
  • 网络trust registration
  1. 构建我国土地信托登记制度的思考

    Establishment of Land Trust Registration System in China

  2. 全文由三部分构成:第一部分研究信托登记制度与信托财产独立性的关系。

    This dissertation contains three parts : Part One makes the relationship between the trust registration system and the independence of the trust property .

  3. 信托登记制度就是其中一项重要的法律制度。

    The registration system of the trust fund , for instance , is one of the important laws .

  4. 最后,针对我国股权信托登记的试行提出了几点建议。

    At last , the dissertation proposed several suggestions against the running of the registration of share rights trust .

  5. 第3章对信托登记制度在我国的立法现状及其主要问题作出分析。

    The third chapter analyzes the situation and the main problems of the trust fund registration system in China .

  6. 同时在不动产登记的基础上完善不动产信托登记制度,是目前比较有效可行的方法。

    Meanwhile , perfecting the real estate registration based on real property registration system is more effective and feasible method at present .

  7. 第一,要加快健全股权信托登记方面的法律、法规,从制度层面解决扼制我国股权信托发展的瓶颈。

    Firstly , accelerating the establishment of equity trust registration laws and regulations , curb the Chinese equity trust bottleneck from the system level .

  8. 但是由于我国现行法律规定的缺憾,股权信托登记制度在我国迟迟未能建立。

    Nevertheless , because of the deficiencies of legal regulation in our country , the registration system of share rights has not been established yet .

  9. 不动产信托登记是信托制度中一项重要的内容,对不动产信托的发展具有重要意义。

    The trust registration of real estate is an important content in trust system ; it has significant function for the development of the trust for real estate .

  10. 建议在综合考量各方利益基础之上,构建合理并具有现实操作性的农村土地承包经营权信托登记制度。

    I propose the rural land contract and management rights into consideration the interests of all parties basis to construct a reasonable and realistic operational trust registration system .

  11. 在上文分析的我国信托登记制度不足基础上,试图对我国信托登记制度的完善提出可行性分析,设计出具体的制度设计模式。

    By analyzing the lack of the trust registration system , I suggest to establish the system based on the feasibility analysis and design a specific trust registration system .

  12. 目前我国不动产信托登记制度中,存在的两个主要问题是登记的主体和登记的方式不明确。

    At present , in our country trust registration system of real estate has two main problems that the main body of the registration and registration of the way are not clear .

  13. 针对我国不动产信托登记制度存在主要问题,应借鉴国外立法例,明确具体的不动产信托登记主体和登记方式。

    In view of real estate trusts registration system problems existing in China , we should draw lessons from foreign legislation , and define specific realty trust registration subject and registration way clearly .

  14. 不动产信托登记制度的理论基础在于物权公示公信原则,信托财产独立性特征,以及不动产信托登记二重性。

    The theoretical basis of trust registration system of real estate depends on the principle of public trust , the characteristics of trust property independence , and the duality of trust registration of real estate .

  15. 建立不动产信托登记制度,不仅能保护和平衡信托当事人间的利益,提高信托交易的效率,还能为国家行使国家职能提供依据。

    Establishment of trust registration system of real estate can not only protect and balance the trust parties ' interests and enhance trust transaction efficiency , but also provide the basis on the exercise of state functions .

  16. 最后,本文从具体操作流程、税收优惠制度以及信托登记制度方面提出完善我国员工持股计划法律制度的设想,为促进我国员工持股制度的规范发展提供完善的配套制度。

    In the end , this article focuses on setting up our ESOP legal system from following aspects : specific procedure in practice , favorable taxation and trust registration to set a series of related regulations for promoting healthy development of ESOP in our country .

  17. 首先,该制度的实体问题主要涉及信托财产的登记权益人、公示范围和公示的法律效力。

    First , the substantive problem of the system mainly involved the registration owner of the trust property , publicity arrangement and the legal effect of publicity .

  18. 登记制度则使第三人能知悉上述责任范围,所以将信托财产予以登记成为该责任方式确立的前提条件。

    The institution of trust registration is to proclaim the confine of the liable property to the public , and so the registration is the premise of the establishment of such liability institutions .

  19. 本章首先简述了我国信托业及信托登记的现状,指出股权信托登记目前的需求十分紧迫。

    Firstly , it makes a brief introduction of current situation of trust registration , pointed out the need for trust registration is urgent .

  20. 该计划要在信托投资公司重新登记时报人民银行审查。

    The above-mentioned plans shall be reported to the People 's Bank of China for examination when the trust and investment companies make new registration .

  21. 由信托财产的独立性看信托公示登记制度

    The Independence of Trust Assets and the Trust Demonstration & Registration System

  22. 对于信托财产,有关法律、行政法规规定应当办理登记手续的,应当依法办理信托登记。

    Where trust property shall be registered according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations for the establishment of a trust , such property shall be registered .

  23. 我国在引入信托制度时,也制定了相应的不动产信托登记制度,但是规定的过于简单,并没有与登记配套的具体操作规范,难以在实务中进行操作。

    Our country not only produces the trust system , but also establishes the trust registration of real estate . However , these rules are too simple and there are no specific exercises , so the system is difficult to run .

  24. 由于股权信托方式涉及的法律关系非常复杂,笔者仅挑选了信托登记公示制度和股权信托合同两个实际操作方面进行了具体分析,同时,这两个方面又是隐名股东实现股权信托的重要方面。

    Since the legal relationships for trust of right of shares are very complicated , author only specifically analyze the practical operations for trust registration system and trust contract for right of shares accordingly .

  25. 最后对我国目前知识产权信托存在的一些问题提出了相应的法律制度角度建议,在知识产权信托登记、评估及监管方面均有所涉及。

    At last , this paper makes some corresponding suggestions in existed problems of intellectual property trust in China from the perspective of legal system , in which intellectual property trust registration , evaluation and supervision are involved .

  26. 信托财产的基本特征包括:信托财产的分割性、信托财产的独立性以及信托财产的同一性;信托财产的公示方式主要是信托财产登记。

    The basic characteristics include severability , independence and identity ; the mean of public summons is the register of trust estate .