
  • 网络Trust financing;Fiducial Financing
  1. 中国MBO信托融资模式研究

    Chinese MBO Trust Financing Modes

  2. 房地产企业信托融资研究

    Research on Real Estate Trusts Used by Real Estate Enterprises

  3. 基础设施项目利用信托融资的模式研究

    Research on the Mode of Trust Financing Used by Infrastructure Construction Project

  4. 我国管理层收购信托融资的法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Problems of China 's MBO Trust Financing

  5. 房地产信托融资分析与研究

    Analysis and Research of Real Estate Investment Trust Financing

  6. 信托融资和产业基金融资作为次优的方式可作为备选方案。

    Trust financing and industrial investment fund can be used as the spare instruments .

  7. 最后,结合案例对信托融资的资金成本进行分析。

    Finally , fund cost of trust financing is analyzed , combining some cases .

  8. 其次,提出房地产信托融资的一般操作流程和不同信托类型具体的操作流程;

    Next , the general and concrete operation procedure of Real Estate Trust is proposed .

  9. 并使用博弈分析对中小微企业信托融资的信用风险以及风险控制措施进行了分析。

    And analyse the credit risk and risk control measures of small and medium-sized enterprises by the game analysis .

  10. 而保理融资、证券化融资、信托融资和外债融资是我国融资租赁公司现阶段最现实的选择和最有可能实现突破的融资渠道。

    While factoring financing , securitization financing , trust financing and foreign debt financing are the most realistic and possible financing channels .

  11. 土地信托融资成本低,募集方式灵活,利率比较灵活,适合用于城市新区土地成片开发等大型项目。

    Land trust , as a low-cost and flexible interest rates way , is favorable for those projects of developing city subdivision .

  12. 本文是关于110国道北京段改建项目的信托融资方案。

    This article is about the trust financing plan of the 110 ~ ( th ) National Highway Beijing Section reconstruction project .

  13. 第五部分:运用风险分析技术研究房地产企业运用信托融资的主要风险以及防范风险的措施。

    Fifthly , the main risks faced by real estate enterprises and precautionary measures in financing are analyzed by using risk analysis technique .

  14. 发展房地产信托融资,可以为房地产业的发展融通大量的资金,解决房地产开发的资金来源问题。

    It can concentrate the massive funds for the real estate industry through developing real estate trust , the solution property development capital source question .

  15. 但今年房地产市场下滑导致小型开发商陷入困境,他们往往依赖于信托融资。

    But the decline of the real estate market this year has caused distress among the smaller developers , which often relied on trust financing .

  16. 然后对房地产项目信托融资方式创新,在具体实践和应用中的配套条件进行分析。

    And the trust of the mode of financing real estate projects and innovation in the concrete practice and application of the matching conditions for analysis .

  17. 工商企业信托融资规模出现强劲增长的同时,中国银监会叫停了一些公司的房地产信托业务。

    The strong growth in trust financing for industry and commerce has coincided with the trusts being levered out of the property sector by the China Banking Regulatory Commission .

  18. 与其他融资方式相比,信托融资具有融资速度快、成本低、风险小、收益较高等特点,能够满足城市基础设施较大融资规模,节约融资成本的需求。

    Compared with other financing ways , the advantages of the trust are the quicker financing speed , the lower cost , the smaller risk , and a higher income .

  19. 目前房地产公司可通过银行贷款融资、加强整合或合作开发融资、信托融资与预售房屋融资等解决融资问题。

    At present real estate company can solve financing by bank loan financing , strengthening the conformity or cooperation to develop financing , trust financing and financing of selling in advance .

  20. 进行信托融资与股票融资、债券融资、银行信贷相比具有很大的优势:手续简便、门槛低、融资速度快。而手续繁缛、门槛高正是中小企业融资困难的最主要原因之一。

    Compared with other means of financing such as stocks , bonds or bank lending , trust financing excels in procedure and speed , which are the main obstacles facing SMEs .

  21. 虽然这种信托融资方式在我国已经初见成效,但是问题依然存在,特别是风险的防控问题。

    Although this mode of financing the use of the Trust has achieved initial success in China , but the problem still exists , especially in risk prevention and control issues .

  22. 首先,它能拓宽东方信托融资客户的融资渠道,降低银行贷款风险,支持房地产业务健康稳定地发展。

    First of all , it can broaden the financing channels of finance customer , reduce the risk of bank loans to support the healthy and stable development of the real estate business .

  23. 同时对项目信托融资方式创新,在具体实践和应用中的配套条件进行分析。最后得出结论:房地产项目信托融资方式创新有利于大众投资者、房地产业、信托业及证券业的发展;

    Finally , it draws the conclusion : the innovation of real estate projects trust financing means is favorable to the development of mass investors , real estate industry , trust industry and securities development ;

  24. 房地产信托融资从今年第一季度开始出现下降,已发放信托贷款规模一季度减少了17亿元。

    That 's started to show in the data . Trust financing of the property sector went into reverse in the first quarter of this year with outstanding trust loans falling by 1.7 billion yuan .

  25. 过去五个季度工商业信托融资的平均增速为17.72%,超过了对基础设施、房地产和中国经济其他领域的贷款增速,对某些领域的贷款甚至已经在减少。

    Growth has averaged 17.72 % per quarter over the last five quarters . That outpaces the growth in lending or in some cases , a fall in lending to infrastructure , property and other parts of the Chinese economy .

  26. 利用内部集合资金信托的融资实践

    The Capital-raising Practice of Utilizing the Trust of the Internal Integration Funds

  27. 最后,并购融资新渠道、信托并购融资与金融创新等若干企业并购融资问题进行了探讨。

    In the last part , discussion is carried out regarding the future of equity financing and convertible bond financing , as well as innovative financing channels and other corporate finance issues relating to M & A transactions .

  28. 同时,采用信托贷款融资的贷款人对项目收益具有优先分配权,贷款人的利益得到优先保障,从而增强贷款银行对项目的融资信心。

    At the same time , the lenders in the TBS finance have priority in claiming the project income , which better secures their lending interest in the projects . This enhances the lender 's confidence in the project .

  29. 第二章,介绍了股权投资信托、股权融资信托和股权管理信托以及它们各自的特点。

    Chapter II introduced the investment trusts , financing Trusts , management Trust , and The characteristics of them .

  30. 但是靠信托公司获得融资的房地产开发商的问题更大。信托公司是一种财富管理公司,在中国政府去年加紧了对银行放贷的限制之后,信托公司已经成为房地产行业新的合法贷款的主要来源。

    But the greater problem lies with developers who rely for funding on trust companies , a type of wealth-management firm that took over as the main source of legal new lending to the property sector after Beijing reined in banks last year .