioning and after services .

  18. 第二章研究分析车号自动识别、计算机信号联锁技术、机车无线作业技术等物流自动化管理的相关技术;

    The second chapter mainly analyzes computer interlocking technology and wireless locomotive busywork technology and automatic identity the number of vehicle technology , which are relative to Automatization management of enterprise trail logistics .

  19. 探讨了物流自动化立体仓储系统的组成及设计技术,详细给出了设计思想和设计步骤,最后对自动化仓储系统设计技术发展趋势作了展望。

    The paper discusses the structure and design technology of Logistics AS / RS , gives out the design idea and steps and looks forward to the future trend of the AS / RS design technology .

  20. 现今想尝试供应链物流自动化管理的企业总是面临着同一个难题:合作伙伴没有将业务信息化或各行其道,采用各自的编码规则,自动识别标识无法在供应链上重复利用,信息传递受阻。

    Today the companies which want to try the automatic management of supply chain logistics are always facing the same challenges : partners do not have business information or prevail , using their own coding rules .

  21. 随着锂电池行业的迅猛发展,将物流自动化技术引入锂电池的生产过程,建立电池化成自动化生产线实现加工的高质高效成为研究热点和发展方向。

    With the rapid development of lithium battery industry , it became a hot research and development direction that taking advantage of logistics automation technology into the lithium battery manufacture and establishing a battery automated production lines to achieve high quality and efficient processing .

  22. 设计以现代物流中自动化仓库管理系统为基础,结合自动导引车系统AGVS的一般组成和功能,并且提出了AGVS的开放性设计思想。

    The design is on the base of the constitutions , functions of normal AGV and AGVS and characteristics of WMS . The open thought is introduced in design process of AGVS .

  23. 作为当代物流处理自动化的有效手段和柔性制造系统的关键设备,AGV已经得到了越来越广泛的应用,对AGV的研究也具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    As the valid measure of contemporary logistics processing automation and the key equipment of flexible manufacture system , the AGV has already got more and more extensive application , so that the research on AGV has very important theory meaning and realistic meaning .

  24. 企业铁路物流管理自动化技术的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Automatization Technology on Enterprise Railway Logistic Management

  25. 基于现代物流的自动化立体仓库系统(AS/RS)管理及控制技术研究

    Study on Control and Management Techniques of Automated Storage and Retrieval System ( AS / RS ) Basing on Modern Logistics

  26. 随着现代物流体系自动化程度的提高,企业自我保护意识的增强,产品的信息化管理成为现代企业管理的一个重要组成部分,而条形码作为产品信息化管理的有效方法也得到了广泛的应用。

    With automatic advance of the modern logistics system and self-protection awareness of enterprises , barcode as an important role of modern enterprise management , provides high-efficient information-based management and has been widely used .

  27. 在对自动化仓库仿真设备及作业流程、仿真系统中类和对象的分析后,介绍一种基于面向对象建模和多线程的物流系统自动化仓储仿真的方法。

    After analyzing the automatic warehouse simulation equipments and the classes and objects of working process and simulation system , an automatic warehouse simulation method based on object-oriented modeling and multi-thread techniques was introduced in this paper .

  28. 基于现代物流管理的自动化立体仓库系统开发

    An Automated Warehouse System Developments Based on Modern Logistics Management

  29. 物流系统的自动化仓库在航空货站的应用中厚板现货库仓储物流管理分析与对策

    Application of AS / RS in Air Cargo Stations ; Analysis and Countermeasures for Warehouse Logistics Management of No-order Medium and Heavy Plate

  30. 介绍了中国物流搬运系统自动化的历史沿革和发展概况,并预测未来的发展方向。

    Introduces the atomatic history of the material handling system in China , and the developing trend of the material handling system is predicted .