
  1. 首先,该制度的实体问题主要涉及信托财产的登记权益人、公示范围和公示的法律效力。

    First , the substantive problem of the system mainly involved the registration owner of the trust property , publicity arrangement and the legal effect of publicity .

  2. 登记制度则使第三人能知悉上述责任范围,所以将信托财产予以登记成为该责任方式确立的前提条件。

    The institution of trust registration is to proclaim the confine of the liable property to the public , and so the registration is the premise of the establishment of such liability institutions .

  3. 第636条凡法律要求登记的信托财产必须在相关登记部门登记。

    Art.636 The trust of assets subject to inscription must be inscribed in the relevant Registry .

  4. 信托财产的基本特征包括:信托财产的分割性、信托财产的独立性以及信托财产的同一性;信托财产的公示方式主要是信托财产登记。

    The basic characteristics include severability , independence and identity ; the mean of public summons is the register of trust estate .