
Comments on the Controversy of Real Right Alteration Mode in China
Study on Disposing Act and Legislative Style about Real Rights Alteration
Selection of the Mode of Property Right Alteration and Security of Transaction
The content of unauthorized disposal depends on the change mode of property correspondingly .
So , the variation on effect of real right remedies do not exist .
Discussion on the Legislation Choice of the Mode of Real Right Alteration in China
Abstract : The theory of Unauthorized Disposition is related with the mode of real right changing .
On effect of choice of mode for change of real right on legislation of private international law
The origins of these differences lie in change modes of the real right are different and cause .
In the development history of civil law , there are three kinds of real right alteration method .
Provisions on the validity of unauthorized disposition vary depending on the various types of change of property rights .
The emphasis is put on the comparison of three kinds of right transference modes and corresponding registration systems .
There are inherent relationship between the pattern of real rights transfer , the registration procedure and Offentlicher Glaube des Grundbuchs .
As social constant development and the progression of science and technology , the property right alteration mode also exposes its weakness .
Furthermore they quest for new model of real right alteration pattern and raise Real Right Expressionism and Absolute Real Right Act Theory .
The Impact of the Value of Law on Choices of the Mode Change of Real Right & The Game of Security and Efficiency
In different modes of property right alteration , the definition of untitled property disposal correspondingly varies from different criteria of ' disposal ' .
The author compares patterns of the property right of real estate in different countries of Continental Law System and of Common Law System .
In our country , the pattern of property right change express mainly about creditor formalism , and it also includes some other patterns .
However , rules on how to make this assignment are different with various countries because of their different modes of change of Real Right .
Expressionism and Formalism are formed in traditional civil law countries due to the difference of historical background , economic structure and legal culture tradition .
The main body falls four chapters : The first chapter : a common description of the pattern of the property right alteration of real estate .
This needs to limit the scope of movable collateral and the availability of the property . Movable property changes should be in a unified model .
Our country belongs to continent law system . There are two types of register in operation and register antagonism in the pattern of change of ownership .
Then it delves into the concept of legislative actions and problems concerned so as to establish the theoretical foundation of the suitable legislative pattern for our country .
Whether our country should adopt Real Right Externalism Mode or Creditor 's Rights Externalism Mode is the bone of contention in the circles of law in China .
Based on the comparative analysis of the present legislative patterns of the transference of real right , the paper presents the ideal pattern-the Creditor 's rights pattern .
The construction of the alteration mode of the real rights is a dispute in theory but further it is the selection result of legislative policies of a country .
The alteration pattern of real right is a specific way to legally adjust and control alteration of property based on juristic act by national and regional civil legislations .
Currently there are four patterns of property right change in the world . They are intentionalism , formalism , the principle of delivery , intentionalism combined with formalism .