
xìn tuō tóu zī ɡōnɡ sī
  • trust and investment company
  1. 上世纪90年代亚洲金融危机期间,尽管拥有广东省政府的隐性担保,广东国际信托投资公司(guangdonginternationaltrust)仍走向了破产。

    During the 1990s Asian financial crisis , the Guangdong International Trust went bust , in spite of an implicit Guangdong state government guarantee .

  2. HTT信托投资公司风险管理体系研究

    Research on the Risk Management System of HTT Affiance Investment Company

  3. 信托投资公司资信的模糊综合评估方案研究

    On Fuzzy Comprehensive evaluation on the credit of the trust company

  4. 计算机在信托投资公司股票投资审计中的应用

    Application of Computer in Stock Investment Audit of Trust Investment Corporations

  5. 标准的公司治理理论是以非金融企业为研究对象的,这一理论并不适用于定位于长期金融和资产管理功能的非银行性金融机构&信托投资公司。

    The standard corporate governance theory takes non-financial enterprises as research objects .

  6. 2004年度信托投资公司经营业绩聚类分析

    The Clustering Analysis of Achievements of Trust and Investment Companies in 2004

  7. 中国国际信托投资公司(中信)

    China International Trust and Investment Corporation ( CITIC )

  8. 创新:信托投资公司求生发展之路

    Innovation : The Survival and Development Path for the Trust & Investment Companies

  9. 《信托投资公司管理办法》评析

    Analysis of management regulations of Trust Investment Company

  10. 中国国际信托投资公司。

    China international trust & investment corporation .

  11. 中国农村发展信托投资公司

    China Agricultural Development and Trust Investment Corporatio

  12. 中国国际信托投资公司可能愿意同某些拥有先进技术的小公司打交道。

    CITIC may want to deal with some of these very small , advanced technology firms .

  13. 论企业债务与资产重组及信托投资公司之参与

    The realignment of enterprises ' debts , assets and the trust investment companies ' participation in

  14. 我国信托投资公司品牌营销实施系统综合评价研究

    The Research on Comprehensive Evaluation Method Based on Brand Marketing Execution System of Domestic Trust Investment Company

  15. 信托投资公司不得为信托资金借入项款。

    An investment and trust company shall not borrow funds for the account of its trust funds .

  16. 中国的现行法律,银行和信托投资公司可以接受委托贷款。

    China 's current law , banks and trust companies can be commissioned to accept the loan .

  17. 成立于1986年的大连国际信托投资公司(简称大连国投)是典型的国有金融机构。

    Dalian International Trust & Investment Corporation ( DITIC ) which was founded in 1986 is an example .

  18. 中国风险投资业的主体应当是国内外基金、债券公司和信托投资公司。

    The venture capital must be offered by foreign and domestic funds , bond corporations and affiance corporations .

  19. 广东国际信托投资公司申请破产这件事情,是中国金融改革过程中的一个个别事件。

    The application bv Gitic for bankruptcv is an individual case in the course of financjal reform in China .

  20. 本文的目的是对信托投资公司在制定和实旌全面风险管理战略时,起到帮助和参考作用。

    The purpose of this thesis is to help the Trust company formulate and implement comprehensive risk management strategy .

  21. 论述了《信托投资公司管理办法》的主要内容及特点。

    The thesis discusses the main contents and characteristics of the " Management Regulation on Trust Investment Company " .

  22. 信托投资公司终止时,信托财产不属于其清算财产。

    When a TIC ceases operation , the entrusted property shall not be included in assets to be liquidated .

  23. 作为受托人的信托投资公司在这种融资模式中起着不可替代的媒介作用。

    As trustee of the trust and investment companies in the financing model in which the media plays an irreplaceable role .

  24. 运用聚类分析法,对我国33家信托投资公司进行了实证分析。

    Use cluster 's analytic approach , has carried on real example analysis to33 trust and investment corporations in our country .

  25. 本文还运用图表的形式,简要地提出几种信托投资公司发展成为金融控股公司的组织形式。

    Then the thesis describes briefly certain kinds of organizing structure of the financial controlling company in the form of the charts .

  26. 经营外汇业务的信托投资公司,其注册资本中应包括不少于等值1500万美元的外汇。

    A TIC engaged in foreign exchange business shall have foreign currency of no less than USD15 million in its registered capital .

  27. 信托投资公司、财务公司、金融租赁公司和信用社比照执行。

    The trust and investment companies , finance companies , finance leasing companies and credit cooperatives shall conduct by reference to these Measures .

  28. 曾先后任中国国际信托投资公司汕头公司专职法律顾问、广东律师事务所律师。

    He used to be the legal adviser of China International Trust and Investment Corporation Shantou Branch and a lawyer with Guangdong Law Office .

  29. 绝大部分的信托投资公司在重新拿到信托牌照之后,业务的开拓都比较积极进取,尤其是有民营资本进入的信托机构。

    Most trust investment corporations , especially private trust organizations are after getting the license plate of trust again and keep business forging ahead actively .

  30. 信托投资公司在完善和活跃资本市场,缓解投资与融资之间的供需矛盾,拓宽新的投融资渠道,促进资源的优化配置方面具有无可替代的作用。

    Trust and Investment Corporation have a unique effect on consummate capital market , abatement the contradiction of supply and demand , optimize resource configure .