
  • 网络Trust behavior;fiducia
  1. 本文第四部分探讨了信托行为的意思表示类要件。

    In the fifth part , the validity of the purpose of a trust will be discussed .

  2. 近几年国家为规范信托行为,对信托业进行了全面的清理整顿工作。

    In recent years , the government carried out an overall clean-up and rectification to the trust industry to regulate trust business .

  3. 信托行为由财产管理和财产转移两个法律行为组合而成,相应形成信托财产经营管理法律关系和财产转移法律关系。

    Trust behavior is constituted of the transfer behavior and manage behavior . Correspondly , these behaviors arouse legal relation of transfer and management .

  4. 在英美法并无与作为法律行为下位概念相对应的信托行为,而关于信托行为之汉语词源,源自日本。

    And in the Anglo-American law , there is no a concept of " trust behavior " that is the Subordinate concept of juristic act , and its Chinese etymology was from the Japanese .

  5. 第五章重点在论述信托行为遭受政府干预的影响,故对于租税行为的课税原则与相关税法应有相当程度的认识,同时对于租税法令的影响加以论述;

    Fifth chapter key suffers the influence in the elaboration trust behavior which the government intervenes , therefore should have the suitable degree regarding the trust behavior assessment principle and the correlation tax law the understanding ;

  6. 提出了包括:建立证券金融公司、协调融资融券交易中信托行为法律规则以及丰富融资融券交易的风险控制手段等建议。

    This paper also proposed some suggestions which are including establishing Securities Financial Companies , coordinating the rules of law which regulate the intrust of margin trading , using plentiful means to control the risk of margin trading .

  7. 让与担保制度是由大陆法系德日等国沿袭罗马法上的信托行为理论而逐渐发展起来的,须转移标的物上权利的非典型担保制度。

    The system of alienation guarantee is an untypical guarantee system that developed gradually through absorbing Fiducia Theory in Roman Law by civil law countries ( Germany Japan , our Taiwan areas , etc. ) and needs transfer the rights of the subject .

  8. 即不论基金管理人违反信托的行为是否存在过失或过错,其法律责任是恢复信托财产原状。

    That is , the legal liability of the fund manager is to restore the trust property with no respect to any negligence or fault on its part .

  9. 信托投资者决策行为影响因素的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the Influence of the Decision-making Behavior of Trust Investors

  10. 信托关系是因人们的信托行为建立起来的相互间的特定关系。

    Trust relation is the mutually specific relationship established due to Trust behavior .

  11. 企业年金信托则是对企业年金基金设立信托的行为,对其以信托的模式进行管理。

    Annuity trust is an action of founding trust for the enterprise annuity and managing it as a mode of trust .

  12. 这种权利可能是由信托文件明示授予的,或者是从信托行为中推断出来的;也可能是根据法院的命令;或根据受益人的请求、同意或者默许;或者是根据制定法的规定。

    This kind of right may be granted by the trust documents , or express inferred from trust ACTS ; Also may be according to court order ; According to the beneficiary requests , or agree or acquiescence ; Or is according to the provisions of the criminal law .