- 网络trust purpose

The principles of establishment and effect such as writing and disclosing voting trust certificate , legal trust purpose , object and duration are must be in accord with law .
Trustee of trust is in the core of the trust relation , playing a decisive role to the realization of the trust purpose .
The purpose liberalization of trust ;
The purposes of the trust constitute a violation of laws or administrative regulations , or impair public interest ;
This article will probe into the character of purpose trust focusing on the following four aspects : purpose , duration , designated person , enforcer .
Third stage , the trustee manages the trust property according to the objective of the trust .
It should be out of the narrow framework . The asset securitization in the special purpose trust is only a concept of the specific purpose .
Legislative proposals are raised by thesis for legal issues of transfer assets , the issues of special purpose trust issuing securities , the establishment of special purpose company .
Therefore , in most cases the trustee investment decision is relatively independent , beneficiary to produce fundamental cannot influence , sometimes trust establishment aim is to protect those who do not have completely ability of conduct beneficiary .
Special purpose trust is one realistic choice under in existence legal frame organizational form . This chapter has proposed the legal suggestion from such respects as security issue , raising , investor 's protection , market circulation and tax revenue of the securities , etc.
The unit trust listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in1999to dispose of part of the exchange funds Hong Kong equity portfolio .
The continuance of the trust goes against the purposes of the trust ;
But the public trust refers to the public for the purpose of our trust .
The trust system function and financing superiority , realization of trust purposes and assurance of beneficiary 's benefit all depend on trust company carrying out obligations faithfully and entirely .
As regarded the leader of the trust relation , the trustee who occupying the extremely important position in the trust relation decides the completion of trust affairs and realizing of trust purpose .
Trustee aim to manage and dispose of land ownership or lends land ownership in accordance with the wishes of the principal purposes of the trust or the objects of trust .
However , special purpose trust is as the beneficiary is not exist , as long as there is a clear purpose of trust , Can also set up a trust . And it has been acknowledged in Japan law .
The Trustee is the most important party in the trust relationship playing a key role in realizing the trusts end and operating the trusts cases successfully .
Seen from essence of the trust system , trust has unique function which is called " trusted by the people , financing for the people " .
But voting trust is a special kind of trust after all and has special purpose , which is gaining control of voting power of corporate stock .
Independence is a fundamental character of trust property which trust property exists independently outside trust parties and only for trust purpose ;