
  • 网络trust
  1. 信托制度最早源自英国,一般认为,13世纪英国法制史上出现的尤斯(USE)制度是现代信托制度的最初形态。

    The trust system stems from Britain first and USE in the British history of legal system in the 13th century was generally considered as the original form of modern trust .

  2. 商事信托制度的现代发展

    On the Development of Trust of Commercial Cases in Modern Times

  3. 公益信托制度又是信托制度中不可或缺的一个组成部分。

    Charitable trust system is an integral part of trust system .

  4. 第二部分:信托制度的现代应用。

    Part two : modem application of the trust law .

  5. 公司股东表决权信托制度探究

    A Study on Stockholder 's Trust System of Voting Rights

  6. 这些问题的存在显然不利于信托制度在中国的发展。

    These problems obviously hold back thedevelopment of Trust System in China .

  7. 使得现在我国的公益信托制度建立难度较大。

    It makes our system of charitable trust established difficulty .

  8. 现如今我们所说的遗产信托制度起源于英国的用益制度。

    The heritage trust we refer to originated from British usufruct system .

  9. 土地信托制度:农地承包经营权流转机制的创新

    Land Trust System : Innovation of Land Contracted Management Right Turnover System

  10. 责任保险对农村土地信托制度缺陷的克服

    Liability Insurance Overcomes the Defect of Rural Land Trust System

  11. 信托制度是英国法中最具特色的一项法律制度。

    Trust system is the most characteristic legal system among English law .

  12. 建立中国表决权信托制度的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts on Establishing Vote Trust System in China

  13. 信托制度是英国衡平法的伟大创造。

    Trust is a great creation of British Equity .

  14. 信托制度是英美法系的产物,特殊目的信托又有其独特的法律构造。

    Trust arises from the Common Law , and SPT is an unique conception .

  15. 信托制度之诚信原则研究

    Investigation on Good Faith Doctrine in Entrust System

  16. 信托制度最根本的特点是“所有权和利益相分离”。

    The fundamental characteristic of trust system is the separation of ownership and benefit .

  17. 建立土地承包经营权信托制度的法律思考

    Legal Thinking on the Establishment of the Right to Operate Trust Land Contract System

  18. 第四章股权信托制度的完善。

    The fourth chapter , shares Trust Perfection .

  19. 信托制度作为英美法系的一项重要的制度,最早起源于英国。

    Trust law system as an important system , originated in the United Kingdom .

  20. 建构我国遗产信托制度的思考

    Thoughts on founding legacy trust system in China

  21. 公司债信托制度在债券市场上发挥着重要的作用。

    The corporate bond trust plays an important role in the corporate debt market .

  22. 基于信托制度规范企业内部职工集资问题研究

    Research on How to Utilize the Trust System to Formalize Fund - Raising Inside Enterprises

  23. 农村土地信托制度初探

    Exploration on Trust System of Rural Land

  24. 股权表决权信托制度是股东表决权行使过程中对信托制度的引入。

    Voting Right Trust is the exercise of shareholders'voting right through a way of trust .

  25. 第五章为我国公益信托制度法律的完善。

    The fifth chapter is about the law perfection of charitable trust in our country .

  26. 主要介绍了信托制度的起源,遗嘱信托制度的发展现状及其功能。

    It will introduce the origin of trusteeship , development and function of Testamentary Trust system .

  27. 第二个层次是表决权信托制度在我国确立的可行性。

    The second level is the feasibility of the Voting Trust established system in our country .

  28. 信托制度源自于英美法系的衡平法,是一种关于特定财产的信任关系。

    Derived from Anglo-American Equity , trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to specific property .

  29. 上个世纪初叶,信托制度逐渐传入大陆法系国家。

    Early in the last century , the trust system gradually spread continental law system country .

  30. 随着社会的发展和个人财富的积累,信托制度这种独特的设计优势已同益深入人心,越来越多的人有了选取信托方式理财的愿望,形成了信托的大众化发展趋势。

    With the accumulation of personal treasure , the trust goes deeply into the people 's hearts .