
  • 网络urban population;city population;Population of the City;urbanites
  1. 游客人数的增长是导致该城市人口从20世纪50年代的175万人下降到目前人数的一个关键原因。

    The tourist increase is one key reason the city 's population is down from 175,000 in the 1950s .

  2. 城市人口空间分析及其GIS应用模型

    GIS Applied Model for the Spatial Analysis of Urban Population

  3. 城市人口中多数常见的疾病他们都没有接触到。

    They had not been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations

  4. 导弹是瞄准军事目标而不是瞄准城市人口稠密居住区的。

    The missiles are aimed at military targets , not at urban centres .

  5. 防止城市人口贫困

    Preventing pauperization of urban citizens .

  6. 城市人口GIS中数据的不确定性研究

    Uncertainties of Data in Urban Census GIS

  7. 本项研究模拟城市人口动态,集成多智能体、GIS、元胞自动机,自下而上建模,为城市发展、建设、管理和规划提供决策支持。

    In this research multi-agent , GIS and Cellular Automata ( CA ) are integrated together , and bottom-up modeling is used to provide decision support for city development .

  8. 我们的数据是1996&2008年的中国城市人口分性别的死亡率,该数据也是适合Lee-Carter模型的。

    We fit the model to the matrix of China death rates for each gender from 1996 to 2008 .

  9. 如果您只想从DBpedia中提取一个事实比如城市人口可以使用清单4中的这个查询语句。

    If you wanted to pull just one fact out of DBpedia such as the city 's metro population you could use a query like the one shown in Listing 4 .

  10. 目的:随着城市人口的老龄化,老年人高血压病(AHypn)的发病率日趋上升,它是危害老年人健康的最大流行病[1]。

    Objective : Following the aging of population in city , the incidence of senile hypertension ( AHypn ) is increased , it is a epidemic which harms to old folks health .

  11. 现在,大多数城市人口增长发生在发展中国家。

    Now most urban population growth is in the developing world .

  12. 伦敦城市人口变化及其经济社会影响初探

    The Demographic Changes in London & Their Social and Economical Effects

  13. 第六章是城市人口和社会阶层的变化。

    Chapter VI : The Change of City Population and Social Strata .

  14. 应用空间决策支持系统进行城市人口预测初探

    A research on the population forecast applied by Spatial Decision Support System

  15. 北京城市人口增长调控研究

    Research on the control of urban population growth in Beijing

  16. 城市人口密度、国内市场规模与就业增长

    City Population Density , Home Market Scale and Increasing Employment

  17. 特大城市人口增长和政策专家组会议

    Expert Group Meeting on Population Growth and Policies in Mega-Cities

  18. 城市人口增长过快,人口素质仍然不高;

    Overgrowing and low average quality of city population ;

  19. 中国城市人口增长过程及差异研究

    Process and Inequality of Urban Population Increase in China

  20. 世界城市人口状况

    The State of the Global Urban Population E City

  21. 如何控制大城市人口?

    How to Control the Population of Big Cities ?

  22. 城市人口金字塔在城市规划中的应用

    On Application of Urban Population Pyramid in urban Planning

  23. 政策建议:高度重视城市人口老龄化问题;

    Policy-making Suggestion Attach great importance to the aging problem of city residents ;

  24. 我国城市人口规模的变化

    The changes of city size in New China

  25. 此外,还对城市人口的累积概率分布规律做了分析和对比。

    Moreover , we make a comparison on accumulative probability distribution of urban population .

  26. 中日城市人口结构的对比分析&以中国大连市与日本北九州市为例

    The comparative study on the structure of the urban population between China and Japan

  27. 城乡人口的划分一直没有统一的标准,但无论以居民点人口规模为标准,还是以居民职业身份为标准,该时期我国城市人口的比重都有一定的提升。

    There are no general standards for us distinguishing urban population from rural population .

  28. 郑州市分形结构的动力相似分析&关于城市人口、土地和产值分维关系的实证研究

    A dynamic similarity analysis of fractal structure of the city of zhengzhou : 1958-1998

  29. 基于区域观点的稳定态城市人口规模模型研究

    On the regional stable-state urban size model

  30. 工业化的发展导致城市人口激增和大规模的住宅建设。

    The industrialization development causes the urban population to increase sharply with the large-scale residence .