
Tú wǎ lú
  • Tuvalu
  1. 斐济共和国是南太平洋的岛国,位于瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)东部,汤加(Tonga)西部和图瓦卢(Tuvalu)南部。

    The Republic of the Fiji Islands , or Fiji , is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean , east of Vanuatu , west of Tonga and south of Tuvalu .

  2. 若无紧急援助,图瓦卢将危在旦夕。

    Without urgent help , the country 's days are numbered .

  3. 图瓦卢,是南太平洋的一个岛。

    Tuvalu . it 's an island in the South pacific .

  4. 南图瓦卢礁群区重力资料的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of gravity data on the South Tuvalu reef group area

  5. 没有图瓦卢的森林覆盖数据。

    No data are available for Tuvalu .

  6. 从太平洋岛国图瓦卢将被淹没所想到的

    Thinking about Island Country Tuvalu being Submerged

  7. 没有几个地方能像图瓦卢那样远离尘世纷争。

    There are only a few places more distant from the world 's strife than Tuvalu .

  8. 太平洋小岛国图瓦卢上周在一项重要问题上公开和中国唱反调。

    Tuvalu , the tiny Pacific island , publicly opposed China on an important issue last week .

  9. 图为一名图瓦卢儿童举着标语抗议导致温室效应的电器及其他产品的使用。

    Tuvalu child protests the use of appliances and other products which bring about green house effect .

  10. 图瓦卢目前每年从发放其国家域名.tv的使用许可上获得400万美元收入。

    Tuvalu receives $ 4m a year from licensing the rights to its country domain name , . tv .

  11. 图瓦卢是全球受到气候变暖影响最为严重的地方之一。

    Tuvalu is one of the places on earth that is most vulnerable to the affects of global warming .

  12. 他们在上周日抵达了所罗门群岛,并将在本周二结束访问之旅,终点站是岛国图瓦卢。

    They arrived in the Solomon Islands on Sunday and will end their trip Tuesday in the island nation of Tuvalu .

  13. 有意思的是,世界上第三和第四小的国家--瑙鲁和图瓦卢--都分别拥有自己的机场;

    Interestingly enough , the third and fourth smallest countries , Nauru and Tuvalu , respectively , have their own airports ;

  14. 不过威尼斯的缓慢下陷是因其地下的泥浆,而图瓦卢周围的海面上升则是因为全球变暖。

    While Venice is slowly sinking into the mud on which it stands , Tuvalu 's rising sea level is caused by global warming .

  15. 塔拉瓦声称,如果全球变暖导致海平面上升,本岛连同其邻国图瓦卢将遭灭顶之灾。

    Tarawa claims , along with the neighboring nation of Tuvalu , that it faces extinction should global warming lead to any sea level rise .

  16. 风暴和巨浪时时威胁着图瓦卢,而该国的九个小岛无一处在海平面5米以上。

    Storms and huge waves are a constant threat and none of Tuvalu 's nine little islands is more than five metres above sea level .

  17. 太平洋上的一个小国“图瓦卢”由于担心将被海洋吞噬,发出了求助讯号。

    TUVALU , a tiny country in the Pacific Ocean , has asked for help as it fears it will be swallowed up by the sea .

  18. 有三个国家是第一次参加奥运会:门第内格罗,马绍尔群岛,以及图瓦卢,这一岛国正遭受全球变暖带来的威胁。

    Three Olympic debutantes appeared in Beijing : Montenegro , the Marshall Islands and Tuvalu , a South Pacific nation whose very existence is threatened by global warming .

  19. 瓦努阿图、图瓦卢和孟加拉湾等地的居民,因海平面上升而要迁徙;1600万埃及人或需迁居。

    Whole communities in Vanuatu , Tuvalu and the Bay of Bengal have already relocated because of sea level rise , and16 million Egyptians may also have to leave their homes .

  20. 当太平洋岛国图瓦卢在哥本哈根提出未来更严格的减排要求时,中国对这一要求否决之迅速,令一些观察人士感到惊讶。

    When the Pacific island state of Tuvalu proposed in Copenhagen a tougher cut in future emissions , it was swiftly knocked back by China in a manner that surprised some observers .

  21. 小岛国图瓦卢以气候变化造成的损失和破坏为例争辩:“我们必须解决那些未被坎昆协议所解决的遗留问题”,或者说那些“未被很好解决的问题”。

    Tuvalu argued that " we have to resolve the remaining issues that were not resolved in Canc ú n " or which were only " poorly addressed ", nominating loss and damage as an example .

  22. 豪车和私人飞机已经不再是中国亿万富翁的购物首选,现在土豪们的野心更大了:去斐济、图瓦卢和大溪地当“岛主”。本月,部分富豪将组团前往南太平洋实地考察,求购属于自己的私人岛屿。

    Luxury cars and private jets are no longer topping the " to-buy " lists of Chinese billionaires . Instead , it appears that some are about to set off for the South Pacific later this month in search of something altogether bigger : Their very own island in Fiji , Tuvalu or Tahiti .