
  1. 抵押权与其他物上担保权竞合及处理部分,论述了抵押权与其他物上担保权发生冲突时,二种权利的效力。

    In this part it discussed the force issue of various rights when hypothec and other real right guaranteeed are compatible at the same property .

  2. 从民事责任方式、归责原则和有关过错责任人的赔偿范围等方面,分析了物上担保合同无效的民事责任问题;

    The civil responsibility for invalidation of a guarantee contract in res is analyzed in the aspect of the forms , the principle and the limits of civil responsibility undertaken by the parties ;

  3. 物上瑕疵担保责任、履行障碍法与缔约过失责任

    On the Guarantee of Flaws of Things , Leistungst 、 rungsrecht and Culpa in Contrahendo

  4. 让与担保制度是由大陆法系德日等国沿袭罗马法上的信托行为理论而逐渐发展起来的,须转移标的物上权利的非典型担保制度。

    The system of alienation guarantee is an untypical guarantee system that developed gradually through absorbing Fiducia Theory in Roman Law by civil law countries ( Germany Japan , our Taiwan areas , etc. ) and needs transfer the rights of the subject .