
  1. 域名权与站名权均为新型权益即信息财产权。

    Domain name right is one of new rights to property rights .

  2. 论人格信息财产权&附着于人格要素的经济利益的定位与保护

    On Property Right of Personality Information & the Positioning and Protection of Economic Benefits Affiliate to the Personality Elements

  3. 基因信息、财产权客体的独特性决定了它不同于财产权体系中的知识产权和所有权,其权利内容主要体现为控制权、使用权、收益权和处分权。

    The uniqueness of the object determine that , it is different from property rights system of intellectual property rights and ownership , and its right content is mainly embodied in control , access and earnings and disposition .