
  • 网络Effect of real right;document of title
  1. 添附制度的内部关系是添附行为人和被添附人之间的权利义务关系,包括添附的物权效力和债权效力。

    The internal relationship is the basic right and duty relationship between litigants .

  2. 关于物权效力及物权请求权之思考

    A Consideration on the Validity of the Real Right and the Right of Real Claim

  3. 仓单作为一种有价证券,具有特殊的性质和特有的物权效力。

    As valuable securities , warehouse receipts are special and have specific effects of property .

  4. 从其签订的目的而言,体育冠名权合同类似于广告合同,是具有物权效力的名称许可使用合同。

    From the view of signing , such a contract is similar to advertisement contract granted with effect of real right of the permission of the name right .

  5. 其次,分析了我国学术界对于承租人优先购买权具有何种效力的两种不同观点,分别是债权效力说和物权效力说。

    Next , analyzes two different viewpoints in the academic circle about the effect of the right of preemption which respectively are the creditor right effect and the real right effect .

  6. 指出浮动抵押的效力以及与其他担保物权效力的优先顺序,浮动抵押权实现的方式和程序。

    Point out that the effect of the floating charge , its ' priorities compared to other real rights granted by way of security as well as the way and procedure of its realization .

  7. 关于集体合同的效力,笔者尝试在比较英国和德国以及我国台湾地区理论的基础上,从物权效力、债权效力和组织法效力三个方面来讨论集体合同的效四川大学硕士学位论文力问题。

    About the validity of the collective agreement , I attempt to discuss from the aspects of real right validity , obligatory right validity and organization validity , on the foundation of the comparison among the varied theories from Britain , Germany and Taiwan .

  8. 这部分,首先介绍了优先购买权的效力之争,主要围绕在债权效力和物权效力上,区分的标准是能否对抗第三人。

    In this part , the article firstly introduces the disputes of the effect of the right of preemption which mainly upon the effect of real right and the effect of creditor right . The standard to differentiate these is to see whether it can resist anther person or not .

  9. 物权的效力问题之我见

    Some Thoughts on the Issue of the Effect of Real Rights

  10. 承认房屋租赁权一定程度的物权化效力是各国的通行做法。

    Most countries accept that housing leasehold has some effect of jus in rem to some degree .

  11. 该制度通过赋予债权请求权以类似于物权的效力来实现对债权人利益的保护。

    This system functions through endowing obligatory claim with the force similar to that of real right .

  12. 因此,我们应更新观念,抛弃传统的物权优先效力理论。

    At last the author proposes that we should renovate our idea and discard the international theory of preferential effect of property rights .

  13. 法律上为了有效保障当事人该期待权的实现,便将该债权赋予了若干物权的效力。

    In order to protect the realization of the expecting right effectively , the obligatory is endowed with some effect of real right by the law .

  14. 第五部分研究海域使用权的效力以及它和其他相关物权在效力方面的冲突。

    Part five study effect , it and other conflicts of the respect of rendering a service of relevant real rights of the maritime right of use .

  15. 提单的物权凭证效力表现为:转让提单即意味着提单项下货物的转让。

    Effectiveness of the bill of lading document of title as follows : the transfer of lading bill of lading means that the transfer of goods under .

  16. 物权的效力由物权的性质所决定,而物权是在法律限制范围内权利人所享有的一种自由。

    Real right is a kind of liberty enjoyed by the right holder within the scope of legal restriction and the validity of real right is determined by its nature .

  17. 合同效力依不同的标准可有多种分类,其中设立效力与履行效力、债权性效力与物权性效力的划分并未被学界所重视。

    According to different standards , contract effects have several classifications , among which scholars do not attach much importance to the classifications of the establishing effect and the implement effect , the credit effect and the real right effect .

  18. 论担保物权期间的效力

    On the Efficacy of Time Period in Real Rights for Security

  19. 论抵押权与其他担保物权竞合的效力

    The Effect of Mortgage Concurrent with Other Real Rights of Security

  20. 担保物权的优先效力冲突问题研究

    A Study on Conflicts of Prior Force of Real Rights for Security

  21. 建构我国物权登记的效力体系

    On Constructing Our System of Effectual Registration of Real Rights

  22. 土地使用权转让合同与物权变动之效力辨析

    The Analysis on the Effectiveness of Land-use Right Transfer Contract and Real Right Alternation

  23. 论不动产物权登记的效力以X-衍射为分析手段研究了溶剂对C。

    On effect of registration of property right The effect of solvent on crystallization property of C.

  24. 本文运用法哲学、法经济学和比较研究的方法,对不动产物权登记的效力的有关问题进行了研究。

    The thesis explores thoroughly the effect of real property registration by law philosophy , law economics and comparative analysis method .

  25. 物权排他效力与物权优先效力是各自独立的两种物权效力。

    Exculusive validity of real right and prior validity of real right are two kinds of validity of real right which exist independently .

  26. 所谓物权的支配效力和物权的追击效力以及物权请求权效力,实际上并不能算作物权的一种效力。

    And the so-called possession validity , retroactive validity and the claim validity of real right should not be included as validity of real right .

  27. 后者是指作为准物权的水权效力优先于水合同债权以及其他涉水债权。

    The outer priority of the water-right means its force comes first before the water-debt right and other debt right has something to do with the water .

  28. 物权变动的效力取决于公示登记,未经登记的物权变动不发生物权效力。

    The effect of the real right change depends on that registers in announcement , biological right does not take place and render a service by the real right change registering .

  29. 第四章论述了留置权的效力范围、留置权与其他担保物权竞合的效力及留置权的排除;

    The effect shut and factor influencing lien effect that scope of validity , lien and other real right of pledge of lien compete that chapter four will expound the fact ;

  30. 这种对权利范围的划定,是物权排他效力的存在价值,是内含在物权法权关系之中的本质特征。

    This kind of delimitation to the right range , is the existence value that the real right arranges his effect , it is a implicit essential characteristic in the real right .