
wù quán pínɡ zhènɡ
  • documents of title
  1. 正是可转让性使得提单成为物权凭证,而物权凭证的功能则强化了提单的可转让性。

    It is the transferability that makes bills of lading become documents of title .

  2. 当今国际货物买卖和海上运输中大量使用提单,提单是货物收据运输合同的证明和物权凭证。

    In recent international cargo trading and carriage , bill of lading is used widely . Bill of lading is receipt of goods 、 prove of transport contract and documents of title .

  3. 对提单的物权凭证功能的再思考

    Reconsideration of the Function of Bill of Lading as Document of Title

  4. 半斤八两与凭票供应付款交单方式下提单物权凭证性质的探讨

    The real right of bill of lading under the payment of document against payment

  5. 传统提单正是由于具有物权凭证功能才在国际贸易中奠定了其基础性地位。

    With it the traditional bill of lading establish the fundamental status in the world trading .

  6. 另一种观点认为存单为物权凭证,存款人与银行之间的关系为物权法律关系。

    Others think that deposit receipt is the document of title and is real right legal relation .

  7. 出口中的主要单据是提单,它是物权凭证。

    The main document in exporting is the bill of lading which is the title deed to the goods .

  8. 回程交通权利的丧失作为一份物权凭证,提单的物权效力是可能丧失的。

    Loss of entitlement to return transportation As a document of title , the bill of lading may lose its property title .

  9. 不可转让的多式联运单证的法律性质则更接近于运单,不具有物权凭证的性质。

    While the nontransferable multimodal transport document , which is not a document of title , shares similar legal nature with sea waybill .

  10. 笔者追本溯源,从英国法的角度来考察物权凭证的原始含义。

    By tracing to its source , this thesis examines the original meaning of document of title from the perspective of English law .

  11. 随国际贸易和航运事业的不断发展,提单也从一般托运收据发展成为物权凭证。

    With the continuous development of international trade and shipping industry , bill of lading has evolved into property document evidence from general check receipt .

  12. 所谓物权凭证,乃是证明货物所有权的一种单据。

    A title to goods isn 't like a bill of lading . The title deed is the document , which proves ownership of the goods .

  13. 提单的物权凭证效力表现为:转让提单即意味着提单项下货物的转让。

    Effectiveness of the bill of lading document of title as follows : the transfer of lading bill of lading means that the transfer of goods under .

  14. 提单证明货运合同及物权凭证的功能决定了承运人应该凭借正本提单实施放货行为。

    Bill of lading is the proof of document of title and freight contract and this function determines the carrier should deliver goods by virtue of original bill of lading .

  15. 具体而言,可转让的多式联运单证的法律性质类似于海运提单,具有物权凭证的性质,可以转让流通;

    To be specific , the legal nature of transferable multimodal transport document , which is a document of title and can circulate , is similar to ocean bill of lading ;

  16. 专利权政府授予的单方对某一商品活动独享控制权的一种权利所谓物权凭证,乃是证明货物所有权的一种单据。

    A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party . The title deed is the document , which proves ownership of the goods .

  17. 本规则为运输合同采纳时方得适用,而不论该合同是否以书面订立,但该合同非由提单或类似的物权凭证所包括。

    They shall apply when adopted by a contract of carriage which is not covered by a Bill of Lading or similar document of title , whether the contract be in writing or not .

  18. 记名提单作为物权凭证,通过各项物权功能的发挥维系着海上货物运输合同关系的稳定并促成相关商业价值的实现。

    Records a name the bill of lading to take the real right certificate , is maintaining marine goods traffic congruent relationship stabilizing through each real right function display and facilitates the correlation commercial value the realization .