
  1. 信托终止某些法定情形的设定在法理逻辑上难以贯通,混淆了信托终止与信托无效的区别;

    Provision about trust termination has no jurisprudence logic , and mixes trust termination with trust invalidation ;

  2. 第三,说明股权信托终止的条件,重点论述信托终止后信托股权的处理。

    Thirdly , describe the conditions of termination of the Trust shares , focuses on the handling of the trust shares after the termination of the Trust .

  3. 第七十一条公益信托终止的,受托人作出的处理信托事务的清算报告,应当经信托监察人认可后,报公益事业管理机构核准,并由受托人予以公告。

    Article71if the public trust terminates , the liquidation report on the handling of trust affairs made by the trustee shall be reported to the regulatory agency of public undertakings for ratification after the trust supervisor recognizes , and the trustee shall make public announcement .

  4. 信托终止后,不仅仅限于移交信托财产,而要到信托财产完全归属于权利归属人时为止,信托处于拟制存续状态。在此法定存续期间,受托人须继续履行其义务。

    When the trust ends , it is in the existence of the legal fiction period from transfering the trust property to the trust property fully belong to the person which has the rights to obtain . During the legal duration , the trustee shall continue to fulfill his obligations .

  5. 信托投资公司终止时,信托财产不属于其清算财产。

    When a TIC ceases operation , the entrusted property shall not be included in assets to be liquidated .

  6. 信托文件规定的终止事由发生;

    The cause for its termination specified in the trust documents arises ;

  7. 我国《信托法》第五章为信托的变更和终止。该章尽管条文不多,但却存在诸多问题:受益人或受益权变更的规定混淆了不同的法律关系,并导致不公平的结果;

    Chapter five in our trust law is trust variation and termination , In this chapter , there exist many defects in below provisions : Provision about variation of beneficiary and beneficiary-right mixes different legal relations , and causes unfair result ;

  8. 全体受益人放弃信托受益权的,信托终止。

    The trust shall terminate if all of the beneficiaries waivers their beneficial rights of the trust .

  9. 全体受益人放弃信托受益权的,信托终止。该等信息的所有权及相关权益始终为甲方所有。

    The trust shall terminate if all of the beneficiaries waivers their beneficial rights of the trust . Title to such information and the interest related thereto shall remain with Party A at all time .

  10. 信托趾有多种情况。信托终止后,信托财产的归属如何确定就成了一个现实而待解决的问题。

    A common principle is the ownerships of trust property showed own trust property after termination of trust .

  11. 信托制度的一个重要角度是从时间维度来切分,可以分为信托设立、信托存续和信托终止三个环节。

    From the angle of time dimension , trust system can be classified into three sectors , namely trust establishment , term of trust and trust termination .