
  • 网络Logistics;logistics engineering
  1. 物流工程专业双语教学模式探讨

    Discussing the Model of the Bilingual Teaching of the Logistics Engineering Major

  2. 物流工程本科专业培养方案的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on Undergraduate Program for Logistics Engineering Specialty

  3. 自动化立体仓库不仅是CIMS和FMS的一部分,更是现代物流工程不可缺少的货物存贮环节。

    The AS / RS is not only a part of CIMS and FMS but also an indispensably storage tache of modern logistics engineer .

  4. 物流工程项目调度的最小贴现成本方法

    An Approach to Minimum Discount Cost in Logistics Project Scheduling

  5. 大物流工程项目类制造企业的物流模型研究

    Logistics model research of enterprise with large logistics engineering project

  6. 物流工程专业物流设备方向人才培养研究

    Logistics Equipment Speciality Direction of Logistics Engineering Discipline Talent Fostering

  7. 安徽电力公司物流工程建设方案研究

    A Analysis on Plan for Logistic Project of Anhui Electric Power Corporation

  8. 物流工程是近年来形成的新学科。

    Logistics engineering is a new subject that has been formed these years .

  9. 通用弹药条码系统在物流工程的应用

    Application of General Ammunition Barcode System in Logistics Engineering

  10. 物流工程课程体系探讨

    The Discussion about Curriculum System of Logistics Engineering Discipline

  11. 农林院校物流工程专业本科人才培养模式探讨

    Study of Personnel Training Pattern of Logistics Engineering Undergraduate in Agriculture and Forestry Colleges

  12. 物流工程实验室建设的研究

    Research on the Construction of Logistics Engineering Labs

  13. 一种大物流工程项目类制造系统的体系结构及其应用

    A Structure of Manufacturing System with Large Material Flow Engineering Projects and Its Application

  14. 物流工程投资中的净现值方法

    Net Present Value in Logistics Project Investment

  15. 研究型大学物流工程专业课程设置原则&以南京农业大学为例

    Principles on Curriculum Program of Logistics Engineering Specialty in Research Universities & A Case Study in Nanjing Agricultural University

  16. 应用型物流工程本科专业培养方案的构建&以淮阴工学院为例

    Research on the Training Program for Application-oriented Undergraduates Majoring in Logistics Engineering & A Case Study in Huaiyin Institute of Technology

  17. 与一般本科院校不同,研究型大学物流工程专业培养的是高层次的物流工程人才。

    Different with the general undergraduate course colleges and universities , logistics engineering specialty in research universities cultivate high level logistics talented person .

  18. 从大物流工程项目类制造企业管理的角度,提出了基于企业生产计划的物流调度模型。

    As viewed from the management of enterprise with large material flow engineering project , a scheduling model is presented based on the enterprise production plan .

  19. 系统的开发为物流工程中货物的有效包装、运输工具的最优装载以及仓库的高效存储等提供了一种途径。

    The proposed system can be applied to the effective packing of wares , the optimal loading of conveyances and the high-efficiency storage of warehouses in logistics engineering .

  20. 为此,研究型大学物流工程专业的课程设置应遵循“加强基础、注重交叉、强调系统、重视研究”的原则。

    Therefore , the research university should flow the following principles in planning curricula : strengthen the foundation , emphasize overlapping , overline system , pay attention to study .

  21. 希望结合物流工程所学和工作积累,为规划建设一个现代化的服装配送中心提出研究思路和解决方案。

    I want to combine the study of logistics engineering and work experience to propose research ideas and solutions for the planning and construction of modern clothing distribution center .

  22. 它的实现使大量的专业技术可以统一在同一个平台上应用,为现代物流工程带来了新的生命力。

    The realization of the concept enables the application of a wide variety of technologies on a common platform , thus bringing about the new life for modern logistics engineering .

  23. 分析了大物流工程项目类制造企业的物流特征,提出了企业物流模式决策模型和基于此的企业社会物流运行模型。

    This paper analyzes the logistics character of enterprise with large logistics engineering project , presents a decision model of logistics mode and another external logistics running model on the base of the former .

  24. 现代物流工程中应用着大量的机械设备,其中,主要用于各类物料装卸转载作业的抓斗起重机械有着非常重要的作用。

    There are large number of Mechanical Equipments in modern logistics project , and the grab crane which are mainly reserved for various types of material handling lifting operation play an very important role in this field .

  25. 基于复杂系统和协同学理论,分析大物流工程项目类制造系统供应链的复杂性,阐述其协同机理并构建协同适应策略模型。

    On the basis of theories of complex system and synergetics , analysis is carried out on the complexity of engineering project manufacturing system with large logistics . And its collaboration mechanism and co-adaption strategy models have been set up . 3 .

  26. 研究大物流工程项目类制造系统及其资源优化配置技术,对于这类企业调整当前结构,优化系统运行和资源配置,实现制造过程的整体集成和可持续发展具有重要的作用。

    The research on such manufacturing system and the technologies of its optimized resource scheme is significant for such enterprises to adjust their structures , to optimize their system running and resources scheme , to realize their integration during the manufacturing process and to continually develop .

  27. 并在分析大物流工程项目类制造系统的特点及其物流流程的基础上,提出了一种大物流工程项目类制造系统的跨企业物流调度模型,阐述了该模型的关键技术。

    And based on the analysis of the characteristics of such a manufacturing system and the flow chart of large material flow , the authors bring up a scheduling mode of cross-enterprise in manufacturing system with large material flow engineering project , and furthermore , elaborate the key technologies .

  28. 基于协同学的序参量原理和使役原理,对大物流工程项目类制造系统供应链协同程度进行评价研究;寻求和识别序参量,建立二级序参量层次结构和协同测度模型。

    The synergy degree of supply chain operation of engineering project manufacturing system with large logistics has been evaluated based on initial parameter and slaving principles in synergetics . First seek for and distinguish initial parameters , set up two-grade initial parameters system , and then form synergy measuring model .

  29. 本文将以物流系统工程理论和管理决策支持系统技术为基础,结合地理信息系统GIS技术,研究基于GIS的城市废弃物物流管理决策支持系统的关键问题。

    It is based on the theories of logistics system engineering and the techniques of management decision-supporting system . It is studied the key technology in Municipal Waste Material Logistics Management Decision-Supporting based on GIS in the paper .

  30. 基于精益物流的工程项目物资管理研究

    Research of Engineering Project Material Management Based on Lean Logistics