
  1. 我国物权变动模式争议之评述

    Comments on the Controversy of Real Right Alteration Mode in China

  2. 处分行为与物权变动模式研究

    Study on Disposing Act and Legislative Style about Real Rights Alteration

  3. 物权变动模式之选择与交易安全

    Selection of the Mode of Property Right Alteration and Security of Transaction

  4. 物权变动模式不同,无权处分的内涵也不相同。

    The content of unauthorized disposal depends on the change mode of property correspondingly .

  5. 因此,不同物权变动模式下,不存在物权法上救济效果的差异。

    So , the variation on effect of real right remedies do not exist .

  6. 论中国物权变动模式的立法选择

    Discussion on the Legislation Choice of the Mode of Real Right Alteration in China

  7. 摘要:无权处分制度与物权变动模式息息相关。

    Abstract : The theory of Unauthorized Disposition is related with the mode of real right changing .

  8. 论物权变动模式的选择对国际私法立法的影响

    On effect of choice of mode for change of real right on legislation of private international law

  9. 这些差异的根源在于物权变动模式不同而导致。

    The origins of these differences lie in change modes of the real right are different and cause .

  10. 在民法发展史上,曾经出现过三种物权变动模式1。

    In the development history of civil law , there are three kinds of real right alteration method .

  11. 在不同的物权变动模式下无权处分的效力规定并不一致。

    Provisions on the validity of unauthorized disposition vary depending on the various types of change of property rights .

  12. 本章重点是对三种物权变动模式及相对应的土地登记制度的比较,在此基础上分析了我国土地登记制度的特点。

    The emphasis is put on the comparison of three kinds of right transference modes and corresponding registration systems .

  13. 物权变动模式、登记程序尤其是审查原则与其是否承认登记公信力制度的内在关联。

    There are inherent relationship between the pattern of real rights transfer , the registration procedure and Offentlicher Glaube des Grundbuchs .

  14. 但是随着社会的不断发展,科学技术的不断更新,物权变动模式也暴漏出其缺陷。

    As social constant development and the progression of science and technology , the property right alteration mode also exposes its weakness .

  15. 并在此基础上探索新的物权变动模式,进行理论创新提出了物权意思主义和绝对物权行为理论。

    Furthermore they quest for new model of real right alteration pattern and raise Real Right Expressionism and Absolute Real Right Act Theory .

  16. 法价值对物权变动模式选择的影响&安全与效率的博弈

    The Impact of the Value of Law on Choices of the Mode Change of Real Right & The Game of Security and Efficiency

  17. 由于在不同物权变动模式下,关于处分的定义有所不同,相应地,对于无权处分的界定和效力认定也有所差别。

    In different modes of property right alteration , the definition of untitled property disposal correspondingly varies from different criteria of ' disposal ' .

  18. 文章比较了大陆法系和英美法系国家的不动产物权变动模式。

    The author compares patterns of the property right of real estate in different countries of Continental Law System and of Common Law System .

  19. 我国的物权变动模式以债权形式主义为主,此外还含有其他模式。

    In our country , the pattern of property right change express mainly about creditor formalism , and it also includes some other patterns .

  20. 然在如何让与,各国法律因各自物权变动模式的不一,而有区别。

    However , rules on how to make this assignment are different with various countries because of their different modes of change of Real Right .

  21. 传统大陆法系国家由于时代背景、经济体制、法律文化传统的差异形成了意思主义和形式主义两大物权变动模式。

    Expressionism and Formalism are formed in traditional civil law countries due to the difference of historical background , economic structure and legal culture tradition .

  22. 主文分为四章:第一章:不动产物权变动模式概述。

    The main body falls four chapters : The first chapter : a common description of the pattern of the property right alteration of real estate .

  23. 这就需要限制可得设定抵押的动产范围,并对动产采取统一的物权变动模式。

    This needs to limit the scope of movable collateral and the availability of the property . Movable property changes should be in a unified model .

  24. 我国属大陆法系国家,而大陆法系在物权变动模式上,基本采取登记生效主义和登记对抗主义两种模式。

    Our country belongs to continent law system . There are two types of register in operation and register antagonism in the pattern of change of ownership .

  25. 对法律行为这一概念及相关的几个问题进行了探讨,以确立选择我国物权变动模式的理论基础;

    Then it delves into the concept of legislative actions and problems concerned so as to establish the theoretical foundation of the suitable legislative pattern for our country .

  26. 我国正在起草民法典,关于物权变动模式应该采纳物权形式主义模式,还是债权形式主义模式,是目前争论的焦点之一。

    Whether our country should adopt Real Right Externalism Mode or Creditor 's Rights Externalism Mode is the bone of contention in the circles of law in China .

  27. 在对各国现有几种物权变动模式进行优劣比较的基础上,指出债权形式主义模式是物权变动较为理想的一种模式,值得借鉴;

    Based on the comparative analysis of the present legislative patterns of the transference of real right , the paper presents the ideal pattern-the Creditor 's rights pattern .

  28. 物权变动模式的构建,是理论层面的争论,更是一国立法政策选择的结果。

    The construction of the alteration mode of the real rights is a dispute in theory but further it is the selection result of legislative policies of a country .

  29. 物权变动模式是一个国家和地区的民事立法,对于基于法律行为的物权变动进行法律调控的具体方式。

    The alteration pattern of real right is a specific way to legally adjust and control alteration of property based on juristic act by national and regional civil legislations .

  30. 目前世界上有意思主义、形式主义、交付主义、意思主义与形式主义相交错的四种物权变动模式。

    Currently there are four patterns of property right change in the world . They are intentionalism , formalism , the principle of delivery , intentionalism combined with formalism .