
kù lún dìnɡ lǜ
  • Coulomb's law
库仑定律 [kù lún dìng lǜ]
  • [Coulombs law] 在真空中沿两个点电荷(或两个磁极)之间的直线作用在电荷(或磁极)上的吸力或斥力正比于两电荷(或两磁极)强度之积、反比于两电荷(或两磁极)间距离的平方

  1. 利用矢势A和标势φ推出了毕-萨定律和库仑定律的一种广义形式,并应用它计算出了通电螺线管的磁场B和电场E。

    By the use of vector potential A and scalar potential φ, a generalized form of Biot-Savart and Coulomb 's Law is given , and the magnetic field B and electronical field E of helix are achieved .

  2. 毕-萨定律和库仑定律的推广及应用

    The Promotion and Application of Biot-Savart and Coulomb 's Law

  3. 用主从面(mastersurface-slavesurface)模型定义板料和模具的接触,摩擦力用库仑定律计算;

    Master surface-slave surface contact model is used to define the contact between tools and blank .

  4. 但是它还是没有终结,因为电子在这儿,的速度,处在非稳态,at,n,equals,two,very,nervous,因为存在更低的能态,并且有受核吸引的库仑定律。

    But it doesn 't end there because the electron is sitting up here n = 2 because there is a lower energy state and there is a coulombic attraction to the nucleus .

  5. 当平均法向应力σ≤6MPa时,冻结砂土抗剪强度近似服从库仑定律,此时粘聚力和内摩擦角随温度的降低而线性增大;

    When the average normal stress σ _3 < 6 MPa , the shear stress strength can approximately be expressed by Mohr ′ s law , and the cohesion and internal friction angle linearly increase with decrease of temperature ;

  6. 基于库仑定律的滚动轮表面接触应力分析

    Contact stress analysis of rolling wheel surface based on Coulomb theory

  7. 库仑定律和牛顿第二定律的理论推导

    Theoretical Derivation to Newton 's Second Law and the Law of Coulomb

  8. 库仑定律的局限性及工程应用的错误

    Limitation of Coulomb ? s Law and Its Misuse in Real Engineering

  9. 用分子电流观点推导磁库仑定律

    To deduce the coulomb 's law in aspect of molecular electric current

  10. 从库仑定律导出法拉弟电磁感应定律,从而说明,电磁场的各个规律同狭义相对论是完全一致的。

    Faraday 's law of electromagnetic induction derived from Coulomb 's law .

  11. 运动电荷的库仑定律与电场

    The Moving Electric Charge Coulomb Law and the Electric Field

  12. 论高斯定理和库仑定律的等价关系

    Discussion about equivalent relation between gauss 's law and coulomb 's law

  13. 库仑定律的确立、验证及其理论地位

    Formation and Verification of Coulomb 's Law and Its Position in Theory

  14. 对库仑定律适用条件和运用范围的探讨

    Approach the Suitable Condition and the Applicable Extent for the Law of Coulomb

  15. 这时再引入库仑定律。

    I just plug into the Coulomb 's Law .

  16. 库仑定律与光子质量

    Coulomb 's law and the mass of the photon

  17. 从库仑定律导出电磁场场方程;

    Electromagmetie field equations derived from Coulomb 's law ;

  18. 从库仑定律导出安培定律;

    Amperel 's law derived from Coulomb 's law ;

  19. 力的大小符合库仑定律。

    Force value is consistent with Coulomb 's law .

  20. 库仑定律适用条件再讨论

    Exploration For the Conditions of Coulomb 's Law

  21. 摘要首先从库仑定律出发导出了地层介质塑性流动条件。

    The plastic flowing conditions of formation medium are derived from Coulomb 's Low .

  22. 严格证明了库仑定律应用的范围只限于静止的电荷。

    It is proved that coulomb law is only applicable to static electric charges .

  23. 从普适性对比库仑定律与高斯定理的地位

    Comparing the position of Coulomb 's law and Gauss theorem in light of universality

  24. 重新导出其他定律,如万有引力定律、库仑定律等;

    Other laws such as the law of gravity and law of Coulomb are re-derived ;

  25. 为什么符合库仑定律?

    Why meet the Coulomb 's law ?

  26. 应用库仑定律求解有介质存在时点电荷所受作用力

    Applying Coulomb 's law to finding the electrical force acting on a point charge in the material

  27. 库仑定律的研究

    Research on Coulomb 's Law

  28. 库仑定律与毕奥&萨伐尔定律

    Coulomb Law and Biot-Savart Law

  29. 本文以库仑定律为基础,探讨岩土强度加固用于滑坡治理的设计方法。

    This paper inquires the landslide design method using rock and soil reinforcement based on the Coulomb law .

  30. 采用自锁概念分析二维弱面破坏与采用莫尔–库仑定律得到的结果一致。

    In case of two-dimensional problems , the model gives the same results as those of Mohr-Coulomb criterion .