
xìn tuō shòu yì rén
  • beneficiary;cestui que trust
  1. 国际信托受益人法律救济研究

    The Research on the Legal Remedy of International Trust Beneficiary

  2. 不动产信托受益人的权利义务及责任

    The Rights , Duties and Liabilities of the Beneficiary under Real Estate Trust

  3. 信托受益人,其财产由受托人管理的人

    Person whose property is administered by a trustee

  4. 论信托受益人的撤销权

    On the Revocatory Right of the Beneficiary

  5. 第二章是从实体法的视角论述信托受益人撤销权的要件。

    The next chapter is dedicated to discuss requirements of the revocatory right from a substantive law perspective .

  6. 中国的信托法设计基本上承袭大陆法系风格,采行信托受益人撤销权制度。

    Following the approach of civil law , the Chinese trust law adopts the system of revocatory right .

  7. 信托受益人提起撤销权诉讼,经法庭审理,对受托人的行为依法撤销的,该行为即自始无效。

    The trustee brings an action based on the revocatory right , after trial , if the disposition is revoked , it will be null and void from the beginning .

  8. 受托人可以是受益人,但不得是同一信托的唯一受益人。

    The trustee may be the beneficiary , but must not be the only beneficiary of the same trust .

  9. 委托人可以是受益人,也可以是同一信托的唯一受益人。

    The trustor may be the beneficiary , and may also be the only beneficiary of the same trust .

  10. 信托公司是基于受益人和委托人的信任,进行代客理财的资产管理类的金融机构,为确保实现其经营目标,信托公司必须有效地运行内部控制系统。

    In order to realize its business objectives , the trust company must be running the internal control system effectively .

  11. 受托人向委托人发放表决权信托证书,作为受益人的证明,且该证书可以自由转让。

    The trustee issue voting trust certificate to the client , as the beneficiary certificate , the certificate can be transferred freely .

  12. 信托受益权是受益人享有的最重要的一项权利,正是因为有了信托受益权,受益人在信托法律关系中才有存在的价值和必要。

    The beneficial right of trust , which is one of the most important right for the beneficiary , make the beneficiary a valuable and indispensable factor in the relation of the trust law .

  13. 我国企业年金信托受托架构的本土化问题&以企业年金信托受益人保护为中心

    Localization of the trust structure for corporate annuity in China & Centered on protection of the corporate annuity trust beneficiaries

  14. 全文共分三个部分:第一章对信托的沿革及英国法上信托受托人、受益人的权利性质进行了考察与分析。

    This Article is consisted of three parts as set forth bellow : The first chapter of this article mainly introduces the development of trust in English law and analyses the right held by trustee and beneficial as well .

  15. 对于统筹基金来说,基金管理者即各地的社会保险经办机构为委托人,信托公司为受托人,成立一个信托关系,其中受益人为全体养老保险的缴费者。

    For the fund , a trust relationship is established between fund managers , agencies of the social security all over the countries as the principals and the trust company or social security fund as the trustees , whose beneficiary are all of the payers for the pension insurance .

  16. 对于信托投资机构信托义务的设定,主要是由委托人、信托投资机构、受益人三方主体共同建立的,而它的营运客体则主要包括一般财产、投资基金、表决权、国有资产等。

    The duties of trust investment institutions are set by the clients , the trust investment institutions and the beneficiaries . The main objects of the operation are including general property , investment funds , the vote right and the state-owned assets .

  17. 第二步:由受托人按照信托的目的管理处分信托财产,并将管理处分信托财产所得的信托利益分配给受益人。

    Third stage , the trustee manages the trust property according to the objective of the trust .

  18. 在特殊目的信托中,信托人是资产证券化的发起人,受托人是特殊目的信托机构,受益人是持有资产支撑证券的投资者。

    In SPT , the trust is the originator . The trustee is the vehicle which operates it , and beneficial owner is the investor who holds the securities sustained by asset .

  19. 信托基金挣得的任何收入对授让人来说都是应税的,但通过将房产交予或出售给信托基金,授让人立刻降低了他或她的房产价值,而房产的所有增值部分对信托受益人来说将是免税的。

    Any income earned by the trust is taxable to the grantor . But by giving or selling the property to the trust , the grantor reduces the value of his or her estate immediately , and all appreciation in the property will be tax-free for trust beneficiaries .