
  • 网络trust market
  1. 加快信托市场化的配套措施

    The Corresponding Countermeasures to Speed up the Development of Trust Market

  2. 认证中介的效率基础:信托市场监管规则选择的例子

    The Efficiency Base of Authentication Agency : The Cases of Trust Market Regulation Rules

  3. 中国信托市场剖析

    Analyse China 's Trust Market

  4. 中国人民银行可以根据经济发展的需要和信托市场的状况对信托投资公司的设立申请进行审查。

    The People 's Bank of China can review the application for the establishment of a TIC according to the need of economic development and the market situation of trust business .

  5. 从一定程度而言,这种流动性紧缩已在基金行业出现。该行业一直难以应对赎回的局面。如今,房地产投资信托市场正遭遇危机。

    This liquidity crunch has already happened to an extent in the funds sector , which has struggled to meet redemptions , and now the real estate investment trust market is going though its own crisis .

  6. 它与英国央行探讨了以下问题:是否能够利用央行担保为已发行的债券提供支持,或银行是否可以将这些贷款卸载给房地产投资信托市场。

    It discussed with the bank whether a central bank guarantee could be used to underpin the debt issued , or whether the real estate investment trust market could be used by banks to offload their loans .

  7. 2003年信托市场房地产信托项目的兴起和快速发展即是对房地产金融创新市场需求的积极响应,市场反映热烈,为中国房地产投资信托的推出奠定了良好的市场基础。

    The need coming from these two aspects pushed the positive creation of real estate finance . The rapid growth of real estate trust project in 2003 met these needs and built a market base of Chinese REITs .

  8. 我国的房地产信托市场近年来步入快速发展时期,大量发行的房地产信托普遍采用了信托贷款、股权信托和优先收益权等模式。

    REITs market of our country steps into the fast developing period in recent years , a large number of issued REITs has generally adopted the trust loan , stock right trust , preferential aut fructus and other modes .

  9. 近年来,我国私募股权投资信托市场蓬勃发展,各大信托公司纷纷开展私募股权投资信托业务,同时,在实际操作中经常出现投资者利益被侵犯的现象。

    In recent years , the private equity investment trust market develops rapidly in China so that each large-scale trust company engages in business of private equity investment trust ; simultaneously , the infringement of investors ' interests occurs in the practical transaction .

  10. 随着信托理财市场日益兴旺,投资者对信托理财产品的认知度越来越高,它的高收益、安全稳定受到到了许多投资者的青睐。

    With the growing prosperity of the Trust financial markets , the awareness of investors about the Trust financial products is rising up until to a high security and stability yield .

  11. 制度层面的改革要从法律、会计、税收、担保、信托以及配套市场环境等多方面着手;

    Systematic reform needs to be implemented in various aspects such as law , accounting , taxation , security and trusts ;

  12. 随着现代企业制度的推行和资本市场的发展,股权也日益成为社会财富的一种重要类型,股权信托的应用市场前景广阔。

    Along with the push to Modem Corporation System and development of capital market , share rights is increasingly becoming one of the necessary society treasures , and share rights trust will have a bright future .

  13. 北美信托银行资本市场分析师尼尔·坎普林表示,先用免费版本吸引玩家,之后再一次性支付的模式是任天堂一个成功的战略。

    The model of luring in players with a free version and then a one-time price is " a great strategy by Nintendo , " said Neil Campling , an analyst at Northern Trust Capital Markets .

  14. 信托业:资本市场发展的补充性主体;

    ON MARKETING OF MILITARY PROVISION the trust industry is supplementary ;

  15. 公司债信托制度在债券市场上发挥着重要的作用。

    The corporate bond trust plays an important role in the corporate debt market .

  16. 市场经济体制的逐渐完善,必然加剧信托投资机构的市场竞争;

    Gradual perfection of market economy system will surely lead to sharp competition between trust institutions .

  17. 发展房地产投资信托对房地产市场健康发展大有裨益。

    Thirdly , the development of the real estate investment trusts is very beneficial to the real estate market .

  18. 其次,它能分离东方信托对房地产市场直接的投资需求,优化投资方向。

    Second , it can separate direct investment demand on the real estate market , optimize the investment direction .

  19. 近两年,随着市场经济的发展,信托对活跃金融市场的作用越来越大,从而信托业的发展也得到了广泛的关注。

    In the past few years , trust industry has played an increasingly important role in activating the financial market and its development has gained wide attention .

  20. 第二,明确信托业应有的市场地位、确认实践中信托业由各金融机构混业经营趋势、为信托业发展提供交易模式指导等,都需要《信托业法》提供正式制度安排;

    Secondly , it can supply formal system to erect the status of trust industry , notarize the current of mixed management in trust business , and offer the trust transaction mode .

  21. 第三,我国立法体制中法律位阶的实际作用也要求必须专门制订《信托业法》才能实现信托市场规则的统一、配套制度的完善和各方利益的平衡。

    Thirdly , Trust Business Law is the only way to unify trust market rules , perfect the correlated law about trust industry , and balance the advantages of intergroups .

  22. 同现代金融市场上保护投资人原理一致,只有在土地信托流转中对委托人的利益进行有效的保障,这样信托市场、信托业才有存在的基础与前提。

    Investor protection principle is consistent with the modern financialmarket , only in the land trust for effective protection of the interests of the principal , such trust market , trust is the basis and premise of existence .

  23. 然后,指出了我国信托业发展面临的主要问题:行业发展与信托认识之间的矛盾;信托市场现状与政策导向之间的矛盾;

    This paper starts from the characteristics of the trust and the trend of development , and analyzes the main bottleneck of development of industry at present .

  24. 通过将信托收据与质押权书、动产设备信托及让与担保等相关信托收据法律制度研究中文提要法律制度进行比较,阐明信托收据在市场经济中的价值。

    By the comparison of the trust receipt with some other legal systems such as the letter of hypothecation , the trust of movable equipments and the transfer of property 's ownership for guarantee etc. , the part explains the value of the trust receipt in the market economy .