
  1. 知识产权投资作为无形资产投资,对知识产权确定性有潜在的高要求。

    Intellectual property investments , as an intangible asset investment , have potentially high demand for the intellectual property rights certainty .

  2. 它们还希望,投资者和制造业企业将会在专利等知识产权投资回报前景的激励下,参与开发。

    They are also hoping that investors and manufacturing companies will play a part in development , motivated by the prospect of getting a return on investment through the exploitation of intellectual property ( IP ) rights , such as patents .

  3. 通过服务贸易总协定的服务贸易,以及与贸易相关的知识产权和投资措施。中国成为WTO成员后,同印度有着共同的利益和共同立场,有利于两国的进一步合作。

    China who will soon be admitted into WTO has the same interests and views in relation to WTO with India , and China 's admission into WTO will help promote co-operation between the two neighbors .

  4. 他表示,美国需要扩大与中国的接触,关注知识产权和投资保护等其它问题。

    He said that the US needed to broaden its approach to China and focus on other issues , including intellectual property rights and investment protection .

  5. 参与谈判的各国还为在政府采购、监管连贯性、竞争力、发展、知识产权与投资等方面的新标准达成协议采取了步骤。

    The group also took steps toward agreement on new standards for government procurement , regulatory coherence , competitiveness , development , intellectual property and investment .

  6. 另外,没有经验证明在知识产权和吸引投资之间存在关系。

    Furthermore , there was no empirically proven relation between IP and the attraction of investment .

  7. 完善知识产权和风险投资法制建设是建设中关村科技园区法治环境的关键。

    The protection of intellectual property rights and perfecting legal system of risk investment are the keys to build the legal system of Zhongguancun Science Park .

  8. 大学从事高技术创业投资必须具备2个条件:对技术成果拥有自主知识产权;项目投资与学科建设相容。

    A university 's high-tech venture investment should have two preconditions : the autonomy of intellectual property in technical achievements and the consistency of the venture investment with discipline construction .

  9. 知识产权保护在国际投资法中的地位

    The Preliminary Analysis of the Status of Intellectual Property Protection in International Investment Law

  10. 我们收购了几家公司,购买知识产权,进行生产投资,建立商店。

    We 've acquired several companies , bough intellectual property , invested in production , built out stores .

  11. 金立群表示,企业要求加强知识产权保护,这么做有利于增加与知识产权相关的投资。

    Jin added that business required stronger intellectual property rights so that it would increase IP-related investments .

  12. 在界定高技术企业技术标准联盟知识产权战略基本类型基础上,从联盟企业知识产权开发的投资强度、投资阶段、研发信息滞后状态三个视角构建了技术标准联盟知识产权开发的先占权博弈模型。

    Through defining the basic types of intellectual property strategies , the preemptive game model of intellectual property development was constructed from the investment level , stage and R & D information lagging .

  13. 知识经济时代,企业和国家间的竞争很大程度上就是知识产权的竞争,因此各国跨国公司无不把知识产权作为竞相追逐的焦点,把目标国知识产权保护作为对外投资中的重要考虑问题。

    The era of knowledge economy , the competition of the enterprises and the countries is a large extent of intellectual property competition , so all the multinational companies competing intellectual property as the focus of the chase , and intellectual property protection as the important consideration of foreign investment .