
wù zhī suǒ zài dì fǎ
  • lex situs
  1. 对于PRIMA的来源,主要认为有以下三种:物之所在地法、信托法和行为地法。

    About the sources of the PRIMA are usually thought to be the lex situs , trust law and lex loci delicti .

  2. 在被盗艺术品跨国争议中,物之所在地法是被盗艺术品的所有权判定的主要依据。

    A general principle lex situs is applied to determine the ownership of transnational stolen art .

  3. 法律冲突中的法律适用主要有物之所在地法,也有一些例外。

    Lex rei sitae is the main applicable law though there exist some exceptions .

  4. 其次,阐述了物权关系适用物之所在地法原则的理论依据。

    Second , the elaborated theoretical basis for the application of the lex rei sitae principle of right relations .

  5. 物权法律冲突与物之所在地法原则的适用

    Legal Conflicts of Right to a Thing and Application of Principle of the Law of the Place Where a Thing is Situated

  6. 首先,介绍了物之所在地法原则的基本含义和物之所在地法原则的产生与发展。

    First of all , describes the basic meaning of the lex rei sitae principle and the principle of the lex situs of the development .

  7. 中国在有关的立法实践中应该更加注意采用物之所在地法原则。

    Therefore , principle of the law of the place where a thing is situated should be adopted in the practice of legislation in China .

  8. 在这一时期,涉外物权关系适用物之所在地法原则逐渐被各国立法和司法实践所接受。

    During this period , the principle of foreign economic relationship applicable to the Lex situs has been gradually accepted by national legislation and judicial practice .

  9. 在跨境间接持有证券制度发展的初期,传统的法律适用规则主要有物之所在地法和当事人协议选择的法。

    In early years of the cross-border indirect holding securities system , lex situs and principle of party autonomy played an important role in traditional legal selections .

  10. 国际信托的法律适用规则经历了一个漫长的发展演变过程,从最早单纯适用物之所在地法到现在盛行信托自体法理论。

    The applicable law of international trust comes through a long evolvement from the simply applying of lex in rem to the popularity of the trust proper law .

  11. 与传统物之所在地法的适用相对应的是,当代涉外物权法律适用呈现出明显的分割化走势。

    Corresponding to traditional law at the thing located applicable to property right , there exists a obvious separatism trend at law applicable to property right in contemporary times .

  12. 第二部分为动产物权法律适用的一般原则。本文认为物之所在地法己成为动产物权法律适用的一般原则。

    Section II discusses the general principle of the application of law over the real right of movables , which is that lex situs is applicable for real right of movables .

  13. 在国际私法领域,作为物权法律适用中主要的冲突法规则,物之所在地法一直被认为最具稳定性并得到最广泛认可。

    Lex rei sitae , as the main conflict rule of law applicable to property right , has won widest recognition and is looked as one of the most stable mles .

  14. 自物之所在地法原则被提出来之后,很快被许多国家不同程度地接受,并逐渐成为解决涉外物权法律冲突的法律适用原则。

    After lex rei sitae principle was raised , was quickly accepted in varying degrees in many countries , and gradually become the right of settlement of foreign law applicable to conflicts of law principles .

  15. 为适应新的情况,有必要对传统的涉外物权领域的冲突规范进行重构,而其中的关键就在于要最大化地克服物之所在地法原则固有的局限性。

    In order to adjust in the new situation , we must reconstruct the conflict rules of traditional real right involving foreign affairs where the key is to try our best to overcome the inherent limitations of lex loci rei sitae .

  16. 物之所在地法原则是国际私法中关于涉外物权法律适用规则中的一项重要原则,随着社会的发展,在物权和财产权领域产生了诸多新的问题。

    The lex loci rei sitae is an important principle in the private international law about regulations of application of law of real right involving foreign affairs which creates a lot of new issues in the field of real right and property right as the society developed .

  17. 物之所在地的识别问题作为物之所在地法的适用前提之一,有着不可忽视的研究价值和实践价值。

    Identify the location has no ignored research and practice value .