
On the basis of the analysis of the property achievement , illustrate the necessity of the way of shares transfer right and the formula .
Whether bona fide acquisition of real should be , debated in academic field .
The third part , analysis elements of the establishment of bona fide acquisition of real .
Registered property acquired in good faith is closely related to the protection ways to the reliance interest of administrative counterpart .
The right to land contractual management shares usufructuary right people get the benefit of a way to have legal significance , is also difficult in the practice of regulating step .
Limitation of acquisition , as one of the accesses to proprietary right , plays an important role in civil law and constitutes a necessary part of the legal system of real right in China .
The traditional civil law theory that acquired in good faith only applicable in the movable field , as known to the public acquisition of real property does not apply to this system to register .
On the Original Methods of Obtaining Real Right
The goodwill obtainment system of Property Law and recovery of stolen goods in the criminal law
Movable property made in good faith of the original , and real property acquisition was made following the subject .
Analysis and Comparison on Function between Juristic Acts of Real Rights and Acquisition in Good Faith
The paper raises concrete proposals for legal perfection in the light of some weak points of concurrent legal system from seven aspects respectively , the application scope , registration , content , right of real claim , acquisition , extinguishment , categorization of the easement .
Chinese Property Law provides the registered property acquired in good faith , which is conducive to the concept changes of rule of executive law .
Registration system determines the acquisition and exercise of real property right as the method of public summons and provides legal guarantee for speedy mobility and transaction safety of real property .
The scope of application of the principle include : the distinction between movable and immovable property ; property object scope property rights protection method ; the type of property ; rights of acquisition , change and the eradication of .
Through the ownership of marine resources , marine resources , described the usufructuary and security interest in the classification of marine resources , and explore the marine resources of property rights to acquire , change and destroy .