
xìn tuō jī ɡòu
  • Trust institutions;fiduciary institution
  1. 贸易信托是指委托人将旧货或存货委托信托机构代为出售或处理的经济行为。

    Trade trust refers to the economic action that the bailer entrusts fiduciary institution to sell or deal with his or her junk or goods in stock .

  2. 他已设立了两个慈善信托机构。

    He had set up two charitable trusts

  3. 其三、信托机构设立MBO信托计划,向社会筹措资金,对目标公司进行直接投资,收购目标企业的股份,再选择一定的时机由管理层回购。

    Thirdly , trust institution sets up MBO plan to raise money from public , invests in purchasing .

  4. 其二、信托机构设立MBO信托计划,向社会筹集资金,作为融资方为管理层收购提供资金;

    Secondly , trust institution sets up MBO plan to raise money from public , grants loans to management group .

  5. Burns强调了Gal-Gael信托机构的工作,这是一家立足该市、教授木工工艺的慈善机构,也是其他手工艺和社区活动的归口联络点。

    Burns highlights the work of the GalGael Trust , a charity based in the city that teaches woodworking and is a focal point for other crafts and community activity .

  6. 2018年的一份政府报告得出结论,如果NHS信托机构更新了电脑并应用了必要的安全补丁,那次攻击本可以避免。

    A government report in 2018 concluded that the attack could have been avoided if NHS Trusts had updated their computers and applied the necessary security patches .

  7. 我要说的是保护性安葬,土地信托机构买下大片土地。墓穴都分布在这片土地里雅致的土堆下,只用一块石头或者小金属片标记着,甚至有时只有GPS定位。

    I 'm talking about conservation burial , where large swaths of land are purchased by a land trust . The graves are scattered about the property under elegant mounds , marked only by a rock or a small metal disk , or sometimes only locatable by GPS .

  8. 据悉,在这家信托机构让步之前,代表道琼斯总投票数约28%的家族票已决定支持将道琼斯出售给新闻集团。DenverTrust的票数将支持票总数增加到至少37%。

    Before the trust gave in , family votes representing about 28 per cent of the company 's total votes were understood to be backing a sale to News Corp. The Denver Trust votes brings the total to at least 37 per cent .

  9. 城堡、皇冠、那枚3000克拉的“库利南”(Cullinan)钻石以及其他很多资产都由信托机构持有,无法调整为股票投资。

    The castles , the crowns , the 3000-carat Cullinan diamond and much else are held in trust , and cannot be rebalanced into equities .

  10. 最后,由政府指定的信托机构treuhand一手运作的私有化,未能利用本地资金,而是吸引了西德的投资者,而他们最终往往将资产作剥离或清算处理。

    Finally , the privatisations organised by the Treuhand , a government-appointed trust , failed to tap local capital , appealing instead to West German investors who often ended up stripping or liquidating the assets .

  11. 多家投资协会和基金和信托机构的成员。

    Member of numerous investment committees for special Funds and Trust .

  12. 卡梅伦先生希望能至少达成信托机构的一半目标。

    Mr Cameron would love to achieve half as much .

  13. 信托机构主营业务转向风险投资基金初探

    Developing a New Trust Business & Risk Investment Fund Business

  14. 把信托机构发展为百货公司式的综合型金融企业。

    The trust setups are developed into department store typed comprehensive financial enterprises .

  15. 信托机构成为相对稀缺资源。

    Trust organization becomes to be relatively rare resource .

  16. 中国信托机构风险管理研究

    Risk Management Research on the Trust Institutions in China

  17. 重点讲解:他已设立了两个慈善信托机构。

    He had se t up two charitable trusts .

  18. 我们为何需要一个球迷信托机构?

    Why do we need a supporters trust ?

  19. 遗愿清单的第一项就是为青少年癌症信托机构筹款100万英镑。

    Top of his list was to raise 1,000,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust .

  20. 信托机构内部控制机制不完善。

    Thirdly , the internal control mechanism of the trust organization is not perfect .

  21. 信托机构向投资银行方向发展;

    The trust setups develop towards investment banks .

  22. 比如说,几家信托机构倒闭就可能引起蔓延性的恐慌。

    A collapse of several trust banks , say , could also create contagious panic .

  23. “遗愿清单”的第一项就是为青少年癌症信托机构筹款100万英镑。

    Top of his list was to raise £ 100000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust .

  24. 斯韦恩大法官判决道:我们政府的理论是,所有公共职位都是信托机构。

    The theory of our government , ruled Swayne , is that all public stations are trusts .

  25. 上述信托机构是德国政府在6月份创建的,其宗旨是分拆欧宝业务,监督出售过程。

    The trusteeship was created by the government in June to spin off Opel and oversee the sales process .

  26. 这个信托机构雇佣了一组美食专家去调查英国各地区的独特风味。

    The Trust employed a panel of taste experts to identify what flavours typify each region in the UK .

  27. 美国健康信托机构的人员建议政府部门应该在控制肥胖方面发挥更大的作用。

    Officials at the Trust for America 's Health advocate for the government to play a larger role in preventing obesity .

  28. 信托机构风险是信托机构作为风险主体在经营中可能面临损失的不确定性。

    The writer considers trust institution risks to be the uncertainty of financial lost facing the main body of trust institutions in managements .

  29. 合理调整国家养老保障缴费比例,改革国家社会保障与保险信托机构。

    Reasonable adjustments claim the proportion of the national pension insurance contributions , and to reform the National Social Security and Insurance Trust .

  30. 影子银行业指的是不通过银行,而是通过融资公司、信托机构、民间贷款商等机构进行非法及不受监管的放贷活动。

    Shadow banking refers to illegal and unregulated lending practices through financing companies , trusts , street-side lenders or the like instead of through banks .