
  • 网络trust purpose
  1. 其成立和生效要件需受法律全面规制,如表决权信托契约的书面签订和公开披露、信托目的合法、信托标的和期限的确定等,皆在其中。

    The principles of establishment and effect such as writing and disclosing voting trust certificate , legal trust purpose , object and duration are must be in accord with law .

  2. 信托受托人处于信托关系的核心,对信托目的的实现起着决定作用。

    Trustee of trust is in the core of the trust relation , playing a decisive role to the realization of the trust purpose .

  3. 信托目的自由化;

    The purpose liberalization of trust ;

  4. 信托目的违反法律、行政法规或者损害社会公共利益;

    The purposes of the trust constitute a violation of laws or administrative regulations , or impair public interest ;

  5. 本文将从信托目的、信托期间、指定受托人、监察人四个方面去探讨目的信托之特有属性。

    This article will probe into the character of purpose trust focusing on the following four aspects : purpose , duration , designated person , enforcer .

  6. 第二步:由受托人按照信托的目的管理处分信托财产,并将管理处分信托财产所得的信托利益分配给受益人。

    Third stage , the trustee manages the trust property according to the objective of the trust .

  7. 其实应该跳出这个狭隘的框架,资产证券化中的特定目的信托只是特定目的信托这个大概念中的一个分概念。

    It should be out of the narrow framework . The asset securitization in the special purpose trust is only a concept of the specific purpose .

  8. 为了减少立法成本,建议制定一部专门的资产证券化法对于设立特殊目的载体进行规制,并对资产转移、信托型特殊目的载体发行证券、设立公司型特殊目的载体提出了立法建议。

    Legislative proposals are raised by thesis for legal issues of transfer assets , the issues of special purpose trust issuing securities , the establishment of special purpose company .

  9. 因此,在绝大多数情况下受托人的投资决策是相对独立的,受益人无法对之产生根本性的影响,有时候信托的设立目的正是为了保护那些不具有完全行为能力的受益人。

    Therefore , in most cases the trustee investment decision is relatively independent , beneficiary to produce fundamental cannot influence , sometimes trust establishment aim is to protect those who do not have completely ability of conduct beneficiary .

  10. 而信托型特殊目的载体的适用在我国现存法律框架下是一个现实的选择,本章从证券的发行、筹集、投资者保护、市场流通和税收等方面提出了法律建议。

    Special purpose trust is one realistic choice under in existence legal frame organizational form . This chapter has proposed the legal suggestion from such respects as security issue , raising , investor 's protection , market circulation and tax revenue of the securities , etc.

  11. 1999年在香港交易所上市的单位信托基金,其目的是出售外汇基金持有的部分香港股票。

    The unit trust listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in1999to dispose of part of the exchange funds Hong Kong equity portfolio .

  12. 信托的存续违反信托目的;

    The continuance of the trust goes against the purposes of the trust ;

  13. 公益信托是指以公益目的为信托目的的信托。

    But the public trust refers to the public for the purpose of our trust .

  14. 信托的制度功能与理财优势的发挥、信托目的的实现以及受益人利益的保护全凭通过监管促使信托公司忠实、全面地履行义务才能得到保证。

    The trust system function and financing superiority , realization of trust purposes and assurance of beneficiary 's benefit all depend on trust company carrying out obligations faithfully and entirely .

  15. 受托人作为信托关系的主导者,决定着信托事务和目的的完成和实现,在信托关系中占据着极其重要的地位。

    As regarded the leader of the trust relation , the trustee who occupying the extremely important position in the trust relation decides the completion of trust affairs and realizing of trust purpose .

  16. 土地信托客体为受托人依照委托人的意愿或信托目的对土地所有权或借地权进行管理和处分。

    Trustee aim to manage and dispose of land ownership or lends land ownership in accordance with the wishes of the principal purposes of the trust or the objects of trust .

  17. 但是,特定目的信托是即便暂时没有受益人,只要有明确的信托目的,也可成立信托,且已被日本法等所承认。

    However , special purpose trust is as the beneficiary is not exist , as long as there is a clear purpose of trust , Can also set up a trust . And it has been acknowledged in Japan law .

  18. 信托受托人是信托关系中最重要的当事人,它关乎信托目的的实现和信托事务运作的成败。

    The Trustee is the most important party in the trust relationship playing a key role in realizing the trusts end and operating the trusts cases successfully .

  19. 从信托制度的本质看,信托具有受人之托、代人理财的独特功能,只要信托目的合法,则任何形式的理财都可以成立,也就是说信托投资范围十分宽广。

    Seen from essence of the trust system , trust has unique function which is called " trusted by the people , financing for the people " .

  20. 但是表决权信托毕竟是一种特殊类型的信托,有特殊的存在价值。当事人设立表决权信托的主要目的是获取公司控制权。

    But voting trust is a special kind of trust after all and has special purpose , which is gaining control of voting power of corporate stock .

  21. 信托财产的独立性是指信托财产独立于委托人、受益人和受托人等信托关系人并仅为信托目的而存在的基本特性;

    Independence is a fundamental character of trust property which trust property exists independently outside trust parties and only for trust purpose ;