
rén kǒu sù zhì
  • population quality;characteristics of a population
  1. 建议高学历者可以生三胎以调整人口素质。

    I suggest that the country allow highly-educated people to have a third child to improve the population 's quality .

  2. 目的:应用TOPSIS法,评价我国少数民族的人口素质,以探讨TOPSIS法的特点。

    Objective : Chinese minorities population quality was evaluated with TOPSIS and the characteristics of TOPSIS were discussed .

  3. 提高教育、科研占GDP的比例,以全面改善和优化人口素质,才是推动国民经济协调、稳定、持续发展的关键。

    Improve education , scientific research accounted for the proportion of GDP so as to improve and optimize the quality of the population is to promote coordination of the national economy , stable and sustained development .

  4. 结论:浙江省新生儿CH发病率不低,开展对新生儿TSH筛查,将有利于优生优育工作的开展和人口素质的提高。

    Conclusion : The incidence of congenital hypothyroidism in Zhejiang Province is not low . The TSH screening in newborns is significant in eugenics and the improvement of population quality .

  5. 目的开展新生儿先天性甲状腺功能减退症(CH)的筛查及临床治疗,以期降低残疾儿童的发生率,提高我国人口素质。

    Objective To develop the newborn screening and treatment for congenital hypothyroidism ( CH ) in order to prevent the children from growth and mental retardation and to improve the population quality in China .

  6. LD人群已成为阻碍国家人口素质以及国民经济发展急待解决的问题之一,尤其在我国计划生育、优生优育的今天,LD问题的解决就显得更为迫切、更为重要。

    The people of LD has become one of the issue obstructing nation population quality and country economy development , which need to solve in urgency , especially in present when our country is implementing family planning and prepotency with excellent raise .

  7. 提高人口素质,加快技术创新;

    Quality of population should be enhanced to guarantee technological innovation ;

  8. 浅议人口素质与资源环境观的建立

    Superfical View about the Population Quality and the Establishment of Resources-environment-standpoint

  9. 实现产业结构、生态环境和人口素质三个优化

    Optimize industrial structure , ecological environment and the quality of population

  10. 人口素质与教育在西部开发中的重要作用

    The Important Function of Population Quality and Education in Western Development

  11. 这引起了广大学者对人口素质的研究。

    Research on the population quality attracts vast number of scholars .

  12. 提高人口素质是中国21世纪的重要任务

    Improving Population Quality Being an Important Task in the 21st Century

  13. 论宋以来北方人口素质的下降

    On the Decline of Northern Population Quality since the Song Dynasty

  14. 发展教育.提高人口素质.开发利用人力资源;

    Developing education and promoting population quality and utilizing human resources ;

  15. 我国人口素质水平的统计分析

    Statistics Analysis of the Population Quality Level of Our Country

  16. 人口素质的家庭影响因素分析

    Analysis on the family factors that influence the population quality

  17. 我国各地区人口素质差异的主成分和聚类分析

    Principal Component and Cluster Analysis on the Quality of People in China

  18. 最后根据指标体系的定量分析结果,给出提高西部人口素质的对策。

    Eventually , give solution of improving West Population Quality with that .

  19. 入世:对我国人口素质提出挑战

    Accessing to WTO : A Challenge to Our Population Quality

  20. 略论生态环境变化与人口素质区域差异研究

    Comments on changes of ecologic enviroment and regional differences of population quality

  21. 语言教育是决定人口素质高低的重要条件之一。

    Language education is one of the conditions in training qualified personnel .

  22. 康有为人口素质教育思想初探

    A Preliminary Research on Kang Youwei 's Thought of Population Quality Education

  23. 贵州省劳动力人口素质研究

    The Research on the Labor Population Quality of Guizhou

  24. 甘肃的人口素质问题与可持续发展

    The Population Quality and Sustainable Development in Gansu Province

  25. 社会发展对人口素质影响的实证分析

    About the Effects of Social Development to Population Quality

  26. 我国房地产价格与城市人口素质关系之研究

    A Study on the Relation Between Domestic Housing Price and Urban Population Qualities

  27. 把提高人口素质放到优先地位。

    To improve the quality of population into priority .

  28. 结论①我市先天性甲状腺功能减低症发病率高于全国平均水平;②新生儿疾病筛查是加强儿童保健,提高出生人口素质的关键措施之一。

    Neonatal disease screening is the key to improve the birth population quality .

  29. 此外,还有人口素质、精神生活和生活环境等。

    The population quality , spiritual life and living environment are important too .

  30. 贵州省出生人口素质偏低调查研究

    The Inquisition and Research of the Low Birth Population Character in Guizhou Province