
  • 网络direct seller;Direct selling Member
  1. 直销员考试应含有上款所规定的内容。

    Direct seller 's exam should cover above contents .

  2. 《直销员证》、《直销培训员证》由直销企业按商务部制定的规范式样印制。

    Ministry of Commerce will stipulate samples for Direct Seller Certificate and Certificate of Direct Selling Trainer .

  3. POP这一便捷、高效、廉价的广告直销员得到了前所未有的发展。

    POP this convenient , effective and cheap advertisement salesman has gotten unprecedented development .

  4. 本条例所称直销员,是指在固定营业场所之外将产品直接推销给消费者的人员。

    The sales promoters , as mentioned in the present Regulation , shall refer to any personnel who sell products directly to consumers outside the fixed outlets .