
  • 网络trust products
  1. 中国保险公司现在已被允许投资于高收益理财产品、信托产品和资产支持证券(abs)这些都属于中国目前利润更高但风险也更大的资产类别。

    Chinese insurers will now be allowed to invest in high-yielding wealth management and trust products as well as asset-backed securities , some of the more profitable but also riskier investments available in China .

  2. 信托产品开发与信托流通机制

    The Development of Trust Products and the Trust Liquidity Mechanism

  3. 资金信托产品的信用风险度量研究

    The Study on Credit Risk Measurement of Collective Trust Investment Schemes

  4. 中国信托产品分布与格局也在悄然发生着变化。

    Product distribution and pattern of China Trust Industry are quietly changing .

  5. 商业银行也依赖于信托产品来向客户提供高利润率的理财产品。

    Commercial banks also rely on trusts to offer high-margin products to customers .

  6. 信托产品流通机制不畅;

    The unsmooth flowing mechanism of Trust product ;

  7. 房地产信托产品创新启示

    Innovation Insight of the Real Estate Trust Products

  8. 我国信托产品创新研究

    The Research of Trust Product Innovations in China

  9. 第二章分析集合资金信托产品发行中的问题。

    Chapter two mainly analyzes the problems during the issuing of Collective Fund Trust .

  10. 信息不对称和信托产品交易机制设计

    Asymmetric Information & Trust Products Trading Mechanism

  11. 第三章是对集合资金信托产品流通问题的分析。信托产品流通问题实质上就是信托受益权的流通问题。

    The flowing of Trust product is in essence the flowing of Trust beneficiary right .

  12. 信托产品的流通机制创新探析

    On Innovating Circulation Channel of Trust Products

  13. 信托产品风险分析与监管研究

    An Analysis on the Risk of Trust Product and Study on the Supervision over it

  14. 因此,投资者投资资金信托产品,需要审慎分析资金信托产品投资的风险和收益。

    Therefore , investor should analyze the yield rate and risk of collective trust investment schemes carefully .

  15. 首先,中国的房地产信托产品与不动产投资的性质,不同的产品。

    First , China 's real estate trust products and REITS in the nature of different products .

  16. 这一框架适合融资类信托产品,可以用于分析有关信托公司承诺收益规定。

    This framework is for financing trust products and to analyze the regulations of trust companies promising proceeds .

  17. 理论分析与案例检验表明基于期权的违约风险模型方法适用于资金信托产品。

    The result of the analysis indicates that the option-based default risk model applies to the money trust .

  18. 基金是信托产品,较为松散,其成立和解散不受公司法的制约。

    Funds are products of trust which are loose and its forming and dissolving are not subject to the company law .

  19. 受访者说,他们将债券投资增加了4%,信托产品投资增加了11%。

    Survey respondents said they increased their bond allocations by 4 % and their investments in trust products by 11 % .

  20. 当它在2010年被打包成一只信托产品销售时,曾向投资者开出了10%的收益率。

    When it was packaged as a trust product and sold in 2010 , it promised investors a yield of 10 per cent .

  21. 鹏欣通过发行信托产品从高息的影子银行市场筹集了资金,这是房地产价格飙升时的常见策略。

    Pengxin has raised funds through the high-interest shadow banking market by issuing trust products , a common strategy when housing prices were soaring .

  22. 许多个人和公司正在将资金投入信托产品,所获收益远高于银行所能提供的回报。

    Many people and companies are putting their money in trust company products with far better returns than those on offer at the banks .

  23. 在房地产信托产品中,信托融资运营方式主要包括信托贷款、股权投资、股权证券化、权益转让和混合型。

    In the real estate trust products , trust financing operations mainly includes loans , equity investments , equity securities , equity transfer and mixed .

  24. 因此,应从制度本身出发,在分类评级和严格监管的前提下,推进信托产品公募化;

    Therefore , the solution should include three routes : Impelling the public collection of trust products under the premise of classification and strict supervision ;

  25. 此外,中国有钱人的投资类型开始从股票转向债券和信托产品等固定收益资产。

    As well , the types of investments wealthy Chinese are making has shifted away from stocks and into fixed-income assets like bond and trust products .

  26. 与此同时,理财产品主要由银行向零售和机构投资者销售的短期储蓄产品和信托产品仍在不断增长。

    Meanwhile , wealth management products ( WMPs ) – short-term savings products sold mostly by banks to retail and institutional investors – and trust products continue to grow .

  27. 房地产信托产品的风险更具有复杂性、隐蔽性和多变性的特点,因而对房地产信托进行风险控制更为紧迫和必要。

    The characteristic of real estate trust product risk is complexity , hiding and levity , thus the risk control to the real estate trust is more urgent and essential .

  28. 在上述基础上,本文还重点对信托产品的创新进行研究分析,对几类需求领域的产品创新进行分析,指出信托业广阔的业务发展空间。

    Above on , the thesis put emphases on the trust product innovation , which analyzes several fields of demand of trust product and points out the great development prospect of trust industry .

  29. 针对目前中国金融市场上资金信托产品单一这一状况,本文设计了一种新的信托产品,称之为高等教育发展信托。

    In view of existing situation that trust products in current Chinese finance market are relatively single , a new product called " Higher Education Development Trust " is designed in this paper .

  30. 尽管许多信托产品是从单一来源(比如银行)获得资金,然后将资金借给一个单一借款者,但一些信托产品牵涉数个资产类别的多个投资者。

    While many trust products take money from a single source , such as a bank , and give to a single borrower , some involve multiple investors in a number of asset classes .