
  • 网络knowledge of library and information science
  1. 《图书情报知识》载文和引文的分析与评价

    An analysis and an appraisement of the articles and citations carried by Document , Information and Knowledge

  2. 《图书情报知识》改版以来载文及作者的统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis on the Papers and Authors of Document , Information and Knowledge Since Its 's Transforming Edition

  3. 本文对《图书馆》、《图书馆建设》、《图书情报知识》等三种杂志今年第一期上发表的关于图书馆精神和图书馆权利的研究文章作了评价。

    This paper reviews and introduces some papers researched the library spirit on Issue 1 of this year of 《 Library 》、《 The Library Construction 》、《 The Library and Information Knowledge 》 .

  4. 论述了在新形势下图书馆工作人员只有具备良好的职业道德和开拓创新能力,具备图书情报知识和其他专业知识,能够熟练操作现代化设备,才能搞好读者服务工作。

    This paper discusses that the librarians must possess good professional ethics and innovation ability , possess book-information knowledge and other technical knowledge , and be able to operate modern equipment for the purpose of serving well the readers .

  5. 本文从充分利用图书馆的角度出发,认真分析了制约读者充分利用图书馆馆藏的主客观因素,主要有传统的管理服务理念、馆员的素质和读者图书情报知识不足等几方面。

    From the angle of making full use of the library , this paper analyzes the subjective factors that restrict readers to make good use of library collection , which mainly include traditional ways of managements and services , librarian 's basic quality , and lack of book information ect .

  6. 图书情报机构知识服务现状调查与存在问题分析

    Investigation of Knowledge Service Status of Library and Information Institutions & Analysis of Existing Problems

  7. 图书情报机构知识服务的战略管理与影响因素研究

    Research on the Strategic Management and Impact Factors of Knowledge Service in Library and Information Institutions

  8. 浅析图书情报机构知识服务平台构建的创新

    Analysis on the Innovation of the Construction of Knowledge Service Platform of Libraries and Information Institutions

  9. 图书情报领域知识服务体系构建研究

    A Study of the Formulation of a Knowledge Service System in the Field of Library and Information

  10. 国内图书情报类知识管理研究的计量分析

    Statistical Analysis of the Theses on Knowledge Management in the Field of Library and Information in China

  11. 图书情报学知识论研究:当前困境与未来趋向

    Research on Knowledge Theory of Library and Information Science : The Current Plight and the Future Trends

  12. 基于卓越阶段理论的图书情报机构知识服务体系构建研究

    Construction of the Knowledge Service Architecture of Library and Information Institutions Based on the Theory of Stages of Excellence

  13. 关于现代图书情报机构知识网络构建的思考&以广东省科技图书馆为例计量机构图书馆如何开发与利用计量学科文献资源

    The Thought of the Knowledge Network Construction of the Current Library How to Develop and Make use of the Metrology Literature Resources in Metrology Agency Library

  14. 分析了知识供应链理念用于图书情报机构知识服务的案例,为其他机构实践知识服务提供了借鉴。

    Through anglicizing of the knowledge supply chain concept for library and information institutions in the case of knowledge services , provides for other institutions a reference .

  15. 基于卓越阶段理论研究探讨图书情报机构知识服务体系构建问题,阐述卓越阶段理论模型、卓越发展阶段判断及其导入图书情报机构知识服务研究的意义。

    Based on the study of the theory of stages of excellence , this paper discusses the construction of the knowledge service architecture of library and information institutions .

  16. 本文阐述了图书情报机构知识管理的概念,系统地分析了图书情报机构知识管理的内容、目的、功能、范围,探讨了图书情报机构知识管理的方法。

    The article puts forward the concept of knowledge management in libraries and information institutes , analyzes systematically its content , purpose , function and scope and probes into its ways too .

  17. 传播与计算机技术等外部因素的发展以及人们对信息内容管理的重视,改变了公众对图书情报学知识价值的看法。

    External developments in communication and computing technologies , with increased focus on managing the information content supported by these technologies have changed public perceptions about the value of library and information science knowledge .

  18. 信息和技术的快速发展,用户需求多种多样,图书情报机构知识服务工作变得愈加烦杂,使得知识服务互动和协同管理成为必要。

    With the rapid development of information and technology , the interaction of knowledge services and the collaboration management between them are necessary for library and information institutions because of the complexity library information services .

  19. 因此,如何实现传统图书馆到数字图书馆转型过程中的代价最小化和共享最大化,即如何解决图书情报界专有知识组织模式MARC面向WWW网络环境的问题,已经成为当前业内研究讨论的主要课题。

    Therefore , it has become a research hotspot in library and information field on how to solve the problems of the exclusive knowledge organization in a MARC mode under WWW-oriented network environment by minimizing the cost and maximizing the resource-sharing during the transition from traditional to digital library .

  20. 从认识和实践两方面分析了知识管理所存在的误区,并指出了图书情报机构实施知识管理应注意的问题。

    This paper analyzes on some error areas existing in knowledge management from two aspects of the cognation and the practice , and advances some problems that should be considered in carrying out the knowledge management in the libraries and information institutions .

  21. 知识管理是一种跨学科、跨领域的研究对象与管理思想,从职业特征看,图书情报人员是知识管理者的重要组成部分,情报学应属于知识管理研究范畴。

    Knowledge management ( KM ) is a kind of cross-discipline and cross-profession research subject and management thoughts . From the view of professional characteristics , librarians and information specialists are an important part of knowledge managers , and information science is a branch of KM research .

  22. 编制便于科研人员使用的《中图法》专业分类表,提高期刊论文分类标引的质量,是图书情报部门在知识组织管理中应作的工作。

    The working out of a specialized schedule to make it easier for scientific researchers to use the Chinese Library Classification System , to improve the qual-ity of the indexing of academic papers classification , is what librarians should do in their work of organizing and managing knowledge .

  23. 不妨把管理科学中信息资源管理概念统称为信息资源化管理,以强调利用信息资源进行管理;把图书情报学中的知识管理统称为知识资源管理,以突出对知识资源的管理技术的研究。

    They think that we can regard the concept of information resource management in management science as the management of information as resource , and regard knowledge management in library and information science as knowledge resource management .

  24. 同时,新形势要求图书情报专业人员的知识结构中包括技术知识、管理知识、文献信息知识和研究方法知识。

    LIS professionals could act as knowledge miners , knowledge organizers , knowledge navigators , and knowledge brokers . The new situation requires LIS professionals to possess knowledge on technology , management , literary information , and researching methods .