
  1. 本章主要从我国信托法,信托主体性的立法处理以及信托公示制度三个方面展开分析。

    The suggestions are proposed to three aspects as follows : Trust Law of China , the solution of legal entity quality of Trust in legislation and the Trust Publicity system .

  2. 房地产投资信托基金参与主体选择研究

    Study on the Choice of the Participators in Real Estate Investment Trusts

  3. 本文主要研究我国房地产投资信托基金参与主体的选择问题,关于这方面,我国的研究基本上是空缺的或者说是不够深入。

    This paper study on the choice of the participators of real estate investment trusts in china .

  4. 遗嘱信托中的主体指遗嘱信托的委托人、受托人及受益人,遗嘱信托中的客体主要指遗嘱信托财产。

    Subject in the Testamentary Trust means trustor , trustee and beneficiary of the Testamentary Trust , and object means the estate of Testamentary Trust .

  5. 受托人忠实义务是从事信托业务的主体所必须遵守的义务与行为规则,对于规范行业秩序、保护受益人的利益具有十分重要的作用。

    The duty of loyalty to which the party of trust industry must obey plays a very important role in regulating the industry order and protecting the interests of the beneficiary .

  6. 现有文献仅限于对基金产品品种的设计,对发展房地产投资信托基金的主体未作深入的研究。

    Existing documents are only limited to the design of the product variety of the fund , what has not done thorough is studied the subject which develops trust fund of real estate investment .

  7. 进入21世纪以来,我国金融服务业不断发展,已经形成了一个以银行业、证券业、保险业、信托业为主体,其他金融服务业为补充,相对比较完善的金融服务体系。

    Since the 21st century , financial services of our country develop rapidly . Now , our country has formed a relative perfect financial service system , which take banking , securities , insurance industries and trust business as main body and other financial services for complement .

  8. 根据主流学术观点,农村土地承包经营权信托法律关系的主体包括委托人、受托人、受益人三方主体。

    According to mainstream academic point of view , subject of such trust law relationship including : client 、 trustee and beneficiary .

  9. 信托机构风险是信托机构作为风险主体在经营中可能面临损失的不确定性。

    The writer considers trust institution risks to be the uncertainty of financial lost facing the main body of trust institutions in managements .

  10. 针对我国不动产信托登记制度存在主要问题,应借鉴国外立法例,明确具体的不动产信托登记主体和登记方式。

    In view of real estate trusts registration system problems existing in China , we should draw lessons from foreign legislation , and define specific realty trust registration subject and registration way clearly .

  11. 受益人即信托证书持有人,常常与委托人(设立表决权信托的股东)是同一人,他们则处于信托的权利主体的地位,主要享有对信托财产的受益权和对受托人的监督权。

    The parties to a voting trust mainly are settlers , trustee ( s ) and beneficiaries .

  12. 遗嘱信托的关系人主要包括委托人、受托人和受益人,笔者分别对其资格和权利义务进行介绍,旨在确定与遗嘱信托主体相关的各项内容。

    The relative parties include trustor , trustee and beneficiary , their qualification , right and obligation will be introduced respectively , in order to confirm all the contents related to the subject of Testamentary trust .