
  1. 在分析物权取得理论的基础上,阐述了股权质权取得的途径及公示的必要性。

    On the basis of the analysis of the property achievement , illustrate the necessity of the way of shares transfer right and the formula .

  2. 不动产物权善意取得是否应当存在,学者们一直争论不休。

    Whether bona fide acquisition of real should be , debated in academic field .

  3. 第三部分是分析不动产物权善意取得的成立要件。

    The third part , analysis elements of the establishment of bona fide acquisition of real .

  4. 登记物权善意取得与登记机构对行政相对人信赖利益的保护方式紧密相关。

    Registered property acquired in good faith is closely related to the protection ways to the reliance interest of administrative counterpart .

  5. 土地承包经营权入股是用益物权人取得收益的一种方式,具有法律意义,同时也是实践中的难于统一规制的一步。

    The right to land contractual management shares usufructuary right people get the benefit of a way to have legal significance , is also difficult in the practice of regulating step .

  6. 作为物权的取得方法之一,取得时效是民法中的一个重要制度,也是我国物权立法不可或缺的内容。

    Limitation of acquisition , as one of the accesses to proprietary right , plays an important role in civil law and constitutes a necessary part of the legal system of real right in China .

  7. 传统民法理论认为善意取得仅限于在动产领域适用,而以登记作为公示的不动产物权的取得则不适用此制度。

    The traditional civil law theory that acquired in good faith only applicable in the movable field , as known to the public acquisition of real property does not apply to this system to register .

  8. 物权的原始取得方法研究

    On the Original Methods of Obtaining Real Right

  9. 物权法善意取得制度与刑事赃物追缴

    The goodwill obtainment system of Property Law and recovery of stolen goods in the criminal law

  10. 动产物权的善意取得为原始取得,而不动产物权的取得则为继受取得。

    Movable property made in good faith of the original , and real property acquisition was made following the subject .

  11. 物权行为与善意取得保障交易安全机能之分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison on Function between Juristic Acts of Real Rights and Acquisition in Good Faith

  12. 论文分别从地役权制度的适用范围、登记、内容、物权请求权、取得、消灭、类型化等七个方面,指出我国现行法律规定之不足,提出具体的立法完善建议。

    The paper raises concrete proposals for legal perfection in the light of some weak points of concurrent legal system from seven aspects respectively , the application scope , registration , content , right of real claim , acquisition , extinguishment , categorization of the easement .

  13. 我国《物权法》规定了登记物权的善意取得,这有利于促使行政法治观念的转变。

    Chinese Property Law provides the registered property acquired in good faith , which is conducive to the concept changes of rule of executive law .

  14. 其中,登记制度作为不动产物权的公示方法,直接关系到不动产物权的取得与行使,为不动产的快速流转及交易安全提供了法律保障。

    Registration system determines the acquisition and exercise of real property right as the method of public summons and provides legal guarantee for speedy mobility and transaction safety of real property .

  15. 该原则的适用范围主要包括:动产与不动产的区分;物权客体范围;物权的保护方法;物权的种类;物权的取得、变更和消灭。

    The scope of application of the principle include : the distinction between movable and immovable property ; property object scope property rights protection method ; the type of property ; rights of acquisition , change and the eradication of .

  16. 通过对海洋资源所有权、海洋资源用益物权和海洋资源担保物权的分类阐述,探讨了海洋资源物权的取得、变更及消灭。

    Through the ownership of marine resources , marine resources , described the usufructuary and security interest in the classification of marine resources , and explore the marine resources of property rights to acquire , change and destroy .