
  • 网络property right protection
  1. 船舶物权保护法律制度之研究

    On the Legal System to Protect the Right of Ship in Rem

  2. 论物权保护中的自助行为

    Act of Self in Protection for the Right in Rem

  3. 物权保护的制度设计分析与制度重构&对我国物权法(草案)(二次审议稿)第三章制度设计的评析

    Analyze Real Right Protect System Design and Restructure System

  4. 论物权保护的原则

    On the Principles of Protection of Rights in Rem

  5. 对林地使用权实施物权保护是民法保护体系的重要内容。

    The hylic protection to woodland use rights is vital content of civil law system .

  6. 而其它改进措施将会物有所值,例如抑制腐败或加强物权保护。

    Others such as stemming corruption or enhancing property rights protection will pay for themselves .

  7. 民法视野下的虚拟财产保护包括物权保护和债权保护。

    Virtual property protection , include property rights protection and creditor protection under civil law perspective .

  8. 物权保护从静态安全向动态安全发展,翻开了物权法崭新的一页。

    Property protection from the " static security " to " dynamic security " development , opened a new chapter in property law .

  9. 物权保护的制度设计是民法研究中的重大问题亦是难点问题。

    The institutional design for the protection of real rights has been regarded as a significant and difficult issue in the researches of civil law .

  10. 在我国,由于不存在个人的土地所有权,因而对个人的土地使用权的物权保护就显得尤为重要。

    Because personal land ownership is forbidden in our country , it is more important to protect personal land use right in real right law .

  11. 本文通过比较分析、逻辑分析的方法,从立法逻辑、立法习惯及司法实践等方面进行分析,认为物权保护与侵权保护并立的保护模式更具合理性。

    This article analyses from the legislation logic , legislative habits and the judicial practice and so on through the comparative analysis and logic analysis methods .

  12. 物权保护采侵权责任的立法模式抑或物权请求权模式,在学界有不同看法。

    It is controversial in academia whether the legislation model of tort or the model of claim of the right should be adopted to protect property right .

  13. 船舶物权保护制度是随着船舶物权的产生、发展而形成和发展的。

    The emergency and the development of the legal system to protect the right of ship in rem are the result of the prosperity of Real Right Law .

  14. 物权保护应当遵循一体保护、平等保护和效益原则等三项原则。

    The three principles of protection of rights in rem should be adhered to be : the principle of no - discrimination , the principle of equal protection and the principle of efficiency .

  15. 船舶扣押所依据的海事请求可以分为两种类型,一种是受船舶优先权或船舶担保物权保护的海事请求;另一种是一般海事请求。

    Application for the vessels arrest may be in the basis of two kinds of maritime claims , which are the maritime claims secured by maritime lien or other bail , and the maritime claims without such .

  16. 《侵权责任法》采用了沿用《民法通则》的物权保护模式,也即构建涵括绝对权保护的侵权责任体系。

    In the Tort Law , the protective mode of real rights used in the General Principles of the Civil Law is adopted , which establishes the system of liability for tort , including the protection of absolute titles .

  17. 本文在分析域外本权说和占有说法益理论基础上,对我国关于传统的所有权说提出质疑,并从物权保护角度,提出我国盗窃罪的法益应当是对财物的他人占有本身。

    This paper queries the validity of Chinese traditional proprietorship doctrine on the basis of analyzing the theory of abroad ownership and proprietorship doctrine and puts forward that legal interest of larceny should be possession of property itself in terms of real right protection .

  18. 最后,从选择立法模式、加强物权保护、借鉴情事变更原则等方面对构建我国的预售商品房预约合同制度提出设想。

    Finally , the thesis tries to come up with some ideas on building the pre-contract system for advance sales of commercial housing in terms of the legislative mode , the protection of property rights and the principle of changed circumstances according to the doctrine of frustration of contract .

  19. 我国法律对物权的保护是多元的、综合性的。

    The protection of property rights law is diverse and comprehensive .

  20. 物权的保护方法有待加强。

    The ways to protect right in rem shall be strengthened .

  21. 在一定条件下,物权的保护方法与债权的保护方法会发生相互转化和竞合。

    On certain conditions , the protective methods of real right and those of obligatory right can transform mutually and coincide .

  22. 物上请求权制度作为大陆法系国家民法特有的对物权进行保护的制度,是物权法的重要组成部分。

    System of petition Right on Property , as the peculiar system that protects property right in Law of Property Right .

  23. 论私有财产的物权法保护&兼评《中华人民共和国物权法草案》相关规定

    On the Protection of Private Property by the Property Law & Comment on the Relative Regulations of the Draft of Property Law

  24. 但是由于兵团的特殊体制,使得团场土地的承包经营权缺乏物权的保护。

    Due to the special system of Xinjiang Construction Corps , the contracted management right of lands there lacks of the protection of real right .

  25. 占有的物权法保护略论&兼评《物权法(草案)征求意见稿》的有关规定

    A Brief Study of Protection of Occupancy in Real Law & And on the Relevant Provisions of A Draft of Appealing For Opinions On Real Law

  26. 占有的物权法保护是占有保护的重要内容,目前民法典草案的有关规定存在问题是理论上缺乏对物权法保护的完整分析所致。

    Protections for possession in real right law are primary ones possession can seek , problems of relevant stipulation in civil code draft are due to an incomplete analysis of such protections .

  27. 法律只保护现实的权利,网络虚拟财产是用户在现实中拥有的权利,完全虚拟,和现实没有发生联系的权利不应纳入物权法保护范畴。

    Law protects rights in reality only and network virtual property is customers ' right owned in reality ; totally virtual rights and rights having nothing to do with reality shall not be brought into the protection scope of real right law .

  28. 在现有城市土地公有制和城市土地有期限利用制度不可更改的前提下,应该一改过去重视公有财产的立法态度,转而加大对私人物权的保护力度。

    Under the premise in existing the duration of urban land-use systems and the national ownership of urban land can not be changed , should change its emphasis on public property in past legislative attitude , turn to increase the protection of private property rights .

  29. 第三部分是本文的重要部分,展开说明了物权法保护占有的内容,以及分析了物权法保护占有产生的问题,行使的两种方式,包括占有保护请求权和占有人的自力救济权。

    The third part is an important part of this paper , launched explains the content of property rights protection , and occupies analyzed the problems caused by property rights protection occupies two ways , exercise , including possession of the claim and possessor protected right self-help .

  30. 在此基础上,具体研究物权变动中保护第三人利益的主要制度。

    On this basis , the paper researches the major systems of protection for the interests of the third person .