
  • 网络insurance investment
  1. 研究VaR对于保险投资风险管理的影响可以防患于未然,有效地避免由于信用风险和市场风险带来的损失。

    Studying VaR is possible to guard against the insurance investment risk , and avoid lossing which credit risk and market risk brings .

  2. 西方发达国家保险投资的比较与借鉴

    Comparison and Enlightenment of Insurance Investment of Western Developed Countries

  3. 基于VaR模型的保险投资风险度量与绩效评价

    Risk Measurement and Performance Appraisal of Insurance Funds Investment Based upon VaR Model

  4. VaR方法对我国保险投资风险管理的借鉴及应用

    The Model and the Application of the VaR Method to the Investment Risk Management in Our Country 's Insures

  5. 所以,我国现行保险投资监管法律制度亟需予以补充和完善,以适应我国保险业的发展和WTO进程,为保险投资提供法律保障。

    Therefore , to adapt with the development of insurance and the process of entering WTO , we must improve and supplement the current insurance investment supervision system , in order to supply the law guarantee for the legal insurance investment .

  6. 作为尝试,文中最后提出了保险投资操作风险管理的一般框架。再次,本文重点研究了保险资金运用的VaR风险限额管理。

    Furthermore , The paper attempts to provide a general framework of operational risk management of insurance funds usage . Thirdly , the paper focuses on the risk limitation quota management of insurance funds usage .

  7. PA-α模型下异质的养老保险投资组合的研究

    Study of Heterogeneous Endowment Policies Portfolios Under PA - α Model

  8. 证券投资是保险投资的主要组成部分;

    Bond investment is the major composition part of safe investment ;

  9. 二是保险投资渠道相对狭窄;

    Secondly , the investment channels of the fund are relatively restricted ;

  10. 保险投资的组织模式及我国保险业的对策研究

    The Organization Mode of Insurance Investment and Countermeasure Research of Chinese Insurance

  11. 我国保险投资风险分析与管理研究

    The Research on Risk Analysis and Management in Insurance Investment of China

  12. 本文就保险投资基金这一保险投资的重要形式进行了探讨。

    The point of this article is to discuss the Insurance Investment Fund .

  13. 中国保险投资若干问题的思考

    Thinking on Several Topics of China 's Insurance Investment

  14. 其二,完善对保险投资的法律监管;

    Second , to perfect our insurance investment regulation ;

  15. 保险投资风险理论研究

    Study on the Theory of the Insurance Investment Risk

  16. 保险投资的最优投资比例研究

    Research on Optimum Investment Proportion of Insurance Investment

  17. 因此,从法学角度研究保险投资制度的完善,即法律应当如何为保险投资监管提供制度上的保障,是十分有意义的。

    So it is significant to research on the improvement of insurance investment system .

  18. 保险投资创新研究

    Studies of Investment Innovations in the Insurance Industry

  19. 保险投资:发展障碍与发展路径

    Insurance Investment : Development Obstacle and Path

  20. 第四章:作为比较研究的基础,考察了西方发达国家保险投资的发展状况和具体实践,主要是在投资机构设置和资产组合方面的一些做法。

    The forth part makes a comparison in the insurance investment practice of developed countries .

  21. 本文主要对保险投资的风险管理理论与方法进行较为深入的研究。

    This paper mainly focuses on exploring risk management and implementation strategy for insurance investment .

  22. 论保险投资机制的建立

    On the Building of Insurance Investment Mechanism

  23. 我国保险投资现状及投资体系建立

    On Current Situation of Insurance Investment and the Construction of Insurance Investment System in China

  24. 中国保险投资基金研究

    Study on Insurance Investment Fund In China

  25. 保险投资和保险承保一起被喻为现代保险业运转的两个轮子。

    Insurance investment and insurance underwriting have been seen as two wheels in the insurance industry .

  26. 保险投资是现代保险公司生存与发展的重要支柱。

    Insurance investment is an important mainstay for the contemporary insurance company to survive and develop .

  27. 保险投资监管制度;

    Insurance investment watch system ;

  28. 因此,本文在分析目前我国保险投资中存在的问题的基础上,依据保险理论和现代投资组合理论,建立了保险投资组合模型。

    In order to solve these problems , this study established a combination model on insurance investment .

  29. 保险投资的法律监管

    Law Supervision on Insurance Investment

  30. 第五章:保险投资组合管理。

    Insurance investment portfolio management .