
  • 网络international loan
  1. 略论国际借款合同的准据法

    On Applicable Law of International Loan Contracts

  2. 正确确定合同准据法是有效解决国际借款合同法律冲突的关键,准据法的确定一般应遵循当事人意思自治原则和有管辖权的法院确认原则。

    The correct determination of the applicable law of contracts is the key to effectively resolving conflicts of law arising from international loans . The confirmation of the applicable law should commonly follow the doctrine of party autonomy and the principle of the decision of court with jurisdiction .

  3. 而且还向国际市场借款。

    It 's borrowing on the international market .

  4. 交通运输物流基础设施属于高投资、高风险、类公益性项目,若单靠国家和地方政府投资是非常困难的,若靠国际贷款、借款,又会增加我国债务负担。

    Huge investment and large venture and analogue publicity are characteristic of the infrastructure construction of transportation logistics . It is difficulty that department takes on all investment .

  5. 所谓外债,是指国家向其他国家政府、银行、国际金融组织的借款。

    So-called external debt , it is the loan that points to a country to be organized to finance of other country government , bank , international .